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Posts posted by pjb21

  1. my linework, i take it sra invited you and gave you that linewrok to use, hmm, makes my sig look bad now -.-




    jokes, anyway yeah to see it and more of my work click my sig =)




    feel free to comment on them! please!




    good work especialy for a first, but theres much wrong with it, look at my sig, thats how it should look =)





  2. fatbill is using a rip of 1 of ters works as his avvy i believe... (i know its ters linework at least, dno if he let folk colour it.) gonna report




    a while back there was a linework thread, where people posted linework, for others to shade etc. that linewrok was one of the ones submitted, and he is allowed to use it.





  3. wow im really tired, i'll do what I can with linework atm but I've just got back from first day of college. I've got a headache but I'll work through the pain :wall:




    lol I wouldn't want to rush it, otherwise the quality will be ruined just for a quick post. it doesn't take long to make but it's hard coming up with a suitable plot, and keeping with the same style and flow throughout each frame..




    I'll post just the linework to keep you happy. Or if im getting too wrecked Just it's progress, cus I tend to work on a frame at a time.




    no rush we dont want you to feel pressured, i hate working under pressure. and im sure we can all understand that you are busy with collage and stuff, about that, what course are you taking? anyways...




    just post when you can, and remember people are often willing to help if you ask nicely =)





  4. ok first never use that word i physicly hit anyone that does when i see them, regardless.




    secondly, i have much going on and i know this is goning to seam like i really hate you but i dont, you just dont inspire me, im sorry its my fault for not being easily inspired, but i just dont always feeli like doing stuff, if i feel like it i will but i dont promise anything.




    no comments on the new siggy?







  5. i'm diggin' the style mate.


    very funky, raising my thumbs high and hard! (thumbs peoples <.< )




    sure its your thumbs :wink:




    getting kinky on this forum is nopt alowed much less sharing it! keep your life to yourself, this is a public forum!




    soo if you hadnt added that last bit i wouldnt have said that, but oh no, you did, heh.




    sorry, just though id grab it first :P man just realised how bad that sounds...





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