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Posts posted by Militaris

  1. Arguing that the earth is flat is fun. Back of Scapeboard we had a long debate on this subject. If done correctly a 'fairly' convincing case can be made, although it collapses under scrutiny. But then such arguments can be brushed off and simplified, so simple answers can be use to rebate them. Delay tactics were also fun.




    Q: Why is NASAÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s space shuttle runway curved?


    The planet is flat, terrain and objects on the planet can be any shape. If the runway is curved it is because they designed it that way.




    Q: How does the atmosphere stay on the Earth?


    The earth is flat, it is not without mass.




    Q: Explain the Coriolis force?


    This force is created due to the temperature from the great outer ice wall and warmer temperatures of the center areas. This force is one of the main reasons which make people think the earth is round, it also means people avoid the great ice wall and are 'pushed' around to the other side of the world without seeing it.




    Q: Why does the hull of a ship disappear over the horizon before the mast does?


    Due to the fact that the mist/dust is thicker closer to the sea, which results in the hull of the ship dissapearing first.




    Q: if the moon is a spotlight, why can i see a "man" in the moon (shadows cast by the sun on the hills and mountains on it) last i checked a light can't contain shadows.


    The moon is made out of different shades of materials which make up the moon are darker then other parts, there is no man in the moon. The dark materials make a pattern which in someways resembles that of a man.




    Q: Explain magnetism is there is no South pole.




    Would answer that tomorrow, after a bit of research.




    Q: Explain fully the optical illusion causing sunrises and sunsets.




    Would answer tomorrow after I locate my notes on this subject. I forget my model which explained the earth. (Was much better then the silly ones online with the turtle ect)

  2. The car looks kinda cool.




    but it has poor ground clearance... I once owned a car with poor ground clearance... bad mistake. Hit every rock, stick, rubbish, small forest creature on the road.




    I finally drove it into a river bed, where I got stones stuck in it, (had to do a high speed jump/drive over a patch of loose stones to prevent getting stuck, moments before I watched a Toyota Hilux struggle through), the stuck stones gave it a deep rumbling sound at low speeds.... Although was heaps of fun to drive on the open road.

  3. As for time travel, there is no way to travel back in time but there is a way to travel forward in time.




    If control could be gained over all matter and energy (knowledge over its location, velocity, direction), , then if somehow the direction of that matter is reversed, then in theory the effects of time should be reversible and the effect of going backwards though what already occurred should happen.




    I suppose it could be argued that all that the above would archive is the reversal of 'space' and that time would continue forwards. Although, we measure time by the movement of space. So the measurement of time would be reversed.




    I am confusing myself so I would stop.

  4. Another reason to go for the last one is that it is a X850XT while the middle one from HIS is only a X800XL.




    I also agree that it would be worthwhile to check out the 7600GT. Its main advantages being that it is a current generation card, slightly better preformance in newer games, slightly worst in older games preformance, newer features, Fan is supposed to be less noisy, and more energy efficient.

  5. I just checked and the 1600 series were competitve with the 6600GT




    With regards to a competitor, maybe the Radeon X1800GTO or the Radeon X850XT depending on price could be worth a look.




    I did a bit of reading.




    SAPPHIRE Radeon X850XT $163.00


    SAPPHIRE Radeon X1800GTO $234.00


    eVGA Geforce 7600GT $179.00




    By looking at the prices, the 1800GTO is bad value for money when you consider that its preformance is simalar to the other 2.




    The x850xt and the 7600GT have simalar preformance, but the 7600GT is a newer card with newer features. If you want ATI buy a x850XT otherwise spend the extra few dollars and get the 7600GT

  6. I would go with the eVGA GeForce 7600 GT, it is slightly more expensive, but it is much faster and a much newer card.




    Yes you are 100% right to go with AMD, their desktop CPU currently dominate in most benchmarks, they run cooler and use less power. Pentium currently has little going for it.

  7. CPU


    With regards to the CPU you have two main options, the first is the AMD Athlon 64 3200+ , this single core processor has what it takes to play most games at high details and at good FPS. There is little advantage in buying faster models.




    THe main CPU alternative would be the AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 3800+ , although similar to the previous one it has two cores instead of one. It would give increase performance for multi-tasking and for a limited number of software which can take advantage of the second core (The amount of supported software is almost certainly going to increase). There is a third option which is a dual cored AMD Opteron 165, it is simalar to the x2 3800+




    Video Card


    The video card is most often the limiting factor when it comes to overall system performance for playing games. I would suggest you purchase a nVidia 7900GT, they sell for around $300 on newegg. A cheaper option would be the 7600GT or the 6800GS.






