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Posts posted by pjb21

  1. dont you ever get tired of the over used "pmg i w0ntz3rs uh pk1ng s1ggeh!!!!"?








    theres alot of ways you can draw things happening, such as people dieing, theres alot of flexability, just try and enjoy all the work you do and dont force anything, thats when it can turn for the worse, you dont have to do anything, you do it for your own pleasure and its a great time filler =P




    i enjoy scenes with alot of action and preferably minimum texturing hence why i tend to do alot of pking sigs over richman rooms (that and rich man rooms make me sick)





  2. oh wont you just leave him alone, if you cant say anthing helpful then dont say anything atal!




    he a decent guy, a good artist and he has his off moments from time to time like the rest of us. hes only human and was hoping that you would find it in your hearts to forgive him for a mistake he made. however it would seem that you are just being cold hearted and stubbon and so in fact you are the one being the arse not weeboab.





  3. aw why not ill post a noob fake i made.....








    is not good at all but rate if you want to




    ps. if you are going for a goal like a lvl 99 skill you could edit that skill out lol to save you trouble of making it urself




    and people first to find out an error gets a weird picture




    no house making skill




    weird piccie ftw!

  4. yey png, about time =P




    yeah word of advise, dont copy.




    1. copying anothers work doesnt really help you to improve and develop your own style, simply theirs.




    2. copy texturing etc can also be quite dodgy, mainly because it could look ripped.




    3. people accuse you of ripping it, or parts of it, and that can lead to a bad rep.




    so yeah in future dodnt copy others work, but, well, yeah...




    other that that it looks rather good, the coins looks quite good, however they dont quite fit, the bg, imo, it so light in colour, make it a darker brown, whats that in the top right? i advise you change the floor colour but thats your choice.





  5. its fairly nice, however the style looks rather like mxm's work more on developing your own style, and dont copy other peoples work, else you just end up a copy.




    i dont know what it is about the ice but it just doesnt really seam to fit.




    the highlights on the staff made it look like that corigated iron wire (?) it should be smoother, not as bumpy.




    the whip head looks to large as well.




    the shading on the cloacks should go the other way.





  6. psylo, of corse you can, several people have and thats what its there for no need to ask permision.




    rune hq isnt all bad it atualy has quite a few decent artists, but they were all from here originaly with a few exeptions, but we dont like them =P




    mastino, i only have one thing to say, w00t for pointless and totaly uber posts =)




    any comments on the new thread/? yes? no? maybe? atualy not maybe that isnt helpful...





  7. [offtopic] ter, cool family, what line of work are you wanting to head into?[/offtopic]




    i know you can do it with paint.net, is very simple, just deleat the areas you dont want (with select the area and deleat or use the erasor) then once thats done save as png or gif and there you go =)




    simple or what? lol.





  8. anim8tor? cool, i had a go with that but i never red tuts or anything and kinda left it along. lol.




    nice 2h and baxe, however the baxe should be more 'beefed up' the 2h looks rather podgy and has too many bends imo.





  9. i like the colour scheme, reminds me of some of ters.




    never pillow shade, not ever. always shade according to how light falls on an object.




    add a bit more contrast in there it looksall rathert one tone and so hard to destinquish (sp?)




    one more thing, with the dragon 2h its is really too wide at the handle end and looks very weird imo.




    be good to see it finished =)





  10. your thing looks like plastic my baxe looks like rubber




    [offtopic]maybe try a dif program to avoid that, or use a texture?[/offtopic]




    it looks ok, nice concept but the exicution isnt that great, it looks well, too smooth, plasticy, curvy. the thing your basing it on isnt like that its rough, and worn. plastic injection moulding ftw? i think not. rather rip[ a brance from a tree, grab a large piece of meal, sharpen it and shove it through the tree ^^ yeah so make it more worn looking and less plastic.




    oh and you are ment to kill with it, so sharp ftw :wink:





  11. green thingy in bg ftw?




    no, really, what is it?




    and i do hope you are doing what i instructed you to, PNG damn it!




    oh sara, whens it your bday?




    looking nice, love you work, very good at texturing unlike me =)




    if you have a cool idea for a collab dont hesitate to pm me =)




    oh colab with sara eh? any more info? you know in nosey =P




    i perfer doing avvies because after a while of working on something, i get boared outta my mind...




    strange isnt it, your latest work is like massive way bigger than any sig or pixel ive ever done. heh, yeah it just made me laugh a bit... :anxious:





  12. hmm looks quite good, downloading it now.




    i currently use milkshape for 3d modeling, very good program with lots of freedom model making wise, however presentation with it could be improved, its a bargin at only ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20/$30 and they have a really cool company name =P




    yeah i advertise a bit too much o0




    anyway its god model, and yes it couldnt be a screenie, the image and building is too big, im guessing the textures are screenies tho, right?




    oh and a note if i was you i wouldnt post the file cos else people may thei[bleep]e! just a wireframe or somming would be cool to see.





  13. i like it, one of your best




    nice texturing in the sea, however with that sea and sky the colours dont blend too well, consider adding more colours maybe? (dont ditter i feel it will ruin the pic)




    whats the person with the [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] (sp?) doing? o0




    very colourful, but a good colourful.




    maybe make the sun brighter aswell




    oh and one last thing, pink bunnies ftw.





  14. yeah i know about ghosty, its really really hard considering it was all done in paint (im very particular, only use paint for pixels despite access to better programs :wink:) yeah so um, if anyone has tps on shading semi trasparent robes then they are much welcome, images for help are also good =)




    im not claiming to be the best and i know im not, not even near, while i may have been doing this a year and a half it doesnt make me good and i know ive got a long way to go, so yeah, thats why i shall continue to practise. i have seen photo quality pixels before :shock:





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