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Everything posted by endless921

  1. Gratz man. I just got 60 rc the other day and thought that was boring. Keep it going.
  2. Yeah, but I move next Friday to Florida and then school starts like 2 weeks after we get there. I'm really bummed about that. Thanks. I'm gonna go work on getting 24,050 flax for 71 crafting for the bows.
  3. Very nice, So far you got one of the most boring skills done. Keep going. =D>
  4. Have fun driving. Just never foret gas money. I get my license in Decem. 8-)
  5. 10/10 very nice. You're f2p stats are higher than mine, and i'm member. Keep it up.
  6. Thanks. Yeah, I loved using the large pouch. Made my 688 loads turn into 388 lol.
  7. Well, to start it off. I'll give a small bio. I'm 15 and live in California. Right now, My family is in the process of moving to Florida and I wanted to try and finish this as fast as possible inbetween seeing family as much as possible and hanging out with friends. I'm trying to get as much time with family and Friends before we move, so by the time we leave, I'm completely sick of em lol. I've been playing on and off over the past 2 years. I took a break right before farming and then made a new account 2 months after farming was released and it's a 90 with about 1360+ ST and then I took another break. Then i decided to start playing again, but on this account again, because it's my first ever account. I also gave away my stuff everytime i took a break to give myself a fresh start... in a way. I just started playing again last week and a few days ago. But anyways. My goal was to Mine and Craft, 24,050 Ess and Natures. I wanted to get 60 rc, from 44, just to say I have 60 rc. There was no real plan, but then I decided to get 82 mage from alching yew and magic longs. I plan on buying the logs for fletching and then just spinning all the bow strings. I calculated that I'd be 71 crafting by the time I spun all 24,050 bow strings. BTW, Ignore the Farming, Constuction, and Hunter. I'm trying to Tears of Guthix those. Yes, from what you can see in my bank, it is quite garbage. [hide=Pure Essence Mined] [/hide] [hide= Road to 60 Runecrafting] [/hide] [hide=End Result So Far] [/hide] This whole process took 7 days to do, from the dates on the pictures. Wish me luck fletching, crafting, and alching. I might eventually post a whole bank pic. I also always have my Private Chat ON. Rate, or hate. Don't matter to me.
  8. Nice, vid I really liked it. I like how you can see H 0 R O pj's you and you still kill him.
  9. I don't like that they did that... It just supported autoers.
  10. Alright, I tried making a video today. I filmed it with camtasia 3.0.2(any higher version kept crashing on my comp when I tried opening the Recorder.) So, I filmed everything to test everything out, and I used Adobe Premier Pro 2.0 to edit and save it. Only problem was is that, everytime I tried to save it, it'd save at 720x480 instead of 764x524, which was the dimensions of my clips. After compressing with Virtual Dub and looking over it... The quality was ok at first, then when a video transition effect came, and went to the next clip, the quality just looked horrible. The music and all was fine, there were sides cut off because of the dimensions, and the quality just looked bad after a video transitioon effect. My question: How can i get it to save like I want it to, and should I try to use a different video editer?
  11. Confirmed. FF is broken. :( Downloading at 50 KB/Sec on Mega :cry: Downloaded at 287 KB/s no problem. Mega works just fine. For the movie: Downloading at the moment. Edit when finished. Edit: I liked it. Liked the KO's, fights, and the war at the end.
  12. You're welcome. I did the samething too at first lol.
  13. Did you try the gate south of it? The original gate that was there before the wooden fence?
  14. Well.... the thing is.... I last summer and recently got my account back, and I also just got members back on it on Tuesday. My first main that is, and I only have 6 Farming(Tears of Guthix) and have no intentions of lvling that atm. Thanks for all the information and i'll do my best to put it to use. I greatly appreciate it... I really do.
  15. Alright... Thaks so much. I wasn't planning on gaining anything except 70 herblore lol. I'm also getting all my own herbs.
  16. Ok thanks. But define "low," and shold i keep Tarromin and use the str pots to f2p pk or something or sell em to f2p pkers?
  17. Ok, I'm at 51 Herblore atm and 104 cmb(yeah pretty sad). But should i keep all my Guam Leaf, Marrentill, and Harralander, or just drop it and go for the Tarromin and higher ones?
  18. rofl, this is just for laughs and yes i did take it with my 1.3mega pixel phone. i know it aint the best quality, but my friend just drew it outta nowhere, and i decided to share it with u guys lol. it aint supposed to be a real fake, just for laughs lol.
  19. bet u couldnt tell that it was fake lol. its the pwnage pk kay?
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