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Posts posted by pjb21

  1. If you ask me art is all about expressing yourself and thats exactly what i do, weather im painting, sketching, taking a photo or doing something on my computer i love it when someone comes up and watches me work for the following reasons...




    i totaly agree with the bolded statment, but not so much about the second part. i personaly find it very distracting and sometimes i get worried of what they may think, say i do something wrong, often its the pressure that i hate the most about it. i love to show my work to people and will often ask friends/family to look at my latest art work and give CC on it, but not whaile im making it. i usaly dont really know where im going with a piece unless i drew it out so theres alot of trial and error in my work, this means for someone watching it they may be like, oh that looks rubbish or whatever, and yes sometimes it does, on its own, however when i add it to a larger images and compleat it all it looks far better there. its about seing the bigger picture and such, im used to that by now, ive been drawing since i could and have enjoyed it and been pixeling for about a year and a half... *mental blank, trys to think of what to say without going totaly off topic...*









  2. Can u make me one Buddy?! Id like one like Rybeks... Just different




    Head: Wizzy G FTW! Lol


    Body: Same as hat


    Legs: Blue D-Hide G


    Weapon: Iron throwing knives


    Shield: Sara Book


    Cape: Sara


    Boots: Wizard


    Gloves: cookin gaunts


    Neck: Power ammy


    Hair: [bleep]es down forehead


    Hair Color: White


    Face: Looking down


    BG: Same as Rybeks but grass and blue sky


    Text: Sara Manger




    Thanks PJB21! Please lol








    Same stance as Rybeks.


    Love ur siggeh!




    im guessing your talking about this, um not really, its just kinda boring. ill tell you what tho, you give me a sorta style and mood and ill create a sig for you ok? and i will do it even if its the last thing i do! but only if i like the mood if not, ill change it to one i like (darkk and evil...) =D




    yes darkk has 2 K's, live with it, and dont type it with 1 K ever! you hear me!









  3. thanks for the comments guys.




    ill let you all know now, apothesis and paint.net (beth exelent programs and free yey!)








    yes it may be able to change the size, but it may not look to good, and im not in the mood to like do anything major...




    i may have overdone it on the filtwers a bit, but hey i found a load of new ones and when i increased the apothesis image it ruined it (apothesis is like really pixelated for those who dont know) so yeah, i kinda blended it more.




    its rather anoying apoth only goes max image size at well, its too small... which is rather anoying... yeah there isa ways past it but i really cba cos it would take alot of effort... and its kinda complex.




    ill post any more i do, posably...





  4. this would be the reason...








    and a cookie goes to the guy or girl who correctly guesses what TWO programs were used to make these =)




    FULL VIEWING IS A MUST TO SEE THE FULL QUALITY! THE THUMBS ARE RUBBISH! lol, and also make sure once you click that you do see FULL size (1024*768) for best results =)
























    they are all full quality, hence the large size, sorry to 56k users, heh.




    feel free to use them, just no taking credit people!




    rate / cc / comments whatever really...





  5. amazing work, i love it.




    what medium(s) did you use to make it?




    good knolage and aplance of anatamy, oh one thing is she wearing very darkk eye shaddow?




    and another question, how long have you been drawing for and since?





  6. i often find it anoying to have people looking over my shoulder when im doing anything really, unfortionatly i get that quite a bit (larger than avarage sze family and the computer is in one of the main rooms) but generaly they onlt look over when they want to go on. if they do look over my shoulder and i want them to go away i go on a forum or somming and they soon get bored =)




    i have no problem with showing people finished work (unless i really hate it) but if theyre just standing there watching you it can often ruin the quality or whatever, sometimes i even find this if im making something for someone and theyre all liie "oh hows it going? can i see it yet? show me!" ugh, yeah so generaly i just dont tewll people im making somming for them, and only show thenm once im finished unless i know i can trust them not to be a total prat...




    draweing on paper isnt so much an issue, however i still dotn like it, im im just doodling they come over and sopmetimes are like, ah thats crap! your rubbish! or whatever and that pisses me off, or lke if im doing a quality work they point out EVRY SINGLE MISTAKE and thet REALLY anoys me, its like, im not perfect, no one is, leave me alone!




    if you have read all this im sorry, but you probably just wasted your time listening to me ranting on, unless you have alot of time, in which case i much apresiate people listening to me.




    meh, ill shut up now, my arms hurts... o0





  7. try to avoid 'perfection' by this i mean, no long stright lines (always a bend/curve somewhere on it) no circles (its not the normal shape for a head...) whith the second version the sword looks rather messed up, im guessing you tryd to tilt it using paints crappy effects, it looks bad, either re do it, or keep the position of the previous one.








    ok thanks, i'll redo that arm, and thats not how the head's shape will really be, i just put that there to know about the area the head will take up lol




    try redoing the edges of the kite aswell, even if its only 1 px different, it looks better than perfect lines, you will very rarely find straight lines in my work. but hey that just me.




    im glad to hear about the head else i would have be forced to kill you =)








    k, i'm gonna go look through some of your work to see about staight lines and such.






    P.S- good thing you won't kiill me, i don't wanna die :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:




    wow, im quoting you, quoting me, quoting you, quoting me, yey!




    cool, me sure to leave a comment please =)




    and good luck with it.




    you DONT want to die? what is wrong with you? o0





  8. try to avoid 'perfection' by this i mean, no long stright lines (always a bend/curve somewhere on it) no circles (its not the normal shape for a head...) whith the second version the sword looks rather messed up, im guessing you tryd to tilt it using paints crappy effects, it looks bad, either re do it, or keep the position of the previous one.








    ok thanks, i'll redo that arm, and thats not how the head's shape will really be, i just put that there to know about the area the head will take up lol




    try redoing the edges of the kite aswell, even if its only 1 px different, it looks better than perfect lines, you will very rarely find straight lines in my work. but hey that just me.




    im glad to hear about the head else i would have be forced to kill you =)





  9. looking nice, better than before. dont like the looking down the blade, just looks weird.




    claw grabbing the pommel stone? good luck if you do, it isnt gonna be easy...




    keep us up-dated!





  10. you are one of the best pixelists i have seen, although, the more you've the done, the "worse" they are






    10/10 as a person \'




    yeah i see what you mean, it just gets repetative and boring, but i enjoy doing it, and so i post it just cos... yeah so i know, i probably do it too much...




    hmm... but i dont want to slow down, its useful to do when im bored, and i quit rs practicly, my main got unfairly banned, apparently stolen *sigh* ah well, i dont care, and most of my friends are busy with school, and well, so am i, but meh, my net cuts at 10pm so i have to find somming to do till 11 and its generaly pixel.




    10/10 as a person as in what? you like my personality? or what? o0





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