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Everything posted by ora6

  1. no need to be mean, but petitions are useless. a list with 200, 300, 400 people isnt going to do anything considering runescape contains over 1,000,000 people.
  2. dont believe everything you hear. believe it or not i was in a clan with him at one time (empire of falador) and he had a nice amount of cash and a few phats, but nothing near that.
  3. Hey guess what? theres an endless demand for herbs, logs, vials, 2nds, bones, runes, seeds, fish, bars, ores, and just about anything that has to do with skills.
  4. There is a tree in uzer, its in the southeast corner of the map, right at the edge. its just one teak tree. nothing else.
  5. theres a ton of people who can afford 99. its not who is the richest, but who knows the best way of leveling and can do it the fastest and most within the next week.
  6. very nice, i thought you did a great job :D
  7. sorry...but the only shiva i know is the god that hindu's believe in, which shiva are you talking about? :oops:
  8. anybody else please give it a try if you can. thanks :D :D :D
  9. lol, ever occur to you that you could kill about 100 kqs and have almost a guaranteed dragon chain? :D
  10. i know :D , but i think they are really cool and would love to have one. And thank you pktom for attempting, ill be happy to see the finished product. :D
  11. meili, nice rsc pics, i wish i woulda played back then, no not for phats, but just because it looked original and fun :(
  12. I'm requesting a pixel sig. The things i would like in it are me sitting in a chair in a room, with armor hanging on the walls, a window showing a river and trees outside, gold mounted up on the ground in the house, and a fireplace in the room, with a rug. I'd like to be wearing a blue phat with full dragon, no cape please. If anyone could work on this for me, thatd be great thanks : ) any questions while your working on it? pm ora6 in game. :D :D :D
  13. 40 year old virgin for the first time, funniest movie iv seen :D
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