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Posts posted by pjb21

  1. not to bad rather basic, quick feathering and de stat. try, TRY, to have a different font in every manip, it makes them more interesting and gives them personality.




    did you also up the stat on the flower its self?








    Ehhh... Stat? I think you mean Sat? (Saturation)




    meh whtever, and while your posting in here you could have posted your comments :wink:





  2. not to bad rather basic, quick feathering and de stat. try, TRY, to have a different font in every manip, it makes them more interesting and gives them personality.




    did you also up the stat on the flower its self?





  3. i quite like the white edges, hmm, an idea i may incoprerate in art of a later date.




    i like the effect done, the blending is good and i like it. the white edges give it a more 'pure' and angelic feel, as oposed to the adrkk feel that black gives, its different and i like it.




    oh and one more thing, PANDA'S FTW!





  4. wheres the fishy?




    here fishy fishy, here boy!




    looks good, i like the cloth, especialy if you did that triangle by triangle.




    cross looks a tad wierd...




    oh and the candels are on springs...




    be good to see more, oh maybe you could make the whole room, would look nice =)





  5. i just got 17 again o0




    we must be looking at a different picture, or i need to take another dose...




    most likely the phantom bars of soap twisting my vision, or maybe its the flapjacks of evil making you short sited by 1/17th...




    their comming to get us!





  6. well the fact that his neck is as long as his chest.. and that the arms are longer then the legs.. that the upper body is longer then the legs


    (left person)


    the feet are as big as a cd case.. which is way to small.




    short chest long neck, some people have necks as long as their fore arm ;) but still your point remains, its not perfect anatomy, as for the legs, sara specificly asked for the mage boots, and i wanted to fit those in and it couldnt go up any more due to the skull and he also didnt want it too big, so hence anatomy suffered, cd sized feet, where? the arms may also be a bit longe with doesnt help in it, but that would mainly be because i went straight into the main thing, no sketches, no planning, which anatomy-wise was a mistake.




    but mistakes are there to be learnt from.





  7. mini guns have between 3 - 6 barrels not the 17 youve got there #-o




    the shotgun looks way to shiny, it should be duller. whats up with the trigger grouping? and also there should be a visable ejection port on this side.




    the m4, hmm... well theres no red parts on the real thing, the handel is talller, the mag is slimmer, the grip is shorter and not bent, the stock id longer and thinner.




    the pistol/hand gun on the desk looks rather weird, but it doesnt matter to much snce its very small and isnt central really.




    the pc srenn, light, chair and desk look good, as does the piccie of the drag med.




    back to the mini gun, the handel is in the wrong position, the body, well it dont look like that. thats probably also the first red mini gun i have seen.




    for mini gun referances look here: http://www.nazarian.no/wep.asp?id=371&group_id=25&country_id=181&lang=0


    (theres also other mini guns on there)




    for m4 referances look here: http://www.nazarian.no/wepc.asp?lang=0&group_id=5&country_id=97




    the shotgun body isnt to bad so ill leave that be.





  8. yeah my texturing isnt really that great, while my linework and shading arnt too bad. so yeah texture is rather important, part of the triangle, but im constantly learning and so with time i will (hopefully) improve. i may even do some pure texture avvys or whatever, but then again i may not...




    well i added a classic bg to it and it looks like this:








    and with text... (quickly runs it to another program, and... done)








    there you go sara, finaly i have made you a siggy =)





  9. i have/had a aiptek, i still do have it, but the pen broke, and ment that it didnt work, and finding a replacement pen has been a nightmare, in the sence ive spend 5 months trying and havent found a single one, so yeah its not easy to get replacements. or atleast for my model, i havnt seen my model around much, infact barly at all. anyways, yeah quality it isnt too bad, easy enough to draw it on the screen and once you get the hang of it you dont really need to have a touch screen style thing.





  10. owned by the worm, ah, very old memories. nad, you must be a spammer, so many posts o0.




    on topic...




    it looks good however i prefer you current one, it has a better feel imo.




    the new one is too messy to be good.





  11. um, no offence but it looks messy, cheap and amaturish, like sit a 8 year old at psp and tell them to mess around wth the effects. sorry i guess this sounds nasty, but yeah, its what i feel.




    look at tuts and see what others have done. i know this is ment to be differnet, butyou can still be original and look good =)





  12. I need a pixel sig...


    Action type


    Char 1


    Gender: Male


    Head: Iron full


    Body: iron plate


    Legs: green d hide (g)


    Cape: Sara CW


    Boots: Wizard


    Gloves: Gold


    Neck: Glory


    Expression: like hes fighting


    Hair: White


    Hair Style: [bleep]es down forehead


    Skin Color: Tannish


    Weapon:Rune scimmy


    Shield: Sara book




    Char 2:


    Head: Blk Beret


    Body: Rune plate


    Legs: Drag


    Cape: Legends


    Boots: Rune


    Gloves: Barrows


    Neck: Fury


    Wep: Whip


    Shield: Obby


    Face: Scared


    Hair: Black


    Hair Style: [bleep]ey


    Gender: Male


    Skin: Tan


    More on next Post...




    *next post*




    Setting: Wild, corpses on the ground, and blood.


    Actions: Char 1 is casting wind blast on char 2, Char 2 is hit on 21. Were both skulled.


    Size: 360ÃÆÃââââ‰â¬

  13. im guessing 3 main stage.




    1st crop leaf into new layer.


    2nd add contrast to the bg.


    3rd add zoom blur to the bg.




    basicly, im sure you did more. either way i like the way it looks, different for a photo manip. i personaly quite like the zoom blur, but i think it will get to the stage where im sick of it, cos i used it to much, but thats yet to come. looking good. be good to see you do some more.




    just wondering, what program(s) did you use?





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