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Posts posted by pjb21

  1. i must say i adore your texturing, its amazing, far better than im able to do, hmm, maybe wanna colab some time?




    anyway... i do like it, it looks really good, one major problem tho, the ahrims skirt is WAY to short o0




    imo some of the lines are too 'perfect' i dont really like perfect neat linework, its not natural.




    did you pixel all the textures or did you use a program?




    not alot of detail on the top, and theres a few blank spots on the floor around the edges.




    on the guys right arm, it goes 1 pixel too high imo, so yeah. whip looks good if orange, and normaly theres a triangle end, but hey. maybe also have ice creaping along the axe. ice looks good, oh and in the middle of the 'p' in the top sample thers a white dot o0 the walls look good, but maybe add a tone that blends the wall to the floor so it flows better.





  2. two things for you guys to know.




    firstly, im going away tomoro untill sometime late saturday, however i may not be on sat, sunday i dont generaly go on but monday i should be back. anyway i need you guys to keep this bumped for me :wink:




    now why would you want to do that? well i just decided this. second thing. while im away i want you all to post ideas for a SIG you want me to make, yes thats right. so post your ideas here, you may enter several, but there will only be one winner, the one I chose. so be creative, i like originality, action, not to boring but not overly complex, try to keep characters to a minimum, oh and i dont like pixeling grass (not very good heh) disclaimer: if i do not find any ideas that i like i do not have to make anything.




    thanks for you time, and make the ideas good =)





  3. the soul isnt an element.




    ah about the circles, i saw the edited version of the eye that cad posted and the circle looked fine, probably imageshacks anoying squashing.




    if your gonna call water aqua shouldnt fire be pyro etc...?




    ok i can apreciate that you cant get a really good camara on your income (hmm, how did you afford psp?) but it just seams to me that those images dont fit that great, all relativly calm with the exeption of the active wave that justspoils it, maybe find an image when a drop of water landed in a small pool of water and theres the backsplash? know what i mean? probably not...





  4. please dont lie in the titles, ok its not the worst, but still.




    work on your linework, draw in real life thats a good way, when drawing the linewrk use the line tool not the pencil, when shading DONT i repeat DONT use pillow shading it ruins the shape, look at how light falls of various objects in reallife, dont look at other artists work, its full of mistakes i know mine is and well, im not a pixel noob, ive been doing pixel for 2 years. listen to the advice experianced people give you, dont look at postcount that proves nothing.




    anatamny (sp?) arms halfway down whole body, legs 1.6times the size of the torso, torso about 3/4 times bigger than the head, but im not to sure about that. that said the anatamny isnt to bad.




    you havnt dont anough shading if anything, dont use many colour shading, use 2 or 3 to start with them use more as you get better (im on to 5 colours started on 2) if your going to go for no lines do it all over (the left hand) however if your starting i sugest keeping the black lines, dont rush ahead of yourself.




    40 mins isnt very long when i make an avvy it take an hour or 2, generaly just over an hour. and thats an avvy, mind you what you did doesnt have a bg, that isnt to big a problem but, um, yeah.




    keep practising, both in paint and on paper.





  5. i just get soo fed up of these noobs (spits the word out) who post their first work then they go and create another crappy account just so they can talk to themself and say oh your work is great 99999999999/10 and all that crap, once i get so fustrated i just told them what i thought of it and well it was rather messy, but the work was crap, simple as, i know i know noone is perfect they cant be expected to produce good work all the time, but they can try and if they arny good then doing [Admin edit: please use a more mature language] post it!




    personaly i disagree with the idea that each artist has his own topic for the reason despaxes said, its true of many artists

    i can go months without making anything.....




    ARGH!!! *spends 5 minutes trying to rip his eyes out, fails*




    sorry that was unrelated, just other stress and problems, anyway back on subject.




    ARGH!!! *spends 5 minutes trying to rip noobs to pieces*




    stuff it, theres just too many noob here we cant change it, they will remain noobs forever and even if they dont there will be more noobs, more little anoying people who dont care for the rules and will ultimatly piss us all off, so in the end theres no point in even trying to change the forum and 'make it a better place' since its just not going to work.





