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Posts posted by Militaris








    The only way getting out of Iraq would help is that the iraqis would stop selling oil to the US or just push the price up alot making people in america go flat broke and having to sell their cars because they can no longer afford it








    Your breathing which is producing CO2, stop breathing so much and you can make a diffrence!








    I thought he might have wanted America to leave Iraq so it would collapse into a civil war, and in doing so destroying their economy, Oil production capabilities and generally ruining the country and returning it to a state more resembling pre-industrial revolution.








    But that would mean less emissions from Iraq, and secondarily they would not be able to pump any more oil so reducing it again.








    Really quite a selfish act, and I doubt it would succeed even if implemented.

  2. Quite recently I have moved away from cheap swimming togs for Shorts and bright T-shirt, to 'out door' clothing, typically quick drying pants, normally a natural colour.








    With my tops, I have really started to like the 'breathable' tops, both short sleeve and long. I prefer super fine merino wool tops over synthetic fabric because the wool prevents odors for longer, allowing me to wear the same top for several days. My tops are typically a neutral natural colour.








    I find these clothings are good in the summer time, because they protect me from the sun while not causing me to overheat. They are a bit on the costly size, and maybe not the toughest but they seem to work fine.

  3. Although I doubt that humans are responsible for global climate change. There are several options which would have a large impact on the amount of pollution being released into the atmosphere. These are a increase in the amount of Nuclear, Solar and Geothermal power.








    The other options either produce CO2, mince birds, are unpleasant and noisy, or destroy environments.












    With regards to transportation, I do not see any changes being essential. The market economy would result in more efficient engines and fuel from crops is being researched.

  4. I do not see why so many people choose old American cars. More often then not they are simply rubbish, even the newer American cars are lagging behind their European and Japanese competitors. For a used car I would not go past Japanese. For a 4WD I would not go past Nissan or Toyota (maybe Isuzu).








    You americans are wussies not driving manually :twisted: ! Where I come from, only women drive automatic.... And suck at it :twisted:








    Automatics do have advantages over manuals for most driving conditions. Unless you know when to change gears (most people don,t) Automatics are simply the better option. To often I get stuck behind people driving manuals who change to late or early and slowing everyone else down. It is even worst when they are also driving a 1.2L Korean thing which is underpowered to start with.








    The main areas where Manuals hold a clear advantage is on steep downhill where they offer greater control and superior engine breaking, and in scenarios where slow speed maneuvering is required. Under most other occasions there is little difference between the two systems or automatic is superior.

























    too much "fast and the furious"- movies apparently.
    I mean street cars in general. From your standard sedan, right up to your multi-million dollar concept cars. Don't get me wrong, I have no real problem with them - I just can't see the enjoyment in them :-? All well and good that some of them can go fast. But how often are they actually going to be going at speeds they are capable of? Just makes no sense sometimes.












    And I simply won't comment on owners of 4-wheel drives, but have never taken them off road.












    I find street cars quite fun to drive on windy roads with heaps of corners. But as you are from Australia all of your roads are straight and lack corners.








    4-wheel drive owners who never take them off road are great, they are the main source for quality used vehicles. No one in their right mind would want to take a $90,000 new land cruiser through the scrub and gorse.











    I like off-road trucks better, but gas is too expensive 'round this way. :P <10MPG = suck.








    I find my one, cheaper to drive then my previous car which was a 2L petrol. If forgotten my current one is a 3L diesel. With petrols there is always the option to convert to LPG which I believe is quite inexpensive compared with petrol.

  5. Had quite a few cats in my life time. Most of them are plain old moggies.








    The oldest of my current cats is a Black and White male, he was captured by ours dogs when he was a large kitten. He is probably around 9 years old now. He is not the most sociable of cats, and spends quite a bit of time out hunting. It is not unusual for him to be gone for up to 3 weeks at a time. Rain normally brings him home for a couple of days.








    The next Cat we got from the SPCA, she was most probably part Prussian blue, and showed many of the characteristics. Including sitting upright on furniture. She got sick and then was murdered.








    The next cat we also got from the SPCA, he a ginger tabby. Quite often cats of that colour turn out to be large and lazy. It is unusual for him to be away for more then one day. Spends most of the time sleeping close to the fridge. Gingers cats can have great personalities.








    The last cat was a tabby with white stomach, she turned up after being dumped trying to eat fish scraps. She has grown into quite a well natured animal.












    A few things I have found.








    1) Male cats are generally much larger, and would generally live longer then females.








    2) Female cats generally enjoy living inside, I have found that they are much more likely to meow at windows during the night, and to sleep on or inside beds.












    Both male and female cats should be neutered, it can prolong their lifes greatly.












    I have had a little experience with Abyssinians cats. They are kind of cool, and almost 'dog' like in same of the behaviors, they would quite readily go for walks and would try and chase down prey rather then ambushing. Quite a large cat also.

  6. I Support the actions which Frank Bainimarama and the military have taken. The Fijian government was corrupt, and the democratic process in Fiji is not entirely democratic.








