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Posts posted by Militaris

  1. I got quite a cool heritage in me.




    Firstly I am around half English.


    Quite a bit of Irish


    Slightly less Swedish


    then a touch of German




    My Irish ancestory is not 'true' Irish but can be traced back to the viking invaders of the 13th century. They would of interbreed with the locals of time so that segment of scandinavian blood in me would be quite diluted. But I can still claim to be a viking.

  2. Part of me wants to get married, and almost feels a need to get married. But, another part of me says ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅI never want to get marriedÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  3. Option J


    1. Xbox 360


    2. Tie: Wii and Playstation 3




    Wii is going to face sale problems because of it's graphics, and the Sony fanboys will grant the PS3 doesn't become a complete commercial failure.

    ive noticed that the wii "fanboys" are more ignorant than any others and wont stop calling people sony "fanyboys" just because they can afford the better system so you decide to bash them and make fun of them




    just let it go, if you grew up around playstation games and you could afford it, you would be the same way, but no you are an ignorant fool who wont admit when he is wrong




    That the PS3 is a better system is debatable so should not really be used as a fact.


    Nice enough in theory, but in practice it requires the sacrifice of children's education. After all, how else are you meant to measure the effectiveness of a school? You need students. Take an elementary school. In sweden, that's 9 years of education. You run a kid through nine years of private education starting at the age of seven. Kid then get's the choose where to studies, and finds this nifty public school he'd like to attend. He goes there, and quickly realizes that compared to the other students, his actual knowledge of the subjects is sub-par. If kid is asked whether he'd go to the private school if he go to do it all over again, he says "no way!".




    Firstly I would say that a person would have to be a pretty bad parent if they fail to notice that their children is failing in their education. I would also add that many children already fail in the state system and in many cases the state system is the only choice. With my idea, there would be much more choice and a greater chance that the child would get moved into a school which suits their need. At the moment it is mostly a one size fits all solution.




    That being said, I don't think private run schools are a bad thing. I think completely entrusting the education of our children into their hands is stupid idea; Economic competition alone will not be able to keep the quality of education up. But throw in a few public schools. Let the private options compete with public schools. Legislate a bit to make eliminate money as a factor in the choice of where to place the kid (call me silly, but I really don't think you can have a democratic society where the quality of basic education depends on the wealth of your parents) so that the school you choose is chosen for it's quality of education; Not because it happened to be the cheapest local alternative.




    Most parents are caring, and want the best for their children. I doubt many would choose a childs education on the "cheapest local alternative". One way to prevent the action of parent greed is to continue to tax the population for education, then allow parents to take their child's share of state funding to any school of their choice - public or private. Failing schools should be allowed to close, or taken over by better performing ones.

  5. You have obviously never seen "Meet your Meat." Cows have all of thier skin ripped off violently by a machine before they are slaughtered. It's turned into leather.




    I have no idea which 3rd world country that "meet your meat' was filmed in but that is certainly not the case in most meat works. The animals go up a ramp into a small room where they are separated from the herd, there they are stunned by a electrical pulse before quickly having its neck slit. The carcass then goes down the meat processing line.




    In same cases they use a 'gun' like device which fires a shaft into the animals brain. In both cases they are not skinned while alive. Although they are skinned quite quickly after being killed.

  6. Option L




    Where to start.




    The Wii is going to sell well, it has a very attractive price, and a unique control system. I suspect this would be a 2nd console for many gamers.




    The Xbox 360 seems to be off to a fairly slow start, but it has a good lead which would help it alone. I personally believe that Microsoft does not have its heart set on the console market.. I personally believe that Microsoft is keen to focus more on the PC gaming market then they have been, and that would hurt the Xbox game selection.




    Although I have never been a fan of sony, it does have a lot of supporters. They would sell a lot of consoles but I personally suspect that the price is going to be too much for many to swallow. They are going to fight it out with Microsoft for second place and towards the end of this console generation it would overtake the Xbox.

  7. I dont know if you've heard of Academy schools in the UK. They are privately run businesses. Some of them are very good... others, like in Bristol are complete failures. All the Private sector ever seem to do is balls up a perfectly good service, railways, busses, schools. Privatisation just never seems to work.






    I have not heard of that system of schools, but being privately run does not guarantee success, that Bristol example if it was bad, it would lose business. Then it would have to get its act together and provide a service which people would pay for, or it would face closing down or getting brought out.


