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Posts posted by Gamerr

  1. I propose we have a new type of person, The trusted member.

    The trusted member is a member who has been trusted in the forum, only admins can give this title. it allows them to do things that they normally wouldn't be allowed to do such as have bigger sig sizes or avatar sizes and become specific owners of subforums. aswell as that its a nice to be told that your trusted :)

    These people will be made responsible for representing the forum and must active.


    So what's the use of that? It will create seperation & favoritism between users, without a decent reason. I think it's fine now as it is.

    All the bigger avatar & signature size things are a bad idea, I believe its best to keep everybody - from Member to Admin - on the same line concerning that. The only extra power moderators, crew members, ... have is - well, duh - moderating powers. Creating ranks based solely on voting, and basicly not voting on certain skills like it's done for moderators, is just asking for drama, accusations of favoritism & needless discussion.


    I just think it's more of an achievement to stand out as a member, between thousands of other members just with your qualities rather then needing a rank for it to proof "You're really trusted!". If you browse the forums, follow the rules & have an opinion I'm sure you don't even need a rank to be considered as trusted.


    I'm also not in favor of senior member, honoured member, ... ranks like RSCommunity have, because it's firstly tip.it, and so we don't have to copy RSCommunity & also because I'd rather see 2 groups of members - staff members & members. Here on tip it it's easy, or you're a mod/crew/admin/TET, or you're a regular member. No confusion, no separation and everybody has the chance to become everything. It might not look like that, but then it's maybe because of the individuals their qualities rather then the "favoritism" of not being picked.

  2. I can personally speak for 'THE' in saying the taking out of the wilderness was what caused the biggest change in ml decrease but the majority of people that are in these clans are part of a core membergroup that do not leave.



    March '09, 250 opts. Wasn't wilderness taken out in about '08?




    @on topic: I finally start to notice what TPR is exactly, Generaldensor seems passionate about it, always fun to read some e-heated convos :D

  3. Just wondering what new powers does he have than before?


    I heard clan mods can bend steel plates.


    Seriously now, clan mods basicly have authority over CL's, op in #clans, access to the staff boards of mods etc.



    I didn't know flaming got you promoted :(


    This, will you stop flaming now Joe|AFK :(


    Gratz Sir! <3:

  4. Do you understand that classic is de? There's no real point to play it other than to stake or pk. There's zero economy, and any non combat stat you have is completely irrelevant. Another guy had all 99's before I did but without the quest points.


    I don't wanna start a thing here, but you did auto before the game was dead, so your point is irrelevant that RS-Classic isn't worth playing so you bot it. I do find it kinda 'cool' JAGeX their botting trackers suck so hard you managed to do that, so in a way you beat the game.


    Anyway, nice to see you enjoying RS2 - although I found classic way more fun - and gratz on 99 fletch, it was my first 99 too.


    6/10 - Get 99 RuneCraft or Slayer, those are really cool 99's :D.

  5. Junior clans like Phobia, 'The' Futures, ... have been closed quite a long time ago. I wonder why, I never understood why junior clans aren't popular anymore, since I personally was in 1 and I can assure you it's a great way to train up to join a big clan. I also think that if you're in a junior clan you can have a lot of training & clan experience before actually joining a senior clan, so it would be a good way to get more quality members, if done correctly. I think that the junior clan world is an important factor to get the senior world back on their feet, because it could make some smaller clans stronger by hosting joint trips. I also think that there is an underestimated group of people around combat 80-90 who want to join a clan but can't, because they are too low and or quit or don't train up anymore and join a skill clan for example.


    So I have a few thoughts, pick the ones out you want to discuss or state why you're for/against them:


    - If you're in a clan, as a staff member - would you consider making a junior clan? (note: a junior clan are members of around level 75-100 who can train up for a senior clan)


    - Do you think junior clans will come back, or have a future in RS?


    - Could junior clans improve the quality of the members eventually joining the senior clan?

  6. unless interest is shown and i'm apparently not the only person who started rsc on november 11th, i won't update this, and it'll die just like the rest of this forum.


    You have to realise the RS-Classic community is a lot smaller then the RS2 one, so it's likely you won't get as much feedback/posts on topcis because of that. Most "popular" topics here are about the early days, because a lot of people browse this forum for nostalgia.



    i now have 450k cash, and 392 overall, with 47 fish and 43 cooking. i figure i'll get 400 overall tomorrow, and then i'll start some fletching just for some easy levels, and i'll probably start thieving soon too, if anyone has any advice on either of those please let me know, i won't have to create another thread then :P


    I'd just start to skill, try to get all your levels up. Especially magic & prayer, since teleporting & prayer is always handy.

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