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Everything posted by slayer1227

  1. Hey it's nice to see you post as Patchman :D . Haven't seen that name in awhile. Later.... -SLAYER 1227-
  2. I hate you. Why the hell would you post some crap like this that you didnt even truly make. What the hell is wrong with you kid...
  3. I had 4.2mil cash yesterday...bought ranger set and and stuff hehe.
  4. Well...I have owned both an iPod nano and Creative so...I prefer the iPod...I found the sound quality better and on the creative it's too touch sensitive for my liking...the click wheel design is much nicer feeling. I guess it just depends on who's buying the product...someone who doesnt want to pay iPod price will reach for the Creative (or if you think bill Gates is a crook :twisted: ). I still love my iPod over my Creative (which doesnt get used by me much at all anymore). So I think that the iPod is the better buy in the end... 8)
  5. headgear=robin hood weapon=crystal bow chest=black dragonhide legs=black dragonhide sheild=none boots=rangers gloves=white ammy=drag ammy cape=guthix hair color=blonde
  6. head gear=robin hood weapon=crystal bow chest=black dragon legs=black dragon sheild=none boots=rangers gloves=white ammy=drag ammy cape=guthix
  7. Drop reggae and listen to rock..that's all i have to say.
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