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Posts posted by pjb21

  1. dreamhr9.png




    I was chased by a green haired woman, so I flew away. somehow ended up talking to a mountain who was convinced he wasn't a mountain.


    I actually dream that last night. :-s




    I had a dream I was a shark, any connection? :twisted:




    dude, you nearly made my hyperventilate with the first i was laughing so much, yeah im weird i know, but dreams are cool. i cant as of yet include any of my dreams i had last night since i had none, however i have pleanty of really cool dreams i may draw up at some point =)




    i may do them later =)




    some i wont do, im a teenage boy, put 2 and 2 together =)





  2. i dont use the same style as ter people!




    whats the same? i have different style, linework, my texturing is well, not as good as his, to be blunt. i shade differently, please can you show me the similarity.




    sorry but i really dont feel im as god as him, hes like freaking awsome, im like, not.




    im 15 at the moment, been pixeling for 1 and a half years =)




    eckered what one are you talking about? your pixel work isnt bad, its good and i like it, if you would like me to help you and give you cc then pm me work and ill tell you how to improve, but you are good, ok admitly your not the best, but from what ie seen you having been doing much and i can tell you this, your first few works were miles better than my first few, if you work hard, you can definatly become good, dont give up before you start =)





  3. dude your alive! yey!








    looks cool, and i like the quick face, i kinda watched it frame by fream, hehe cool =)




    in the colour version there isnt alot of shading in the hair, atall... o0




    great shading and aa elsewhere, very good aa at that.




    im sure you know i love all your work.




    'nuff said.





  4. very nice if i had that i would still have my mp3 player and gba mirco :wall:




    then what a investment it is for you! combined together they were probably worth more than $199, its the perfect insurance!

  5. [offtopic]dont take this to heart and dont quote me on it, but...




    it is easier to recive forgivness that to seek permision.




    the fact still remains that you should have asked before editing someones work, that can take it as insulting, and difinatly dont use it with out their permision![/offtopic]




    [ontopic]i like them, the second is defintly better, doing things such as that (aka low colour usage) can help to improve your dithering, and if you use severaly it can help build on your texturing (maybe...) im sorry to say this but i really think that the anatomy of that first is rather crap. also dont copy and paste, to much like buddies, even if it is your own work.[/ontopic] [offtopic]same thing aplies when doing sigs or whatever dont copy ideas to much else it may seam like you just copy and pasted at times, and it gets boring, yeah i think i may be a bit guilty about that[/offtopic] [ontopic]yeah look at your friends faces and anatomy when talking or whatever, see how different lighting effects the shadows, thats what i do and you get many a weird look if you make it to obvios =) (sorry should of offtopic'd that...)[/ontopic]





  6. i personaly dont feel that that text suits it, that text would go better with a genteler sig, maybe a bit more gothic, but nothing tacky, not sure, just look around dafont or whatever you use. closest to the camara on the right (our right) it looks rather dunno, not as good as it could, maybe distort it more, add noise, use a 'broken down' brush, fade kinda thing, dont make it so proment, its good that it stands out, but not as much as it currently does. nice colours, nice name, hmm, just a thought maybe make it darker over the left, instead of what it currently is, oh, maybe light bursting through the 'structure' on the right, that would look good, but still have the light behind the text, that way the light enhances and amplifys the main parts.




    bare that in mind, but it does look nice =)





  7. wow i love that, looks sooo nice =)




    the colours, the contract (high contrast ftw), the style beautiful.




    if you still have the psd, you could go to the stage before the contrast (if you make new layer before each stage) and addd more light when contrasting to get rid of the high levels of black. however the other contrasted bit do look nice. so what you could do is add duplicate layer and set the 'sensitivity fairly low' use magic pen to highlight the black then invert the selection and deleate, from there you can lighten that layr and blend it with the previous layers so the black iosnt quite so black =)





  8. It would look way better without the ''Render'' ::'




    that made me laugh. lol. and i must say i do agree. the text looks more suited for a gothic abstract/grenge for that kinda hip hop looking bg.





  9. Sooo.... All that I care about is that one of the Legends Himslef made me a pixel, also its the first finished one I've had :D




    :oops: :3>




    id barly call myself a lengend, im just a mere member who likes to pixel.




    yes it is the first finished one... how many unfinished or unstarted did i do? hmm... to many :?




    dude this music isnt helping, its very emotional music that makes me feel like crying and meh, it dont matter.




    anyway, im glad you like it =)





  10. 2 pouint post.




    1st - the ice barrage still dont look that great personaly id say either have a beam as oposed to a water baloon. if not a beam then have the hand glowing and like ice and frost raining down.




    2nd - the background, my thought for it is this, the top floor of castle wars next to the stand, with the view streaching into the distance, with a fight going on below. on second thoughts i want that. heh. you can still use it tho i guess.





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