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Everything posted by ace_ape231

  1. i did and it says 0 degrees 52 mins north 0 degree 58 mins east.. what the heck?
  2. where is 03 degree 45min south, 22 degree 45 min east?
  3. wow that was funny lol __________________________________________________________ You know you have played runescape to long when ..... 1) you attempt to high-alch paper made armor 2) throwing paper balls while holding a paper bow at the teacher, then finally yelling out "WOOT 99 RANGE!" (for the rsc =p arrows = [bleep]y balls) 3) when u attempt to slay the lego dragon at disney world (forgot where it was at, but it had alot of lego things around it)
  4. when you cut down a tree and shout out "FINALLY! 99 WOOD CUTTING!"
  5. think he was just confused when he didnt see it on the thingy-mo-bob =p
  6. u already do. =p take ur armor off and take a look for urself
  7. very carefully =p i dunno.. maybe some odd reason
  8. 125 runes 242 chaos runes and 52 law runes
  9. i wouldnt mind. but i dont really care eaither way
  10. sure. o.O totally disagree. it, whats the use of pking if u cant eat to heal urself, then attack again?
  11. zezima must have a crud load of motivation then =\
  12. 1) well maybe we could let f2p get like 1 more quest. just to shut them up =\ 2) no? 3) no lol thats stupid
  13. bump every requirment for combat up 10 above black. 70 attack for dragon 50 def for rune, that kind of stuff
  14. i guess attack pot would be fine but def is kinda to much but i still think they need to open the edge wildy up to a certain area.
  15. even if jagex considers this, all the would do is this. Either make the edgeville wilderness open. (just noticed we wre talking about the draynor wildy, but ive never heard or seen that, or it sjust new and i havnt read the report about it) and add a ladder leading up to the main wildy. or add a new mage armor. im very sure that jagex would never make potions for free. but after the wildy or mage armor update, f2p should not get an update any time in the near future.
  16. i cant believe how many memebers think they are better than people who dont pay. maybe its because they arent as addicted to pay for a game or maybe they just dont like the game that much. And yes i am ragging on u members but its your own fault. u act so high and mighty compared to f2p because you have nothing else to do with your money. (maybe the same thing but oh well =p) now some f2ps are extremly moronic and beg for stuff. i cant agrue that. but some times they are in right. Like right now, f2p is asking for a simple update that members obviously do NOT need. now, lets take a little look at the updates and why or why not we should get them. 1) Potions Alright. Basicly, if we had defence potions and attack potions, it would be to crazy the first couple of weeks. Newbs would sell for outstanding high prices. 100k at most for a simple potion. Also!! (yes there is an also, although it doesnt need it) Free people need a members item to CREATE them. BAD IDEA! Changing around the requirmenets just to suit people who dont even pay for it. woo smart idea isnt that =p 2) Armor. Hmm, not much to say here other than archers dont need it. They alrady have green. Anyhow we dont pay for it. And also people would sell for amazingly high prices untill every1 figured out how to get it. Anyhow if anything, mages should get something. They have not had a free update in forever. Maybe adding mage armor that needs like 50 mage or sumthing for both free and members would be the best thing. 3) Wildy (only good idea) Well, seeing how people on free ALWAYS pk, then i dont see why not to add this. First it would open up new training spots which i know every1 would love. And also it would be a good place to pk. (though it should only be single in training area's or sumthing. Btw dont flame me just because i know what im talking about please
  17. i think members posted this smart one. and yes i think the wildy in draynor should be made f2p just so long as they dont get to close the the member creatures. but i also think they should have a ladder leading up to the top level wilderness as well. and no. attack and def should not. nor should the blue dragon hide. im f2p and i am disgusted by all the moronic idiots who play. obviously their adolesent mindset is solely based on "gimme gimme gimme" Way to go newbs! you basicly just gave f2p a horrible name!!! =) *gives them a cookie*
  18. ... no. ur a idiot. im free and i dont even agree with this. STOP BEGGING FOR STUFF UR GIVING US GOOD F2P's A BAD NAME!
  19. always thought 'Yourself' was pretty cool in rsc. be like 'Yourself is you' or trade with yourself... that was pretty fun to see =) seeing how it happend to me.
  20. 1k tinder 100k tiles (woo)
  21. sorry for the extra post, comp too slow and i hit submit twice.
  22. woo great idea.... o.O lets count the reasons why your "great idea" is infact, horrible. 1) if the cap was 40 for everything, then almost every1 would quit. making the chances of people switching to members slim. 2) if members came to f2p then they SHOULD have to have 40 stats also. its only fair for pkers. 3) why the hell does jagex put level 100 random events or 86 s if no1 could possible kill them without having to run for food each kill. 4) no sense. if people cant afford membership why should they be punished? 5) the hell do u want to put a cap on it? its funny how you feel threatend to get beat by a f2p. is that why? you dont want to be worse then some1 who doesnt pay? ur idea is completely and utterly moronic.
  23. most people who dont have members have a good reason why they dont have it. for me its because my parents can hardly afford this computer and im sure thats for some others also or their parents dont want to pay because they will become more addicted or sumthing along those lines and for those reasons, f2p shouldnt be penalized. more names soon
  24. step 1) move hand 6 inches from the W key. press down. This is known are the cap locks key step 2) never touch that key again
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