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Everything posted by Ragnorak

  1. Nice sig! I would offer... but im gonna keep my same sig for atleast a month :P
  2. Bid starts at 10k... no stupid bids like 10k and 1 gp :roll: I can change color and font bid away! :)
  3. oops :oops: the second one was the earlier form of the first one besides thier better than your sig :roll:
  4. Lots of using Gradients... many layers... filters,... and overlays... etc. I think this ones the best :) EDIT: looks like its brushed but its not please rate out of ten or buy :shock:
  5. Now changing your mind lol don't lie 7/10
  6. Nice sig but i doubt you made that in "some free program" for your first try whats the program called
  7. I want an island one name: Denasian
  8. http://www.runescapecommunity.com/index.php?showtopic=33504 Don't rip other peoples work :roll: 0/10
  9. you stupid noob mowbuss the first one was made by Nadril and Ryan the second one i know i saw this somewhere. besides you can see the name :roll: caught you again :wink:
  10. Liek omg Ill pay 100000000 mil !!!!11111!!!111 :lol: you have to be joking. that sig is worth 1gp :roll:
  11. wow :shock: 9 out of 10 for all of em I think the 1st one is the best
  12. omg you are god :shock: i was wondering how to make fratual flames
  13. Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:51 pm Post subject: Re: .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- djscoobsta wrote: looks at ur sig..... i hate rs croped cut out pics and stylish sigs normally have minimal riting so u can see the style! well i give it a 7.5 looks at your sig, name and border over a terragen image! i wouldnt say much.. :lol: Not bad I rate 7/10
  14. 1/10 All you did was googled an image and wrote your name on it :roll:
  15. OoOoOh looks nice :D cant get on runescape until tommorow :x rsn: Firefly991
  16. Timmy you don't know what your talking about :lol: its grunge. Besides it's better then your pixel piece of crap you call a sig. :roll: it's not bad 7/10 ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâûÃÆââ¬Â¡ÃâþÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâäÃÆÃâÃâÃ
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