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Everything posted by Gardias

  1. Could you not hotlink directly from runescape.com? Just save the map image, and upload it somewhere else.
  2. Pressing either :: or '', I can't remember which, before your message in early RSC supposedly sent the message to the mods. I don't know if it was true or not, but the "code" made the message not show up over your head or in the chat screen on the bottom. Choosing a class before you start the game (Adventurer ftw) Santas being 100k and lower Using Camels
  3. I've seen one young so far, in between Khazari Jungle and Shilo Village.
  4. Hey, I just re-bought members, I un-subscribed right before construction came out. I never really bothered with farming, but I really want to do the pirate quests (Rum Deal, Cabin Fever) to get to Mos Le'Harmless. What would be the best/easiest way to go from 1 to 40 farming, and how long would it take?
  5. Welcome back, add me if yah wanna chat :D
  6. Thanks! You'll have to excuse the horrible web host, it was the best I could do.. Hopefully I'll be able to get one with less advertisments soon.
  7. I remember awhile back, when the troll quests were starting to come out, there was a glitch where you could step through the rocks in the wildy and walk around, along the edge of the wildy. And the glitch in Runescape Classic where if your went up a ladder the right way, you would end up outside the walls, being able to walk around in the blackness. I had to get a mod to teleport me out, I forgot to bring runes :(
  8. A new one has been added! Be sure to check out The Forgotten Cemetery!
  9. Thanks for the suggestions! Unfortunatly, my members expired awhile ago so I'll be f2p for a little while, but there are still some little-known areas in f2p I can bring to the light :P Looking at the map, there are a few places I think would be pretty good for the job. I'll keep you guys posted, I'll get started on the next one pretty soon!
  10. Do people even wear those any more? I remember I used to have a whole bunch, I went on some mad frenzy to get every single one.
  11. Thanks for the feedback :D! I could use some suggestions on places I could explore next, its pretty fun doing this sorta thing so I'm itching to go do another.
  12. Thanks, it's always nice to have some positive feedback! Hopefully I'll be able to document every creepy and interesting place in the Wilderness, and maybe even out of the Wilderness too.
  13. Most of you probably don't know me, but I've been a Runescape/Tip.it member for awhile now. Near 2 years ago, I made a post, Wildy Exploration, which was a short photo-play about me exploring parts of the Wilderness. I recommend you check it out. But now I'm back, and I have finally made a new one! Check it out at the bottom of this post! I'll update this page as I make more, If you want. Leave comments, suggestions, hate mail, whatever, I'll be glad to answer :P . Ruins *NEW* Forgotten Cemetery Many pictures, beware.
  14. To stop the Noob Money Account problem, why not make it so that the amount of money reflects upon your Total Level or something...
  15. You need a lockpick, you have to either pickpocket rouges for it, or buy form players.
  16. only in runescape can making your own paper hats be considered illigal
  17. Absolute most hilarious name is: I_Eat_Babies :lol:
  18. Absolute most hilarious name is: I_Eat_Babies :lol:
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