  6. goldwolflord




    its ok, the quality of the 'circles' is apauling (sp?)




    rather basic *cough*boring*cough* =P




    the idea i like, as in the elements and the soul, but it could be displayed in a more interesting way. the background is boring and dull and the pictures look copied off google, take your own!




    simplistic doesnt work in this way, simplistic for this idea could, this idea in another way could, but not like that.




    you know i like it anyway, hmm, 7/10





  7. Pj can you make me an avvy? The same as I have right now but ur style?




    i can try, hmm, i may even get round to finish this one for you =P




    sorry i didnt do the sig, it was too big and no pay or anything and im no good at grass :oops:




    i dont care if you sound like a noob as long as you arnt and as long as you dont anoy me :wink:





  8. des, having a sig thats too big, tut tut tut.




    i havnt atualy seen that movie, i was thinking of getting it cos it looks quite good from the cover and has Kiera Knightley in it =P~








    anyway it looks good, your image that it, high contrast, explosive background, and atractive girl. i think it looks good ill give it about 7.5/10





  9. amazing work i LOVE it ALL, a true inspiration to us all.




    i remember back in the day, i was a total noob here and i saw your work and i thought to myself, wow thats amazing i must give it a go, sitting here, 2 years later, im still not as good damn!




    great to have you back =)








    ps. i really should make a collection of my works from start to finnish, but need to find the time :XD:

  10. lovley work 8-)








    goes mad and nearly crys with happyness.




    you were the inspiration for me to start pixel work and ive ALWAYS loved your work its amazing, your better than me always have been always will be and the day has finaly come when you have recognised me and my god-given talent.




    you have truely made my day.








    im sorry ill shut up now :oops:





  11. You've gotten so much better; very well done, PJB. These are great; detailed and well made.




    The very first set, if I'm not mistaken have a bit of a Lord of the Rings hint to them, do they not? Sting, and an elf, perhaps Elrond, or your perception of Legolas? Actually, looking at the short, stubby sword, it looks more like a blue goo, dripping from the blade, rather than a glow?


    The Ahrim's is good, despite him looking like he is wielding a curtain-rope. :P


    Not too sure of the next; the shape of the body reminds me of a llama, and the thing which he holds reminds me of a muffin. Llama with a muffin.


    As for the Verac's, the face doesn't fit on the head, though it's hard to tell at its standard size. Love the colours of the background; elements.


    And the last; the robes and cloak flow so well; its gorgeous colours and great structure really give a feel of the power. The dagger seems a little short and fat, though it doesn't matter too much with the deep, graven face, and the great robes.




    Once again, you've gotten better, and I think I would suit the last as your best yet.




    You may remember me better as Gold, by the way. ;)




    *grins the whole time reading that* *gets to the last few words and falls overt in shock*




    lol, hey! how are you? long time.




    thanks for the comments, hmm, lotr, hadnt thought of that in fact i aint seen it in ages, i need to watch it again, the short sword is covered in water, the face is random thing, just a im-really-bored-and-need-to-do-something picture =P




    hey dont insult those curtain robes, they OWN you. and hey i like lammas, theyre cool.




    in what way doesnt the face fit? o0 its hard to make it look good with a small size like that, you know, well, you dont, but uhh, meh *gives up trying to explain*




    i know the dagger is rather dodgy, but i dont really care, whats done is done and im to lazy to change it =P i am rather proud of the robes and cloak.




    glad you like it =D




    im currently working on one for this guy, its a dragon with like a vampire riding it, well, the description he gave me sounded cool, but im having trouble with the body atm :-s the dragons that is. ill post it when ive done a bit more (such as finished the linework) the size is 200*125




    great to see you around, oh and add me on msn if you have it =)





  12. ok well i sorted out that head (was a bit large and looked dodgy) then i coloured and shadied and stuff and i do rather like it, especialy the shading on the robes =)








    coments etc welcome








    :shock: amazing. 21/10, :lol: .




    rofl, thanks im glad you like it =)




    (still stalking me after all this time *sigh*)





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