    Unless you plan on overclocking there is not much benefit to gain from buying expensive memory. Stick with value stuff. I would suggest you go dual core, either 2x512mb or 2x1GB






    Hard-disk storage is quite cheap nowadays, look for a drive with the following specs 7200rpm, 8mb Cache and Serial ATA. Although the performance increase from 8mb cache and Serial ATA is nothing spectacular. Seagate and Western Digital are good brands.






    A good quality PSU (Power supply) is recommended, I would suggest one made by either ANtec or Enermax, they are good quality and at a reasonable price. Get one with a wattage of 400+

  8. The preformance of a x1600 is comparable to that of a 6600GT, which is a $100 card. It stands little chance against a 7600GT.






    Just so you know, I suggested the 7600GT because its preformance is simalar to that of what your other hardware is capable of. There is little point of having a powerful video card if your CPU struggles to keep up with it. Although, you would still gain benefit from a 7900GT but i do not feel it is worth while. Although it is hard to go wrong with either card, they are both good value for money.

  9. My apologies, Everests readout was not as plain as I thought. But I am very certain that it is a PCI-E card.




    Now back to the original question.




    Two cards spring to mind, there might be slightly better deals if you put the research in, but you would not go wrong with either of these cards.




    NVIDIA 7600GT $189.00 (Price from Newegg)


    NVIDIA 7900GT $305.00




    Based on your CPU, I would suggest the cheaper option. It should be a good match with your current hardware and give a massive speed increase.

  10. Yeah everest can be a bit complicated.




    Here is a quick way which should allow you to find it.




    Load everest. In the side menu click on 'display', it should expand into 7 or so options. One of them should be labled "PCI/AGP video", select that one, and it should show the name of your video card and included in the name should be eitheir AGP or PCI-E.




    A alternative way would be to do a 'system summary report' and pasting the motherboard/Display info here. (Both should be able to tell you the kind of slot it has)






    > Report wizard> Next


    > Select "System Summary Only"


    > Plain Text


    > Copy/paste

  11. Most probably, if you are planning to spend around $300 get a 7900GT or a for around $180 a 7600GT should do the job and would be a good match with your other hardware.




    It is unlikely his motherboard will support PCI-E...






    maybe, but the ATI x300 series were dominantly PCI-E cards. So there is a slight chance that his one is AGP.

  12. 2.8GHz processor


    1.5gb Ram


    128 mb ATI x300SE graphics card




    Do you guys think if I got a better graphics card (perhaps, a 300 dollar one), that my comp will last me for a few years, and be able to play the minimum requirement games? (Such as, for example, a Warcraft 4, or a Diable 3 came out, would I possibly be able to run it?)





    Most probably, if you are planning to spend around $300 get a 7900GT or a for around $180 a 7600GT should do the job and would be a good match with your other hardware.

  13. Laptops are terrible things to take to class...




    - They are a huge distraction to the user. especially if they have games/movies on it.


    - They annoy other people especially with the clicking from typing or when the fan starts up. (If you do plan on using one try and get a silent as possible one)


    -Hand written notes are 'probably' faster and easier to format.




    Out of class and during normal study times they have a few advantages...


    -Convenience access to all of your files at any times. This is most helpful while doing research in a library or something.


    -Guarantee access to a computer while on campus.




    A laptop is not really necessary.

  14. Been a while sense the last one of these...




    My specs are




    AMD Athlon XP 2400+


    Gigabyte GA-7N400-L


    Samsung 80GB HDD


    Samsung 512 MB (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)


    Legend GeForce 6600GT 128 MB




    Getting a bit old now, but still does its job fine. Although there is a good chance it would have itself as a HTPC soon.

  15. Maybe it's just me, but I've heard that 2gb can be worse than 1 o.O


    How? :shock:








    It is mostly yo do with the inability of dual channels when you are using more then 2 sticks of ram... The following review shows it. The 4x512mb memory often gives worst performance then the 2x512mb...




    http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/memory ... b-ram.html






    There are also cases when 1GBx2 sticks are slower then 512mx2b, in non memory intensive tasks the 512mb would be slightly faster.

  16. For the last few months I have been playing around with the idea of building a HTPC, and been wondering what specs are really required for such a system. I would like the system to be able to record, freeze TV then later fast forward through ads to catch up. The ability to record HDTV is not required although it would be nice but not at any significant cost. The benchmark to compare it against is something like one of the DVD HD recorders like this , they are priced from around $600-1200NZD depending on make/model/brand.




    I plan to use it with a new Phillips 32ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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