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Posts posted by Militaris

  1. Lets just start with the forums I use most often.








    The following stickys should be destucked from Off topic .








    I want a girlfriend! (...and other relationship talk)








    General conversation thread, if enough people are interested it would survive by bumping itself. If not it would die.












    Post Pictures of Your Desktop - January




    Post pictures of your pets








    General conversation. Also post of that kind only occur a few times a year then quickly die away as people lose interest. No need for the extra clutter.








    Trivial youtube/google video links to be posted here








    If the video link is worth posting, it is worth discussing so deserves it own independent topic. Also positing such videos generally occur in waves.












    Share Random pictures




    Read The_Muffin_Man comment on first page of that thread.












    Advertise your thing here - all posted elsewhere = removed.








    I understand the point of this thread, mainly to put advertisements in a place where no one reads them. Might be allowed to stay. But it can be fun 'joking' people at their lame website attemps.












    -OTET Present: Tip.it Celebrity Challenge!




    ummmm, If people are interested then it would keep itself bumped.












    Tech and Computers












    Post Pictures Of Your Browser








    General conversation. Post of that kind only occur a few times a year then quickly die away as people lose interest. No need for the extra clutter.












    How to record RS videos on a PC (hypercam)




    Can be removed and linked to in the introduction annoucement












    User Tips: The Best Online Computer/Component Sites *Updated




    Online Resources: Downloads, Reviews & Tips








    Both of these just provide a list of sites without any blurbs explaining. Such a list can easily overwhelm a user. Without a blurb explaining the link it is not very useful.












    ** If you don't give details, you can't expect help **








    Can be merged with the Annoucement.

  2. The more conservative nature could be due to a higher proportion of Yanks now using the board. Back on scapeboard there was a strong Scandinavian, British and Oceania presence on the board.








    There was still plenty of evolution vs creation topics and there was a couple of staunch user who defied all commonsense, logic and evidence and put their faith in a book written 2000 years ago. Their arguments also lacked any substance or strength (offence intended).








    I ended up parodying their argument style by claiming the world is flat (No less ridiculous then anything they claimed) and using the same tactics they used to defend my point. Actually my arguments were stronger then the ones they used because I tried to combine my rubbish with real scientific fact.





    A few names which spring to mind and in no particular order are Dusqi, Blue_Tear, darkrick, Dusqi, Exarch, GreatSilverWyrm, Gugge, Meesy, Newptor, Punxstar, Pyrolord, RaenonD, The_Sith, TheFluke, Grin_King, misplacedme, ForsakenMage and probably a few more had a great community going. (I also left out a few of the newer members of that era)











    You remembered me twice :D












    (For a strong sense of community, Darkwebz is where it's at :D )








    One of your mentions was for your seal avatar. That seal was a member by itself.


    1996 is retro crash is retro spyro is retro XD
    Take another 10 years off; and you're close to retro.








    In same ways I would consider games like Commander ken or crystal caves ect to be retro. They were around in the early 1990's








    but when compared against the likes of Pacman, pong or tetris they seem less so.

  5. Maybe it was because I was way more active back then and spent much more time on the board but personally I feel scapeboard was much more close together. I seem to recognise almost everyone back then.








    A few names which spring to mind and in no particular order are Dusqi, Blue_Tear, darkrick, Dusqi, Exarch, GreatSilverWyrm, Gugge, Meesy, Newptor, Punxstar, Pyrolord, RaenonD, The_Sith, TheFluke, Grin_King, misplacedme, ForsakenMage and probably a few more had a great community going. (I also left out a few of the newer members of that era)








    I left the boards for about a year after the dismise of scapeboard. Now, I only rarely recognise a name. but by reading posts I have come to realise that many of the newer members share a similar closeness among themselves. But to me, this board is only a shadow of the glory which was scapeboard in its prime.








    I did not like all of the posters back then, and consider a few of the more popular ones to be spammers or attention seekers, all but one have now left and my opinion on the reminder has changed.

  6. works very well actually, statistics show that in average prisons, about 75% (not positive about numbers) of criminals return to committing crimes once they're out of prison, in educational prisons, that number is cut down to about 25%.








    But the problem is that these prisons are very expensive, but I personally wouldn't mind to have some extra tax money drop into it if that means I have a 50% less chance of getting murdered.








    Maybe feel good made up stats show that. In New Zealand prisons which does all of these feel good education reintergration programs 83% of male, and 73% of female prisoners are re-offenders.






    Darn, I would have believed you if you weren't a New Zealander. :lol: :P








    You are just in denial. You and all other Australians would one day be enslaved.








    You know there is a point were it starts to get lame. Try not to get in over your head, or at least try not to say it like you are a psychopathic zealot.








