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  1. never forget this: never ever trade near the wild. it is easier and faster to die in P2P wildy at any level.
  2. well i read about jagex's official declaration that there will be no more holiday drops. the last drop was the scythe for 2003. i miss out on these untradeable drops but then i learned to accept the truth and if i really want one, just save up millions and buy one. the toy horses is the april fools of 2004. just because you don't have the time to raise the money doesn't entitle you to get it cheaply. it will just lose its value and status symbol on RS. besides, it encourages f2pers to get members, fletch and get the money fast. jagex won't ruin their business, that's the way it will be and people like you must learn to accept the fact. please suggest something that is possible not something that will NEVER happen.
  3. before these fast moving autominers gain at least 200k mining xp on a daily basis. i tried to get 260k going on for 16 hours as an experiment. it is impossible to do that on a consistent basis and these miners banked their ores. the fact that they all stopped only proved that they are autoers. nobody can play them all at the same time like they used to do since they are not legit players. these are mostly f2p miners and then the ores were "dumped" to the main accounts. just consider dr ford event, 12.5 percent of getting the right choice, cannot escape from it and you'll be teled away to a random spot far from where you are previously. definitely an awesome autoer killer. the fact that it moves and is fuzzy will prevent an image recogition sequence to choose the righ answer. only a real player can make the right choice without fail. in due time, the honest miners of RS will take back the hiscores from these cheaters. so i love these randoms, for they'll own only the cheaters not a honest player. cheaters never prosper anyways. 15 months in RS and 18.2 mil xp in mining is something that i'm proud of and i do love to be challenged for the title as the best miner of RS. if you want to see me in action, i'm found mining in world 1 until i get back membership.
  4. finally, the best thing i can ever dream came to fruition. NO MORE AUTOMINERS in sight!!! well thanks to all the new random events and its increased occurrence rate. there is no way to escape these new random events and failing it will send you to a random spot far from where your current location is. so i can move up in the mining ranks without fear of getting whipped by an autominer. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who are the autoers, they are all over the top 100 miners. just one mil away from crashing into the first page. yay!! there is no need to name names here, the autominers are not moving for the last 1 to 2 months ever since the new random events were added. that is the best news a hardworking miner like me can ever hear. if these autominers are up to the challenge of stopping me, at least now i do have a fighting chance.
  5. well, the only thing that should ever be changed is to make mining levels really do matter. because mining levels don't matter for coals and better. you just have to be patient and fight over the rocks.
  6. i got 1 mime and 5 mazes when i'm F2P. mime is only obtained from combat training. maze can happen anytime if the mysterious old man feels like it. i got my maze while i'm checking my bank twice.
  7. mime is only available through combat training. i got mine from varrock sewers fighting mossies.
  8. isn't teleportation the same thing? only you can teleport to edge, draynor and alkharid in members.
  9. i agree to lpinkus. just because he wants a sure pk kill with no escape. i only go to the wild to mine runites and die.
  10. it only took me 25 mil to superheat my way to 85. :D
  11. the only rune item that is worth to smith is the axe but there is a task that rune smithers can do and that is supplying a clan for war. lowering the smithing requirements will lower the prices of rune items and rune ore prices will go down as well since it won't be profitable to buy ores. then high smithers will mine their own and high alc to make pure profits. mining as a great f2p moneymaking skill will suffer the fate of the woodcutting industry.
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