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Everything posted by guy0ne106

  1. Just pm me if you want to interview me, im always on. I know everyone wants an interview with me
  2. Im so happy its over. RSOF were getting too boring with all the name posts
  3. Is that from personal experiences? You told someone you knew and they laughed? cause I'm sure if someone has been working a lot and got a successful work career they aren't going to bother dissing other people's choices or laugh in their face, they know that they worked on what they wanted and others did what they wanted No i dont play runescape 12-18 hours a day :) Shouldn't have to to be able to understand it's not like that (unless you tell someone who is a major [bleep]) Im bored of this thread i give up talking to the same people all day, After realizing people actually think runescape is a way of life and should be praised on this thread. Just a bunch of college students with little knowledge. Good luck irl. and if you read my message before this edit i still don't understand your sentence. This is my last post because you people are always against anything guy0ne106 says and its boring as [bleep].
  4. Is that from personal experiences? You told someone you knew and they laughed? cause I'm sure if someone has been working a lot and got a successful work career they aren't going to bother dissing other people's choices or laugh in their face, they know that they worked on what they wanted and others did what they wanted No i dont play runescape 12-18 hours a day :)
  5. Tell a non video gamer who has worked their whole life and is actually sucessfull that you play runescape for 12-18 hours a day and feel its ok to do. After they finish laughing at you for 20-30 seconds they will call you an idiot.
  6. I guess yeah it depends on your will power. At this stage though are we going to see more people breaking marathon achievements or are we going to see a decline since most rank 1 achievements are either completed, or in the spectrum of weekly/monthly records, hard to beat. Well theres tons of weekly and monthly records that can be so easily broken. Look at Woodcutting. With bonus xp you could beat the month record in 300 hours (this is less than 12 hours a day) and the week record in less than 100 hours, Just no one tries. Only time we will see anyone break any marathon achievements will be with new skills and the few records that can still be broken on runetracker. other records that can be broken with ease: 80m firemaking week 181m firemaking month 40m mining week (wouldnt be as easy but still not that hard) 100m mining month 74m hunt week 149m hunt month 95m con week I guess thats all of them. most except con require bonus xp.
  7. You could put up with 22 hours awake then sleeping for 2 hours a lot longer than you would think with enough will power.
  8. are you mixing up agility and one of his cannon/backwalking videos?
  9. Great people with 1000 post counts getting mod status. All there posts are pointless should be fun
  10. Oh good i have some new mods who dislike me and are quick to remove my posts, thats great.
  11. Combo because you waste less time clearing rooms @steph. yews are 80k/day with bxp. You eventually need to do some woodcutting
  12. How? level 138s can kill level 4 alts
  13. Grats on mod! Also, yeah, I miss seeing everyone still discovering all these methods, now it's all known, etc, hopefully inventor changes some stuff around like that as you said. Here is a very fun project just for you licert! in case jagex nerfs barb assault and we need a new quick way to agility for us non silverhawk boot players, You should go do us all a favor and spend hours and hours on figuring out how to do fpf like Jebrim did then report it back to us! You can make a guide and everything. I know you wont, even though you seem to be upset that there are no methods to discover.
  14. Quality > Quantity. We don't need to keep repeating the same arguments about spins, etc. What is the definition of Quality in the discussion to 200m all? lol.......................
  15. Well isnt this 3 days without a post thing much better than having a nice debate about spins.
  16. We need more skills like dungeoneering which actually require skill and not just standing around afking. But kids will just cry they are minigames. Then when we get another stand around skill like divination the kids cry that it's too slow/too afk. And jagex are too lazy to make another skill like dungeoneering anyway.
  17. Very few details were given about invention other than a few things. They wont scrap the idea, they need to write a dev blog and have a poll based on that. Not listen to a few max capes/comp capes/ randoms on the fourms afraid of a new skill. You cant just say no to a skill you know nothing about like people have been. and divination needs something to go with it sooner rather than later because right now its a very useless skill except porters/divine locations. Those items didnt require an entire skill release to bring out.
  18. spins, more spins and then some more spins.
  19. This boss is so dead content if the weapon prices arent decent after they are stable. common drops suck
  20. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlYuucxG_rz5dGhFUXVpaURjTzVkTVBTR2ZZYmdwOEE&usp=drive_web&pli=1#gid=0 Not extremely recently updated, but very close to perfect atm. Eoc is better than legacy everywhere, unfortunately. I use legacy at low hp tasks though, namely hellhounds and mutated jadinkos. I can get about 55 mutated jadinko kills in 1 ovl dose with revolution, and about 47-50 with legacy (drygores). Hellhounds are really nice to afk with legacy in kuradal's lair. Absolutely do celestial dragons btw, best task alongside airuts. thanks david blaine. Why are hellhounds always considered a do task at their low xp/h and ice strykes a block at 170k xp/h?????
  21. You mention legacy, is there actually a task which is worth doing in legacy? Thought eoc was better at everything.
  22. In what world are those accurate, hell hounds are a do task at 90k xp/h, abby demons listed at 117k xp/h, highest xp/h task after airuts and ganos is 136k xp? seriously. These are bad
  23. All i see is gp/xp spreadsheets for some buyables when i search that, no slayer.
  24. Is there a decent slayer spreadsheet that has been recently updated if so can you post the link.
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