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Everything posted by ForsakenMage

  1. And you should not spam. You are not a participant for this thread, so don't post on it unless you want to comment on the story itself! :evil:
  2. Never been in a car wreck, but I have been in minor accidents before. One I do recall was a bumper-bumper back when I was about seven years old. I was sitting in the back seat and the light was red. We were all stuck in rush-hour traffic. Suddenly the guy behind us accidentally presses his gas pedal and the car I was in jolted pretty badly. My dad got out of the car, pretty much yelling at the guy for not watching what was going on, since all of us kids were in the back, while my mom checked on me. The police kept asking if I was okay like they didn't believe me when I said yes. :oops: I'm more or less a pedestrian now, but grr.... some people just look like they wanna run you over!!! :evil:
  3. >_> Cuz Armaneth's whining... *Runs* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Possession is one of the many faults of humans, whether they are trained as mages or holy men, committed knights or Guardians. To possess means to hold power, to cherish something, to identify yourself. Identity is what humans use to know and feel towards one another. And when they change, so do their observers' opinions of them. That was it. A slow smile crept across the hallow grin of the Judge. He will have them now. ~ "Do you think they're okay?" Aryl asked worriedly, looking back towards the Wilderness as the small group treked on. "Armaneth and Vandiel appear to be fit warriors. I'm sure they'll be able to find their companions," was Corwin's response. "But shouldn't we look for them?" spoke up Sabin. "No, we still have the mission. I don't like leaving them behind better than you do, but with the fate of the world balance in our hands, it would seem we have no choice." Zonorhc regarded the group over his shoulder with a grim look. "To be honest, I don't trust those four." "What do you mean, Zonorhc?" "The one they call Rain for one thing. She looks very alike to Aming, and could pass off as identical even. I feel as though she does not belong here, in this time... The same goes with Vandiel and Armaneth. Armaneth's ways are not like those who have lived in this realm for so long, and Vandiel seems... advanced in his abilities." "How's that a problem?" Sim asked. "I don't think they're from this time..." Zonorhc glanced over to Aming, who remained silent the entire trip. "Aming, are you all right? You have not spoken for some time." "I... I'm okay..." was the shakey response. "I just keep feeling something's lurking nearby..." Aming mumbled, not looking up to meet Zonorhc's look. "What of Aleksander, lancer? What do you think of him?" Sim pressed on. "Dangerous." Zonorhc adjusted the reins of his horse as they rode on. Some hours passed and soon they came to a stop to camp for the night. As Corwin got a fire going, Aming shakily got off the wagon, shivering a little under her cloak and looking somewhat pale. Aryl went over to her side and asked if the mage was all right. Aming shrugged a little, not sure if she could answer verbally. "Maybe you better lie down and rest," Aryl suggested, frowning a little. Lightly she placed a hand on Aming's forehead, pulling it back quickly when she found it to be ice cold. "Aming, why are you so cold?" "I... I don't know..." Aming responded, shivering a little more. "What's wrong?" Corwin called from the fire just as Sim and Zonorhc returned from attending to the horses and wagon. "I think Aming's coming down with something," Aryl answered while Sabin appeared as well. "She's cold and shivering." "Well it can't be hypothermia.. We didn't get into anything close to water or ice.." Sabin knelt in front of Aming, looking over the shivering mage. "Best get her tucked in and see what a good night's rest will do. Can't have a sick warrior around or she'll infect us all," he joked. ~ Yes... remember the cold... remember when you first came in contact with the darkness... Darkness you've inherited and denied of existence... The shadows play in your mind while you sleep, painting the bright, happy thoughts with cold, black coats of sorrow and pain. There is no grief, only a desire to destroy... You wanted to destroy so long ago, didn't you... You did... And you shall again... The Judge softly coaxed the darkness, the pent up feelings inside Aming's heart, out into the open. They were harbored inside for so long, supposedly never to be used... A shame... all that power inside... But ah, don't worry Guardian... The Judge will teach you soon what true power is... ~ Sabin had the first watch for the night. As he watched over his companions, he couldn't help but shiver as the soft breeze blowing earlier became slowly stronger and much colder. Fortunately, the wagon shielded the camp from the winds, but even so, it didn't comfort Sabin anymore as the campfire in the center flickered. Suddenly, something dark moved in the corner of his eye. Sabin quickly turned, but found nothing. Frowning, he glanced over the sleeping warriors one by one. Zonorhc was sleeping soundlessly, as usual. Corwin appeared to be dreaming, but what, Sabin couldn't tell. Sim was mumbling something about "landing the jackpot," probably a dream of robbing another poor rich man. Sabin had to smile slightly, but that smile soon disappeared when he looked over to where Aming and Aryl were sleeping. Aryl was in her bedroll, bound and gagged, eyes wide in terror. Aming was no where to be seen. "What in the name of MMPH" A wad of torn cloak was stuffed into Sabin's mouth and a dagger's blade swiftly touched his neck, but not to cut. Zonorhc and the others awoke, reaching to pick up their weapons nearby, only to stop when the dagger flashed threateningly in the firelight. "Touch your weapons and this man's blood will water the soil for the hell plants ready to spawn..." Aming's voiced hissed from the darkness. ~ Rain was sitting in the common room, quietly reading in the company of Vandiel and Armaneth when a flash of pain made her cry out. The book in her hands dropped with a heavy thud, causing Vandiel and Armaneth to look up suddenly. "Rain, what's wrong? Another severe change?" Armaneth asked quickly, getting up to walk towards Rain. She was on the floor now, curled up in a ball with her hands covering her head. "The darkness... stop... the darkness..." she could be heard saying. "Don't... come... near..." "Rain-" Armaneth stopped short when Rain looked up at him suddenly, her eyes almost a full black with blue flames seemingly flicking from within then. Her face was twisted in pain and rage at the same time. "Foolish warrior... You shouldn't have brought me here," Rain hissed as she rose a hand, a dark spell rapidly forming and planning to strike the Guardian before her.