    The weak, and inefficient services die out in the free market, when under state control they do not face the same penalties if they fail. The free market provides a service which the people want and are willing to pay for, the state provides what they think the people want.




    The reason why Railways fail, even under private ownership is because they are a rather inefficient method of transportation in a highly competitive environment. When the state run such services they generally used tax payers money to keep them going because the margins are so thin it is next to impossible to get a economic return on investment. The truth is the road networks are much more versatile and practical then rail would ever be. It is a transport method of a previous age.




    Most bus services I have had experience with are run by private business and they are quite successful. The ones which were not have gone under or been brought out.




    Thinking about state ownership and privatization, the only examples which I can immediately think of which have not succeeded are cases when the government has not been willing to give up complete control.




    If you want to see examples of the wonders of state owned enterprises, I suggest you take a visit to North Korea.

  8. actually thats not true. My sister bought photoshop for like $80 because she was a "student" and they offer some kind of discount if you fill out a form. Same goes for teachers and buisness's, my uncle also uses photoshop for his buisness, duenkel photography... google it, he's one of the worlds most reknown photographers.




    Not everyone has connections like that, the actual retail value of Photoshop CS is $649.00 USD. (From Adobe's website).




    The actual retail value of Paint Shop Pro is $99.99 USD. (From Jasc's website)




    So to the average joe, PSP looks a lot better than Photoshop, especially since it (usually) comes with Animation Shop (not sure if they still do).




    That is why Adobe released Photoshop elements, it is a cheaper version of paintshop for the average joe to use.




    Here is a good summary comparing Elements with Paintshop


    http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read. ... e=19401069




    Between PSP and PSE... they are both good enough programs with their fans.

  9. I found it next to impossible to study on my computer... I generally did three things.




    Moved everything to the library and do my study there.


    Moved everything to a computer laboratory and do my study there.


    Completely dismantle my computer and pack it up.




    During my last semester at university I even started to drink a whiskey and coke which seemed to calm my nerves and improved my concentration, also gave a nice energy boost but the alcohol and the caffeine seem to counteract each other. If I had any more then a single drink the opposite would happen.

  10. Waste of time... how so? And I know what you mean by hoon culture (long hair, skummy, skuzzy, failure, druggy) but you have to realize not even 1/4 of the people that snowboard are like this. I personally am the complete opposite. I have short hair, get pretty good grades, and I have never done drugs or drank a beer. Even though I am only 15, so what. Just don't stereotype people when you have never done it, expecially if you think it is a waste of time, or even never have been to a hill to see what it's like.




    I suggest you read my original message. If you did, you would of realized that my 'thoughts' are completely unjustifiable and are based on a very narrow and selfish view of snowboarding.




    Where did I say I have never been to a hill?

  11. I say go with notes, but not any old notes. You have to get her to watch a seminar (see the other thread for references on why girls love them). Now in the seminar, if you are using decent software you should be able to paste 'virtual' notes, which you can open up during the seminar. The note should be something intriguing but not too direct, something like "the current price of crude oil" (Chicks love this stuff). You should also keep the seminar very specific, so a topic like "The impact of the price fluctuations of crude oil on the production of silk fabric in the Fujian province of southern china".




    If you do it just right she would be yours for the taking.




    Because these people AREN'T idiots - anybody could fall into that situation. The difference is in education you get to prevent these habits and promote good habits, and support you get once it happens (which helps improve the entire society). Thus, people from more privileged backgrounds are less likely to fall into these traps of addiction - look at statistics. So what we need is to put people on a sort of equal basic footing ground (i.e. mobility through equal education - education is the ultimate creator of social mobility) and THEN give them the freedom to do whatever they want, including how they spend their money.




    I believe that most government funding should be cut, except that for public education. Weird theory, right? :D




    I disagree, I believe the state has almost no place in education. The private sector can, and probably would provide much better solutions, which would would meet the needs of the student better and are likely to be less expensive to operate.




    People should be allowed to spend their money on the education provider which best suits their needs. It is also highly arguable about the need for a formal education, many of the great inventors and commercial successes have came from people who completely failed in such educational environments.




