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Everything posted by mouseman99

  1. I have experimented with slayer dart and magic bonus. Killed experements while doing this as the have high HP and reduces my timing error. I did 50 casts at +79 and took an average of 33.13 seconds to kill one. (I devided the time it took by the number of casts and allways got within 0.1 of a second to 2.8 seconds to show my timing was accurate) At -49 magic bonus time averaged 50.18 sec!! Thats an extra 17.05 seconds per experiment. Of course the barrows brothers have pitiful mage defense so the difference in time to kill them with and without mage bonus is only limited. But it will take longer if you are not wearing mage gear!!
  2. Yeah and if we are lucky he might even learn a lesson and not do it again, If we are REALLY REALLY lucky!!
  3. I thought of this a while ago and i really do agree with you as for myself i am wearing most of my money :P so a bank pin doesn't help. It would also be easy to make the pin optional like the bank pin. Solves the problem of people who dont like the idea, it could even be the same pin as your bank to save Jagex's bandwidth.
  4. I can see where your heading with this, more variety in items. But i agree many are over powered plus that giant hord of monsters will need a huge amount of new areas to be designed. Also lol my bank is crammed with enough stuff as it is. Kudos for trying it though.
  5. Lets face it for the majority of people who get banned they deserve it. So why go soft and clear there stats etc. Just ban them! Then they may learn.
  6. Yeah it has. Lol your just freakishly lucky!! I have done over 200 runs and never ever had it happen to me!!
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