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Posts posted by pjb21

  1. yey you have a fan =)








    the water doesnt look too bad, but i personaly feel that when its reflecting the wal it doesnt look quite right.








    i know this doesant really matter, but just thought id point out that when the water is going into the cup you can see the other layer inside, like its 2 thin sheets (which it is) as oposed to one solid object (which it isnt but should be)








    the fan looks fairly good, however the blades look weird in shape, not sure how really just do, sorry im not any more helpful,. and also the center piece looks rather big.









  2. i havnt really got alot to cc, but this i do know. it looks very nice. great piece of work there. quite full of action, and yet not too distracting. nice blending of the render. maybe try a simpler font? dunno really, also you could try making it darkker.









  3. :XD: i wanna see it dance!!!!








    couldnt have said it better myself =)








    i forward that motion! (no pun intended #-o)








    let us know as soon as its done!









  4. some nice work there, good for a first.








    generaly i see first pixel or first animation or watever and i go to see it for a laugh, but this is an exeption, just wondering how long have you been using 3ds max 8?








    like others have said before me, rather short. i also feel that the quality was ruined by a low filesize.










    dude youve got a cool sig. who made it?








    carttons made it paint are still cool. in fact i prefer them =P








    im sure the cape has shoulder [bleep]e thingys...
















    i made it :P








    cape thing: i was using the cape emote thread to find out what attack cape looked like so im not sure but will find out in 4 levels (well 4 + 31k xp).








    btw i copied the text you did from my old sig and was wondering what font it is?








    what dont? heh, i did it all my hand true pixel style =)
















    the pixel isnt looking too bad, however if ever your stuck feel free tp pm me about it, i can help =)









  6. eck to the rescure?
















    pjb must live!!! =P use it if you want... star things are the demons, and arrows are lazers/amunition being shot at eachother, arrowheads pointing in the direction its going.








    damn you photobucket! making all pixels jpg and wruining them! ARGHHH!!! *grabs shotgun to go kill photobucket*








    i dont really mind what happens as long as it does and its cool. the alien ship idea is cool and have nothing against it. oh maybe like oh i dunno but yeah make it look uber cool, and of corse i can help if thats cool.
















    heh, sorry im probably not helping...









  7. is there anything i can do cos this is well, going slow...








    if not then well, hurry up, please :pray:








    i do agree if this isnt done by new year im killing myself...








    i know, hehe im gonna make a crappy animated emot, lol.








    ok that took a bit longer than expected, ah well. btw it was all done using paint and microsoft gif animator which can be found here for free =)

















  8. W00t! a fellow pdn user! yey!








    nothing amazing tho, added contrst to the pic blured it onto the bg. bg was blue added sound then zoom blured. basicly. nothing amazing but atleast you got the program right. keep working at it, if you need any help with paint.net then let me know im probably the most experianced person on these forums with it.









  9. Erhm, unless you are 30-40. you parents where probably NOT killed by Nazis.








    he said granparents, and yes its very much posable my grandad fought in the second world war. yet at the same time they would have been young then (it was about 60 years ago). but regardless if it happened or not nazi symbols or swaznikers are offence and some people may be very offended seing them. and as for starts dos crosses like so: +









  10. my bad, didnt realise that wasnt leagl. anyway, any more tips?








    yeah you bad bad person very bad. :shame:








    also you need a pass code thingy i think... try limewire or somming. no dont its illegal








    try paint.net its great similar to photoshop, not quite as powerful but great for image manips, oh and its FREE(zor)! heh freazer (sp?) meh








    yeah try paint dot net








    heh here i am advertising again yey(ness)!









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