    I also fail to see how a state operated education system can teach people not to be addicts... They choose to be addicts and are mostly influenced by their environments. They need to learn self restraints, self respect and common sense and I do not believe that such a education could provide such training. I personally believe the removal of benefits, and other such handouts would have a much greater positive effect in reducing the level of addiction then educational brainwashing.

  13. In Necro's defense, I somehow hadn't heard it either. :)




    I think this is silly. Then again, if you've seen me on tip.it ever, I oppose most laws that limit freedom instead of expanding it. I think people can decide for themselves if they want to gamble or not. Some people get far too into it, addicted, and play unhealthily, it's true - but banning the whole thing just because some people abuse it surely is not a smart solution. Instead, provide more education and support for people who have addictions of all types.




    Should people not also have their freedom to spend their money on the services and goods which they personally see fit. Why should tax payers money be spent to educate idiots who lack responsibility and self control?.

  14. China's Lenovo Group has completed its $1.75 billion purchase of IBM's PC division, creating the world's third-largest PC maker, the companies said Sunday.




    Under the deal, IBM takes an 18.9 percent stake in Lenovo. Lenovo paid $1.25 billion for the IBM PC unit and assumed debt, which brought the total cost to $1.75 billion.




    Lenovo ... will be allowed to use the IBM brand for five years under an agreement that includes the "Think" brand. Big Blue has promised to support the PC maker with marketing via its corporate sales force.




    So, Lenovo does own the IBM PC division. It is very likely that the IBM thinkpads are still currently being made in the IBM facilities with the same staff.

  15. Alchemon and someone else faught for the top fighter for a long time I thought.




    Here are the top 10 overall players on sep 22 2002 (from wayback machine)












    Zaptone Z




    G Bub


    M Oldfield








    Here is a link which shows the highscore for that time


    http://web.archive.org/web/200112110352 ... s-0-0.html




    I played around with different dates for a while but without much luck. If anyone else tries the wayback machine, I had better luck looking up http://www.runescape.com




    Alchemon, and Sandytrain have also been widely forgotten but were farmous back in their time.

  16. I do not really like being called nicknames and try to put a stop to them. But in recent years I have been putting less effort in.




    People quite often try to call me 'tom' which is not allowed. One friend had gotten away with calling me tomo of lately, at least it is not 'tom'.




    My dad calls me 'bubbles', because he knows it irritates me. But I never respond to it because it would encourage him.

  17. My personal view "Waste of time", plus I dis-like the hoon culture which hangs around with it. But to be honest, I have never tried snowboarding and I had a very similar attitude towards mountain bikers before I become one.

  18. Thinking back to science class. I, and most of the class ended up making catapults out of raw chicken legs. (Skin the legs and pull on the tendons and you could get it to 'kick' or to close the 'claws'.




    Quite quickly we worked out we could use the legs to flick stuff (eg raw chicken meat) around and started a small war. The teacher normally quite a strict guy was walking around the room offering advice on how to operate the leg-catapults better. Heaps of fun.

  19. If I ever buy a pre-made machine, I would probably just purchased the cheapest system which provides the CPU and slots I require with a decent warranty. Then I would spend a bit more and throw in extra ram and a graphics card. Could probably get a better preforming machine for half the price of their high end models.




    Kind of deviated from the topic, but if I was going to buy a pre-made machine from ANYONE it would be IBM. One of the very few companies I actually trust, alongside another which I will post in a while because it has slipped my mind.




    I thought IBM computers are now just a brand for Lenovo, and they have not really had time to prove themselves. I have always considered IBM to be overpriced for what they are (might just be market variation). Sure they often have fancy features and gimmicks.

  20. Most crazy, and thinking back on it, a very stupid thing to do was myself and a friend snuck a alcoholic drink into economic class, and drunk it while sitting in the front row (to the side). We did that on several occasion until I realize how stupid it was and I did not want to take such a risk. I was probably 14/15. A couple of my friends continued doing it during the lunch hour.

  21. Cool, I hope you are going to get rid of all of the annoying spam scripts. Starting with the ones which say "Woot Blah blah have now reached level 4 in cooking"




    If you think that was annoying you're going to go insane with them allowing color now. It's text, you aren't dieing. If all else fails, /ignore.




    It just went live today, some things are still getting tweaked and worked out, and the rush from the news post has made things a bit hellish, but it'll get better. :mrgreen:




    If it is to bad I would just set-up a bit of CSS to block the colour.




    Tried /ignore and it failed

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