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Everything posted by distilledwill

  1. guess i got the wrong end of the stick, i didnt mean it to be a rant. well this has degenerated, anyway, back to the subject. do u think they could do anything to firemaking to make it more useful to f2pers?
  2. whatever man, u did disagree. fair dos, i was just disagreeing with you again. no worries. id probably have a more rounded view of the skills if i had p2p. sorry if i contradicted myself. lol. i realise i was being a bit hypocritical.
  3. wally, the topic is about woodcutting and firemaking in f2p, so the "get members" isnt really an answer at all. and again, the topic is about woodcutting and firemaking in f2p, so the fact that its put to good use in a members quest is again irrelavent. finally, yes it may be a good total skill raiser, but having a skill simply to tally up numbers with no real advantages seems a bit pointless. im not flaming u, ur entitled to ur opinions.
  4. although its a nice idea for members, it would totally disadvantage f2pers who are already at a disadvantage due to the superior weapons, armour and training abilities of the p2pers.
  5. its basically the system most skill based (well organised) clans implement. like, you bring us say 1k iron and we'll give u full steel or something. ive seen it before and its the kind of thing i want to implement into my clans system. although i dont think it would work if jagex brought it into the actual game. i like the way that a whole community has built up around the game with its own rules and tasks.
  6. There are some skills on f2p which are obviously rewarding and profitable to train in: mining and smithing-even up to the top lvl 99 you are still learning adn everyone wants rune armour so theres always a f2p and p2p market. fishing and cooking-everyone needs food when fighting, especially when pking, so there is always a market for high lvl fish and other food products. however, woodcutting and firemaking seem to be entirely pointless on f2p. sure, theres a good market for yews, but only because the f2pers have to rely on the p2pers buying off them for fletching. firemaking is also entirely pointless, why would u train to a high lvl of firemaking when yew logs cook food just as well as normal ones. My suggestions are these: 1) Open up a restricted system of fletching to f2pers. Perhaps up to steel, mith or adamant arrows. then, at least there will be another use for the logs that high lvl woodcutters on f2p seem to stockpile, other than to sell to the p2pers. (it would also make use of the feathers that some f2pers seem to have for some reason(other than low lvl fishing). lol) 2) Make use of firemaking in f2p, im not entirely sure what firemaking is used for in p2p, as im only f2p myself. But it does seem like a skill that is surplus to requirements and until now ive basically ignored it. Anyway, feel free to comment, agree and disagree and give any other views on this matter. Cheers, Will
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