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Everything posted by guy0ne106

  1. Desupty is the same guy who said he would be 200m all january 1st 2013 pls ppl.
  2. so he can say he did agility the legit way.
  3. This thread got boring since all we have to talk about is the bxpscapers and Jake who wont finish for 14 years because he gets like 1m xp a day. It's like woohoo This player got 57,543,432 xp in runecrafting today beating the old 56,432,111 record. FUN! Atleast we have 07 to actually watch decent records set.
  4. If your suomi you don't max till your like 3b xp.
  5. grind like dreyri that doesnt help what methods for each skill for each levels, 1-10, 30-50, etc... Well first you fish shrimps untill you can fish anchovies then after anchovies you fish the next level fish ( i dont even know.) why would you want to know this information for every skill/ why would anyone want to type it all out waste of time. I'd like to know because if I ever want to make another account to try and max; I'd like to know the fastest methods and I could also pass on the information to friends or others looking to know Kinda obvious idc whats rc has tons of guides for 1-99.
  6. Thanks didn't know every new player was an efficiency expert the second they join runescape and know the fastest xp/h methods. And please tell me what is the best fish xp/h at 1? and then at 10? i'm sure you know.
  7. grind like dreyri that doesnt help what methods for each skill for each levels, 1-10, 30-50, etc... Well first you fish shrimps untill you can fish anchovies then after anchovies you fish the next level fish ( i dont even know.) why would you want to know this information for every skill/ why would anyone want to type it all out waste of time.
  8. Hmm... 5,263,261.2 fishing xp/day avg past 5 days ~6-7 days Mining probably around 4-6 days Agility is 130k/h at barb and probably another 40k(?) with sh so, 170k/h, 94 hrs just assume ~17-21 days I don't like how this contradicts the amount of respect for drumgun you've displayed. When did drumgun dice or abuse sc for 200m wc and fishing, last i checked drumgun did wc at ivy and fish at rocktails and made his gp merching. and if you say like 15 hours of the sc bug on smithing is a big deal then l0l. this may alarm you but this is a...... competitive game, please dont go into shock In real life if someone is found cheating to get ahead in the competition they are dqed and banned for life, in runescape its praised. Ok just shows how bad the rs community is. except this kind of cheating is endorsed by jagex and promoted & legal ye If sc/dice was promoted by jagex they wont be reportable offenses. I am not discussing spins even though they are cheating in most peoples book. i hate that you're able to bait me into this shit i dont think anyone here is saying dicing, sc with alts, spins AREN'T cheating He did dice and sc though.
  9. I don't like how this contradicts the amount of respect for drumgun you've displayed. When did drumgun dice or abuse sc for 200m wc and fishing, last i checked drumgun did wc at ivy and fish at rocktails and made his gp merching. and if you say like 15 hours of the sc bug on smithing is a big deal then l0l. this may alarm you but this is a...... competitive game, please dont go into shock In real life if someone is found cheating to get ahead in the competition they are dqed and banned for life, in runescape its praised. Ok just shows how bad the rs community is. except this kind of cheating is endorsed by jagex and promoted & legal ye If sc/dice was promoted by jagex they wont be reportable offenses. I am not discussing spins even though they are cheating in most peoples book.
  10. I don't like how this contradicts the amount of respect for drumgun you've displayed. When did drumgun dice or abuse sc for 200m wc and fishing, last i checked drumgun did wc at ivy and fish at rocktails and made his gp merching. and if you say like 15 hours of the sc bug on smithing is a big deal then l0l. this may alarm you but this is a...... competitive game, please dont go into shock In real life if someone is found cheating to get ahead in the competition they are dqed and banned for life, in runescape its praised. Ok just shows how bad the rs community is.