    Just a tip.








    umm by the pure definition I am a psychopathic zealot.








    (Edit: But the above is unrelated to my faith)


    I personally believe that I am god, and that everyone on earth should worship and obeys me (many are in denial).








    May I suggest the philosophical theory where only the self exists? I can't remember the name for it, something sol, or something as in solo. And it's bother me too, does anyone know it's name? I know it at leasts starts with an 'S'.








    I believe that everyone else also exists, but they are just worshipers destined to worship me. Deep down you all know I speak the truth.

  9. Whoa , slow down lol








    tallest already posted above that we will be talking it over and coming to a more clear solution as obviously the "rule" is flawed.








    Just because the 'admins' are discussing should not mean we are not allowed to continue discussing and hopefully influence their final decision.

  10. Imagine locking many topics a day and sending tons of messages to the authors. It's just easier to have them posted in a single thread.








    I do not need to imagine, I have done it. It does not require much work.








    . It contains not only relationship advice but questions/opinions on other things that go along with relationships. At first I was somewhat against the sticky but now it's proven to be a good idea. As long as there are relationshipse, people will have problems. As long as people have problems, I will be willing to listen and do my best to help.








    Nope it has proven to combine many topics which could of survived as stand along threads.








    I agree but how do we decide which ones to remove?








    The simplist solution would be to remove them all. The important ones would be returned. In reality stickies should only be used for rules or important commincation to users.








    If a topic is relevant and interesting it would be able to keep itself alive and not need to be sticked.

  11. I personally believe that I am god, and that everyone on earth should worship and obeys me (many are in denial).








    1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)




    2. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (96%)




    3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (89%)




    4. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (69%)




    5. Jehovah's Witness (68%)




    6. Eastern Orthodox (55%)




    7. Roman Catholic (55%)




    8. BahÃÆÃâÃâá'ÃÆÃâÃâí Faith (53%)




    9. Seventh Day Adventist (46%)




    10. Liberal Quakers (46%)




    11. Nontheist (42%)




    12. Unitarian Universalism (41%)




    13. New Thought (39%)




    14. Islam (37%)




    15. Orthodox Judaism (37%)




    16. Orthodox Quaker (37%)




    17. Reform Judaism (37%)




    18. Sikhism (37%)




    19. Secular Humanism (32%)




    20. Hinduism (27%)




    21. Ma[racist term]a Buddhism (27%)




    22. Neo-Pagan (27%)




    23. Scientology (27%)




    24. Theravada Buddhism (27%)




    25. Taoism (23%)




    26. Jainism (18%)




    27. New Age (15%)












    None of them are even close to fitting my belief.

  12. I have posted pictures of myself (In IRC) and given out enough details to find my address on several occasions. If someone really wants to find where I live it would not be overly difficult. I use this username on a variety of forums and auction sites. My location is no great secret. Maybe if I was a 8 year old there would be more reason for secrecy but I am not. People see me in real life every time I walk out into the street.








    I personally can not see any harm in allowing real life pictures. If a pedo really wants to track someone down there would be better places to use then this forum anyway. After locating their victim they would probably try to make contact via MSN or Y! where there conversation can be much more fluid has a much lower chance of being monitored.








    The users should not be punished and restricted due to the low risk of a serious crime being committed.

  13. Condensing it a good thing, it stops people from posting the same things over and over again. For example the relationship sticky. That's working fine, and the forum doesn't get spammed up with "I w4/\/t fr33 GF". But that sticky is anything but redundant, it has like 35 pages.








    All of the relationship topics were a fad, they would of died down by themselves after a while.








    Condensing topics is a bad thing because it removes variability and can make important 'topics' being buried beneath other more active topics.






    I own a mororola v3 razr. It is a very very good phone and it is on vodafone.








    I though Vodafone was only Europe?




















    not just Europe.










    I own a mororola v3 razr. It is a very very good phone and it is on vodafone.








    I though Vodafone was only Europe?




    It's New Zealands second favourite mobile brand! Its in Aussie, Fiji etc.








    They have more mobile phone contracts then telecom. Atleast they did the last time I looked at the stats.


    I have a Sony Ericsson K300 (or something). It is quite a nice phone but the keypad is badly designed (hard to press the buttons down). I find it very hard to use when not inside a protective case.








    In all I would not buy another one, quite a few gimmicks. It has also been slowly dieing over the last few months since I dropped it in a river.
















    I have a black Razr.. Its really nice an i love it!








    It was more a plunge then a drop. I was in a two person canoe with a Friend, he asked what the time was so I got my phone out to check. Just then he moved sideways making the boat unbalance, automatically I pushed my hand down into the water to restore balance and the phone got wet.

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