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Everything posted by Red_Warplord

  1. 126 combat was sort of an iconic RS thing. To see that go will be odd.
  2. Of course, you have to ask yourself - is the replacement of the old with the new good or bad? Are the new players worse than the old ones? Less mature? Less kindly? That sort of thing. You should also realize that a player isn't "good", "mature", "better", or "kinder" overnight when they make the jump to Members, either. Give it time and they'll prove their worth in one category or another. If that was towards me, I'm aware that membership doesn't exactly make a player better or such overnight. I was commenting that the player base changes over time, and it'll be interesting to see whether the new wave of members are better for the game than the leaving ones just in general.
  3. Of course, you have to ask yourself - is the replacement of the old with the new good or bad? Are the new players worse than the old ones? Less mature? Less kindly? That sort of thing.
  4. Woah. Abby whips have dropped low. I remember when they were 10 million! Everything's so damned cheap now...
  5. I think I know... This topic was started before the Kalphite was released :lol: Really, this was last posted on before you on 23rd August 2004, and the Kaphite was released 2 weeks later on 7th September 2004 I'll probably go with the dragon bones, because... 72 MILLION PRAYER XP OWNS J00! :D
  6. :lol: It'll be more than one person, that's why it's a called a treasure trail But Hans is just outside Lumbridge Castle
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