    The current government was also going to pardon many of the organizers of the 2000 coup.








    It is such a shame, that so much of the international community and the UN is supporting the corrupt governments. I suspect many of them could see the same thing happening to them one day.








    I wish him every luck to succeed.




    I'm much happier driving a car that I know is my own, runs great, and I enjoy driving. It's not particularly fast, but it gets me around safely.








    Mine is the 3L diesel and I had it up to 160km/hr, the the speedometer only goes up to 160km/hr.








    They are great vehicles and so versatile with so much room, plus with a few modifications they are excellent off road. The IFS versions also are nice and comfy to ride. It is also plenty of room in the boot to sleep in, I would choose one over a van any day.

  8. Although the xbox 360 graphics are better then the wii they are not exactly good,








    The best resoultion the 360 can give is 1280 by 720 at 60 frames per second, it can supprot 1080i but because the image has to be interlaced 720p looks better anyway. If you are interested you can read up on it here








    Also a 720p capable TV costs a couple of thousand dollars.... not exactly cheap.








    A $300 graphics card in a computer would be better graphics wise then the xbox360.












    I would personally not buy a Xbox360 because it is to similar to a computer, and its one strength over the wii is a weakness compared with any decent computer. I would consider the wii due to its unique control system.

















    I am thinking of selling it and buying a 1997 Toyota Hilux.











    Have you seen the Top Gear video where they try to destroy one of those?








    Yeah I seen that, was quite impressive. I also heard of a similar thing being done to a Hyundai or similar and it survived quite a bit of punishment also.

  10. My first car was a early 90's Honda Accord inspire. Was a pretty good car, before I took it down to play in a local river bed :D Was heaps of fun down there (apart from it almost getting stuck, stupid council for not providing turning areas). On the way back we watch a Toyota hilux almost getting bogged down in same soft gravel in front of us. So when I got to that spot I floored it and the car flew across, never went the same afterwards kept on rattling and making strange sounds. Also broke the power steering pump. I do not think I have any photos.








    After that I brought my current truck, which is a 1994 toyota hilux. It is still fairly standard but one day I would do it up a bit. The only problem is the stupid back window and accessing the boot. Here is a picture of it
















    I am thinking of selling it and buying a 1997 Toyota Hilux.












    In neg with a guy atm to buy his Patrol:
















    He wants 8K for it, but meah. Trying to get it for 6.5








    Just say "But its a Nissan", then offer him 3k. After that, take strip off all of the parts use them to do up a Hilux. Then sell the patrol.








    Depending on its miliage and service history 8k does not seem that bad, getting it for 6.5k would seem like a bargain. The tyres by themselves are worth 1.5k when new and the winch another couple of thousand if it was decent quality.

  11. Anyone who says that it is not enough to make a difference need to start thinking, $1000 is quite a bit of money and for many charities and organizations even $10 is gratefully received. $1000 by itself might not be enough, but when combined with other funds it helps to boost the total amount.








    I would most likely give the money to a organizations or charity which I believe is doing a good job. If I must choice a specific group I would give it to the local RSA.

  12. According to google images I am a palm tree, A parrot (The military macaw), a tough mean looking spider, A Orchid, a sea slug and a cacti.








    Same people claim that I am really all of these things... and they would be right. I have the ability to transform my body into any of the above maybe and a few other things.

  13. Back when I was young.








    We use to ring up two companies on their 'free phone numbers' then place the two phones together and get them to speak to each other.








    One time a friend of mine have been ringing up diet company repeated times and the lady there was getting quite angry. So he rang them up again but with another phone rang up the Coca Cola number and put the two phones together. They had a shouting match at each other :)








    We use to do coca cola quite often.
















    When I was even younger at a party we rang up people with 'rude' last names (got them from the phone book) at 2am in the morning.

  14. I suspect HIV and AIDS is going to be a control on population numbers in many of the third world and developing countries. One of the biggest problems with HIV as a population control is that it often allows its victims to 'reproduce' before killing them. It is simply not in the viruses best interest to kill its victims quickly and it does have the genetic variability not to do that.








    Also, I suspect planet earth would be able to support a much larger population then it already has. China with its high population is even exporting grain crops. Although I suspect that grain might be better left in china.

  15. Parents, like everyone need to earn respect, it is not a given right. Just because someone is a parent does not make them a good or desirable person which deserves to be respect.








    With regards to my own parents, for many things I do respect them, in other ways I would refuse to because they have not earned or have lost my respect.



    You can roll a sedan in a similar fashion as well.








    I didn't read the post of his that you quoted. You did say proof that they can roll on the road though...

    His post stated they roll easier than anything else.




    Turning sharply in any vehicle is going to roll your car.
























    To be fair, the higher center of gravity does make them less stable and they would roll before many cars... but like you said you would need to be driving like a idiot to do it.




    Yeah, and they ruin the environment. SUV's are much less safe than normal cars, because they can tip easily. And how ore the Hybrid SUV's not as good as Diesel?








