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Everything posted by Wutchagonnado

  1. I know it sucks bare with me I just started today. I know I have the same concept as everyone else but I didn't want to go a whole 'nother route and get discouraged when it sucked lol. Anyway rate from 1-10. Comments, suggestions and questions are welcome. I intentionally made everything small because I'm bad at detailing things. :P
  2. :shock: id say youve mastered the spider! Wow your not kidding, thats amazing.
  3. Signed up 2 days ago and your already causing trouble. :roll:
  4. Looks so sweet just add little things here and there to make it feel more "unplain" lol. Man I wish I could make those, if I tried my computer would just end up flying out the second story window. :roll:
  5. Shut up, can't you see hes a busy man?! Thanks Dan Wow Ok?
  6. I think you should close it so I don't get my sig next year. 9 Days and countin :cry: :roll:
  7. Great out bidders... like 225k isnt enough for a paint picture. :roll: :x
  8. Hope my sig gets done before I go on vacation on the 21st :cry: :cry:
  9. I don't understand why I can't make it like everyone else. I draw with my left hand but I used my right hand for the mouse but using my left hand for the mouse and trying it feels so weird and comes out odd. Guess I'm just handicapped, damn this stupid left hand :evil: :evil:
  10. Hi, hope your still looking for more clients because here is one. :D I will pay 100-225k if the sig looks right (which is probably will). I would like to have a sig with a similar backround to firegods sig. I would like 3-4 people in rune armour face first in the dirt with blood marks on their back (simulating they are dead) and me standing in the middle (rune armour, drag b axe, ammy, the works). I would also like for it so somewhere say on the sig "Rs Joe | Strength: 90+" and at the bottom write "Strength in numbers?" (include the "?"). I know it sounds like alot but in a short summary I just want a wildy picture of me in the middle, 4 people slain in the backround and the writing. :) Pm me with insctructions what to do next.
  11. Give it a [bleep]ing break the guy has better things to do then spend his life almost babysitting a clan persay. Leading a clan of 200+ Is not easy. We will be back mark my words...
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