  11. I don't like how this contradicts the amount of respect for drumgun you've displayed. When did drumgun dice or abuse sc for 200m wc and fishing, last i checked drumgun did wc at ivy and fish at rocktails and made his gp merching. and if you say like 15 hours of the sc bug on smithing is a big deal then l0l. this may alarm you but this is a...... competitive game, please dont go into shock Nobody here knows his situation. People have just heard rumours about him and depression that might not even be true. Agree with you they should all just stfu lol Also guyone, fish in c2 is 300k hr with bxp not 600k lol. Sc was 680k bxp/h.........................................................................................................................................................
  12. I don't like how this contradicts the amount of respect for drumgun you've displayed. When did drumgun dice or abuse sc for 200m wc and fishing, last i checked drumgun did wc at ivy and fish at rocktails and made his gp merching. and if you say like 15 hours of the sc bug on smithing is a big deal then l0l.
  13. People say what Forsberg did isn't cheating. Although it wasn't at the time, because jagex is extremely slow at deciding when something needs to be stopped. Dicing was finally something jagex considered to be against the rules one year later. of course this was more for rwt rather than people getting gp for 200m all, it still ended up being against the rules. So obviously it was cheating and Jagex was just too slow to do anything about it. Multilogging to benefit in minigames Jagex was also too slow to remove, allowing a lot of players to get all the bxp they needed for 200m all. again it was cheating and these are methods People who are competing for 200m all can not use these anymore, because they are now against the rules. But people who got a year out of dicing get to keep all their gp and others have to figure out other methods to make gp. It's Jagex's fault for allowing players to use these methods for so long, then just removing them so future players can ever use them again, and players fault for actually thinking that 680k bxp/h in something like fish or wc is actually an intended feature. Jagex says to use common sense, obviously players pretend they have none so they can continue to abuse these methods.
  14. I don't think it classes as best site of all time just because it's your most visited site.. I would assume 80% of the world has facebook or twitter as their most visited site but they're both shitGrats Drum Just so you know, when kr148 said "best site of all time" it was more more of a personal hyperbole/overstatement and that he didn't mean it literally. well thanks captain obvious OT: Forsberg 30m off 200m fishing... beast, should finish soon Why do you like forsberg so much? His fish xp gains arent imppresive because he uses double xp that he got @600k xp/h, and refer a friend for 10% more, and a 3% ava boost. Your always talking about him as if hes the greatest rs player of all time. I think you put him ahead of drumgun because his gains are bigger than drumguns even though they probably have the same play time/day average. just drumgun didn't cheat his way to 200m all. I know you will respond by saying something stupid like you dont care about forsberg much, but your always defending him so dont try.
  15. Why do you visit runetracker more than something like youtube?
  16. probably not. a lot of them dont play for 12 hours/use the methods listed in the calculators.
  17. ME and drumgun after his 200m all. can't beleive he posed for a pic. (hes to the left with the wings)
  18. the reward was for "Top ranking player" And if Jake is considered a #1 player not based on actual rank but contribution, He would also lose in that catagory because he does nothing for the game. It was for who was on the top of the high scores at the time, Suomi was the one but they probably picked out the people before suomi took rank 1 back. I think during the same runefest Zezima won the award for actual #1 player even though all he did was max but whatever.
  19. Jagex didn't even make a news post for suomi then they named jake the number 1 rs player lol. Drumgun will get nothing except an in game message. They will also name forsberg888 the number 1 player after hes 50,000 spins into invention while drumgun is still playing normal.
  20. If you know any other calculator, inbox me, until then, this is the calculator I'm going to use + Anyone reading this thread will realise those 55 hours don't mean what they really mean. 2.5m till drumgun hits 200m all! i like ur pic because its so tru
  21. He's got a max cape Does drumgun, who is 8m from 200m all, really have a max cape? thank you for your post.
  22. Sure its possible to submit a ticket. 10m says you wont get a response within 4 years. I've submitted 10+ tickets and 9/10 of them have gotten a response within 24 hours, shut up. People who have a history of spin buying get their ticket promoted to the top.
  23. Sure its possible to submit a ticket. 10m says you wont get a response within 4 years.
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