    Diesel is better in many ways.








    Diesel engines produce more down torque.




    Diesel engines are better at engine breaking.




    Diesel engines have cooler exhausts, reducing the risk of grass fires.




    Diesels handle water crossings better, unless they get water in their air intake. I doubt the hybrids electric engine would enjoy getting wet..




    Diesels have better fuel economy on the open road.




    Diesels are less expensive to build, because they have 1 engine instead of 2. They would also be lighter.




    Diesel is cheaper then petrol.




    Diesels produce more sulfur which is beneficial to plant growth.




    Diesel is less explosive then petrol

  18. I say all of the city mums driving 4wd trucks (I hate the term SUV) is a good thing. They provide a constant stream of affordable second hand trucks when they sell theirs. A main advantage of a 4wd truck is that they ride much higher improving visibility greatly, you simply see much more.








    The only thing which I do not like about 4wd is that many people do not know how to drive them properly, that includes many people who take and use them off road and most probably consider themselves expert 4wders. I spend quite a bit of time driving winding gravel roads in the mountains and the speed same people drive is just crazy. They are simply asking for a accidents. I guess, they do provide a source of spare parts when they crash.








    With regards to the hybrid 4wd, they are no better then a modern diesel and in my opioin they are made for the soccer mums. Petrol engines and hence hybrid are in fact worst then a diesel because petrol engines produce less low down torque and are worst at engine braking.








    Diesels also have a cooler exhaust which would reduce the risk of starting a forest fire. Diesels also handle water crossings better (unless they get water in their air intake), diesels also have better fuel economy (especially on the open road) then hybrids.

  19. What a interesting question. In reality, I would probably save it. But for the purpose of this thread, I am not going to say that and spend it on stuff which I have thought about buying or what I might want.












    Firstly a digital Camera. A Canon 30D, with a range of L glass would be nice. Probably would cost around $5500 for quite a nice kit. Also a fuji F30.








    Now, onto fishing gear. I would buy myself a nice quality light tackle rod, maybe a olympic vigore Spinning, with a Shimano Stella 2500 reel. Probably would cost around the $1200 mark. Also several other bits and pieces of tackle, make that $6000








    I could also spend a couple of grand on spearfishing equipment.








    I would also buy a Kayak, that would be around $1000. Also a decent boat, that would be around $10,000.








    My Toyota hilux really needs new tyres, a lift, new springs, a snorkel, a bull bar and winch. Maybe even get a SAS done. All up would cost around $5000.








    I could also purchase a comprehensives range of tramping and hiking equipment, Tents cookers, jackets ect.... $2000 so be enough.








    Now. That is only $34,000 spent.








    I am finding it hard to think of things to waste/spend money on.








    A new computer would be nice, $2000




    Heaps of expensive and fairly pointless fashion label clothing $2000








    I would spend the rest which would be $12000 on a old Porsche.








    So thats my $50,000 spent :)

  20. co-ed Sleep overs are great things.








    I can remember my first one. Sneaking booze in, playing around with fireworks. Sneaking out in the middle of the night and breaking into a local school...... maybe I should stop there. Great fun for all.




    i dont know much about new zealand but unless wellington is a HUGE city then i dont really understand this topic, what are the chances of finding someone from your city, your age and someone who plays soccer on here?








    Wellington is more then just a city, it is the capital. It is also the most populous national capital in Oceania.








    Anyway. Back on topic. Soccer is a boring and rather pointless game (All of these are true facts and is differently not a matter of opinion). There are better sports to play.

  22. I got some pretty unique DNA in me, from Finland, Denmark, Croatia/Serbia, Sweden and Russia. 8-)




    My Irish ancestory is not 'true' Irish but can be traced back to the viking invaders of the 13th century. They would of interbreed with the locals of time so that segment of scandinavian blood in me would be quite diluted. But I can still claim to be a viking.




    How'd you find out? From my mothers side I have lots of people in my family that I descend from that have a Swedish/Danish last name, but the ancestry can be barely traced to about the 14th century and I have no idea if some of them were vikings. Our family chronicle says though that it's nearly impossible to know because real vikings ceased to exist already before the end of the 11th century.




    That far back, it is a bit hazy... but the last name is the keys. The main thing is that the last name is one of the invading forces. That far back I do not think there is still any 'clear links' to individuals.


    Then in that region of Ireland, our family was quite significant land owners. Much of which was owned by 'the family' until quite recently. I know that my father has spent a lot of time researching, so I might ask him to give me the information he has so I can provide a more detailed answer. The last time I looked was around 10 years ago.




    (With regards to the viking, it occurred slightly after the main viking invasions of the Britain. They were part of that invasion of Britain and they settled in Wales for a while, at a later date they decided to try and attempt a invasion of part of Ireland. Which they succeeded and become the ruling elite for a couple of generations over a fairly significant block of land. They then got conquered by another Invasion from england and lost their status, but still somehow maintained ownership of part of the land. After that time they pretty much integrated into the Irish community.)

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