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Posts posted by Militaris


    Just out of interest what harm does making pointless polls actually do?








    Are they that much drain on the system resources?








    Pointless polls like other pointless topics quite quickly drop off the first page never to be seen again.








    Every time the topic is loaded, it adds a database query to get the information about the poll itself, then another to get the information from the table which stores the votes for the poll. Add that to the query it send each time someone votes,








    So a poll results in a extra three querys. Two if someone did not vote. The rest of the ones you mention are fairly generic and can apply to any topic.












    If we had a totally mature userbase , then it wouldn't be a problem , but unfortunately too many of our users don't fall into that category. They abuse every single feature that is allowed to them and makes it too difficult for the moderators to keep up with , and dont forget , they are volunteers doing this because they want to , if they start getting flooded with more and more useless work , then they wont want to , and the forum turns to mush in a week or less without moderators.








    When polls were allowed back on Scapeboard (only referring to polls in Off Topic not on other boards) they were not that big of a problem. I doubt the forum members were any more mature back then.








    Back on Scapeboard it was never difficult for us moderators to keep up with the workload. Often if you wanted to find something to 'mod' a real effort was required to get there before another moderator did. The only massive workload was deleting all of the excessive market pages because the forum software was broken and would not auto-delete and writeing out 'warning' reports.




















    People make polls for three main reasons.








    1) Because they are genuinely interested in the results.




    2) Because they want the poll to 'highlight' their topic.




    3) Because it is there.








    The latter two have few merits, but the later does have value. Why should of the actions of irresponsible idiots interfere in the rights of normal users in making polls.


    Ie7 has just as many options as FF has.








    Last time I checked FF was open source meaning that FF has the potential for infinite options. Not to mention the thousands of add-ons already existing for it.












    ummmm.... closed source software also has the potential of infinite options if the developers decides to add them.

  3. People people!As i said on the previous topic








    Zombies look for brains?Right?








    Just dress up as Paris Hilton.








    Someone already mentioned that joke in this thread and they were insulted because it is only funny the first time. Also zombies are attracted to living flesh not brains so dressing up as paris hilton would have no advantage.








    I'd read the Zombie Survival Guide...which i already have so im good there








    Read it myself. A good book and I agree with 99% of his recommendations.








    Yeah, but first they'd have to infect a lot of slow+stupid humans first. Or just trap em/catch them off guard.








    During the early stages quite a few people would be bitten trying to help or 'restrain' zombies. These infected people would then become reanimated spreading the disease around even more unsuspecting people.








    Also when people get scared they would mass around Hospitals and police stations. Both places would likely have large concentrations of infected people already present.

  5. Fun fact:








    Zombies are almost certainly the WORST "monster" ever made. They're slow AND stupid. If you're caught and harmed by a zombie, you, by default, are even more slow and stupid. :P












    They might be slow but they have endless endurance, no fear, and only direct trauma to the brain kills them. They are also 100% dedicated to seek out and attack living flesh. They have excellent hearing, smell and sight. Also only the slightest of wounds from one would almost certainly cause infection and the victim would wake as the living dead. Like already mentioned they also often occur in very large numbers.

  6. In that short amount of time there is really not much that can be done. Inside my house I can not think of any items which I could confidently dispatch a zombie with without becoming infected myself.








    I would make sure that all doors are locked before racing upstairs and climbing out onto the roof. From the roof of the house, I would sneak around hoping not to been seen and make it over to the garage. Once in the garage, I would get into my fathers truck start the engine and open the electric door, as it open I would pray that I could accelerate out fast enough and get away...








    Quite a high risk of failure but it is the best option in that scenario. I do not keep shotguns or swords in my kitchen...
















    I would do what no one has ever suggested before.








    Climb up a tree...
















    That tactic has been suggested heaps, not in this thread but the previous one and other zombie discussions and books which I have read. A tree would only provide short term protection, if you are lucky you could survive a week before dehydration would force you down or worst

  7. I loved EUII, been waiting for EUIII. Might have to go out and order a copy now (or tomorrow) :D








    Might just wait until the 24th and get a local copy....








    Thought it was still a while of being released.








    I was only average at EUII but it was a fun game, I won it playing England to learn the game. Then I did France which was easy. Both of these games I concentrated my expansion into the Americas. The last main game I played as Venice and got a large empire but mainly concentrated around Africa, middle east and India.

  8. I like the older episodes more, when Cartman was just an annoying kid that'd complain about everything. Now they just make him too serious and impersonate him too much into other character types just to convey messages.








    I'd say my favorite episode is where Cartman gets his revenge on that kid by making him eat his parents. Chinpokomon, global warming were funny ones too tho.








    You said you like the early episodes when cartman was a annoying kid, but your favourite episode is the one where cartman transforms from that kid into the 'manipulative' character he is currently.

  9. Southpark is a great show. One of the best.








    My favourite episodes... would be any which does not include long periods of Terrance & Phillip. The newer seasons in general are better then the early attempts.

  10. Defining what a "one line post" is, is another problem. One of rick's replys it one line at my current resolution, but squished down to 1024 or 800 would turn into 2 or even 3 "lines".












    A one line post would be one which contains only a single sentence. This definition could be argued but in all reality they are considered the same thing.

  11. There is already to much clutter in these forums. Every new board just means one more layer of depth which needs to be checked to see if there is anything worth reading.








    If you are not interested in a topic just ignored, and if no one is really interested then it would quickly drop off the first page. Unless it is stucked to the top which artificially prolongs the life of topics.

  12. It is impossible (atleast in my opinion) to educate people not to write single line or substance lacking threads. On the predecessor to these forums was a 'Discussion board' meant for in-depth discussion around improvements for runescape.








    Every day there was at least half a dozen new threads started which were just repeats of other posts with no depth to their argument at all. I spent several months locking every post like that which was posted and asking the users to write a decent introductory post.... none did. After several months of trying my efforts had no effect mainly due to the constant flow of new users. In the end I lost interested so stopped enforcing the lock.








    I simply do not consider the average user cares enough to write quality posts.

  13. I have been using this forum for years and only rarely see anything resembling the start of a flame war. I have seen plenty of heated arguments but nothing out of control and the odd bit of name calling but nothing more then a skirmish.








    Flame wars are a work of art, and require great passions. I do not think this forum is capable of such a accomplishment. fl








    Getting annoyed with people is a great thing, it allows passion to get involved and and fuel arguments and debates. Forums would get boring if everyone gets along, they need a bit of controversy now and then to keep them lively.

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