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Everything posted by darlok

  1. Thanks for the support guys. Congratulations on 99 Rc Toshiba, I doubt I will ever get there.
  2. Please support me in making 300k nats and getting 91 rc [hide=Introduction] Hey, some of you may have recently seen my rate this thread about being betrayed by my friend to the tune of a santa hat. well after hearing my story a good friend of mine who played back in the 'good old days' gave me his santa hat. So as i stood there with around 30m i thought 'what should i do'. i could have bought all barrows sets, my dream mage armour, get a few of my skills up a fair bit. after consulting my friends for a while i decided that i would buy rune essence. Now i am on the massive road of crafting 295k nats. [/hide] [hide=Bank] I sold everything in my bank, this is the only good stuff [/hide] [hide=Inventory] [/hide] [hide=Outfit] [/hide] [hide=Progress] [hide=Nats made] [hide=Old Pics] [/hide] [/hide] [/hide] [hide=Blog] Day 1- 6/7/07 spent quite a while buying all the stuff i need to make all these nats. Also set up this blog. Day 2- 7/7/07 Got up at 12 so not as many nats as I would have liked, also had to work may make some more as i watch wimbledon but will not upload pics till tommorrow. Day 3- 8/7/07 Had work again but got a good ammount of nats done. Wont be able to make many tommorrow.[/img] Day 4- 9/7/07 Rced with toshiba for a few k nats, will be slowing down a bit now. Also got 83 rc today. [/hide] [hide=Donations] Although i dont need donations, if you see me around and have a few energy/super energy potion, feel free to give them to me and i will post screenies. [/hide] [hide=Levels] [/hide]
  3. well my mum has now told me I can no longer have membership =/
  4. Just found out he decked 3 muggers 1 month ago so might not risk that. Also his parents are quite nice people and might not like him doing this so could talk to them and they maymake him do something.
  5. well imagine if this guy decided to keep your stuff next time, that is pretty much what happened to me.
  6. @ QueenValarie, Agshlee, Master_Smither, Tennis_Ace- Thanks for the positive comments, unlike those who just offer the usual rhotoric about not taking the game so seriously. This is like if Leesters lent QueenValarie his party hat and she kept it, i'm sure no one would be saying 'get a life' to him. And I have decided i will confront him soon.
  7. I have decided that I will make this guys life hell :twisted:
  8. That was a joke. :shock:, i play 3 sports and go out with friends every weekend. and its not about the game its about my friend betraying my trust.
  9. Yeah im trying too but i dont know how much of the gp he still has, i may have to reposess his house
  10. I could easily bash the @#$% out of him, but firstly i am against violence and second that will lower the chance of me getting my stuff back(which still isnt out of the question)
  11. should i get santa back or just spend money on skills?
  12. nice bank, too bad. should have quit while you were ahead :D
  13. I have had bad experiences with the duel arena ie. being up 2m then down 100k.
  14. Betrayal hurts in all forms, and if you cant place trust in someone then then thats sad. Btw I know this guy IRL.
  15. Rate this! Well this story started 2 months ago when I decided that I was going to quit for a short time. I decided that before i finished i would get a santa hat and lend it to my friend until i came back. I quit for a couple of weeks then got bored and came back. At this stage i decided that my friend could keep my santa a little longer as he was having a hard time IRL. Six weeks later he is playing much less and not talking to me when he is online. I end up getting suspcious so at my friends 94 mage party(he also knew the guy i lent the santa to) i ask him if he knows if he is going to give me my santa back. At this point my freind tells me that he has sold my santa hat and has bought items for himself. At this stage i am feeling crushed, it about betrayal as much as the loss of a 20m gp item. This santa hat took me literaly a year to save for, i cleaned my bank to buy it and showed the ultimate trust in my friend and he betrayed it. My faith in humanity is literaly gone, I cannot understand the guilt he must feel for doing this, and if he feels no guilt i pity the worthless creature he is. You can rate my bank and stats if you want. BANK (now have crafted 12k of those nats :P ) (have all random sets and a rubber chicken) STATS
  16. If you are talking about Yews then i would recomend stringing as it is fast. If you are talking about willows sell at a charter boat general store, you get a couple of extra gp per bow.
  17. WC isnt the best money maker, I would choose RC. You could make 1.3m gp per hour and be one pf few to have the cape.
  18. I dont mind RC pkers even though I RC reguarly. Its a trade off between making tonns of GP and getting pked every so often. I dont know why people complain about them so much, its not like Jagex accidently put the mage dude in the wild.
  19. Dont walk use energy pots. Walking is for N00bs.
  20. I hope that they dont release new potions or new ways to get exp. I like the fact that herby is a tough skill to lvl, hopefully jagex doesnt do to herblore what they have done to many other skills.
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