  4. Two stupid injuries for me lol.... I was jumping on my parents' bed like any toddler would, and I fell... and my chin smacked the bedframe, according to my parents. Was bleeding and crying, eventually got cleaned up, but after the cut healed, I was left with a tiny scar on my chin. It's not really noticeable, only about a centimeter long and has faded away some. Only time you would notice is if I tilt back my head a bit and if under the correct lighting, you can see it. :oops: =============================================== 01 April 2004 I was on the USS Potomic (Franklin Delanor Roosevelt's boat :D ) on a fieldtrip with my Epic & Myth class, taking pictures. Was having a grand time just going around the bay, when all of a sudden the boat lurched to the side and I tripped over the anchoring equipment. Needless to say, I landed sprawled over the deck and the crew men came running to me asking if I was okay while the captain was staring at me like I was really stupid. :oops: So I told them I was fine, and kinda limped back to the lower deck to rest for a while. Then, we docked and was catching the metro street cars back to school. But when I got off the car, there was a ditch right in front that I didn't see and again I fell, all messy looking. Fortunately my friend, a year lower than me, caught me in time, but by the end of the day, my ankle was sore and I had to limp the ten blocks back to school. And because I could go see a doctor due to money and insurance issues, all I could do was limp and keep as little weight as possible off the ankle (was sprained). I did let my Assistant Army Instructor have a look at it though afterwards, and it seems to have recovered, although now and again I get echos of pain in it. :-? Unfortunately, it meant I had to stop dancing or risk further injury. :(
  5. DevilKiller, perhaps you can work on your character profile first? We'll do our best to update you then as I did request you fix the character up first. :) Plus it'll help you later on.
  6. >.> Considering the circumstances in which Armaneth has ended his post... Tiny post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rain took the amulet into her hand, thanking Armaneth as she put it around her neck once more. Earlier, when Armaneth had left her to attend to her own needs, Rain wasn't so sure about getting up, although she was able to sit up with some ease and almost painlessly. Hesitantly she had carefully brought her legs over the edge of the bed and managed to stand up shakily. After a few painstakingly slow steps, more from stiffness than whatever pain was now left, she had managed to reach the chest for her clothes. Now that Armaneth had returned and she had properly changed into her normal clothes, her walking was still somewhat awkward, but at least she was now mobile, although it was hard to say when she'll be stable again. Slowly she took a few more steps towards the door, shaking her head. "I thought for sure I was going to die..." she softly said, staring down at the floor at her feet. Her knees trembled a little, but she tried to keep her balance. "It seems almost impossible that you're alive, as is Vandiel and myself, when the Judge and Aleksander attacked... I felt you pass from the world..." She shivered a little. "I'm thankful that the three of us are all right to say the very least, but what now of the blind archer? We cannot simply let him wander under the influence of Zaros..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. Necromagus: character approved Devilkiller: Tone done your character a bit and you should be fine. :)
  8. >.> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rain gasped in surprise and fear when the Judge appeared before them, standing only a few feet away. A chuckle escaped from within the darkness of the hood of his robes as his slowly began to walk towards them. "Vandiel... Go... leave me," Rain whispered. "You have to catch up with the others..." "I'm not leaving you," he muttered as he took out Armads and Dunthal. Rain swallowed a lump in her throat as she did her best to pull herself back up into a sitting position, grimacing in pain all the while as the Judge continued to walk. "Well. Isn't this interesting that I'd come across you two with part of the work already done." As the Judge spoke, Rain glanced over behind him and noticed a single ray of light in the distance that soon faded away. A cold feeling clutched at her heart. No... Not Armaneth too... First Kiran and now... This is all my fault... I shouldn't have gotten them involved... I've gotten two innocents killed... The Judge slowly took out his scythe as he stared at Vandiel and his weapons. "I guess I should take care of you first, seeing as you're the one still standing." "You will not..." Rain muttered. The Judge laughed as he lunged at Vandiel, preparing a vertical slash. Vandiel nimbly dodge out of the way, cross his blades over that of the scythe to wrench it away from the Judge, only to be kicked forcibly away. Vandiel staggered backwards in surprise, then was caught by the end of the scythe that sent him reeling into a tree, unconscious. The Judge nodded a little to himself before turning onto Rain. "Any last words, magess?" Rain summoned her staff despite the pain, then used it to pull herself up. Her legs wobbled a little, protesting and screaming in pain as she leaned against her staff to stand. "There are no last words," she whispered. "Only last wishes." Those were her final words so long ago before she had helped to destroy the Judge, and to say them again made her remember a wash of things that now seemed so changed and so intense it made her cringe. The Judge stared at her for a moment, the blazing eyes that looked so familiar, that tone of voice she used he had heard another use so often each time they faced each other, then stepped back in surprise. "You! You're her!" The Judge cried. "You're that pesky Guardian of Light, Aming Heart!" Rain didn't respond as she began to utter a spell. She couldn't focus on the fact that he had discovered her true identity. He needed to be take down now before... "I won't let you destroy anymore..." She would ultimately change the course of history if she destroyed the Judge now, and if not, the Judge would have a taste of what the future would hold for him the very least before she passed on. "Hell's Judge, by oath of the Guardian, you are to be vanquished back to the depths from which you came," she muttered as she rose her free hand, crying out something in arcane words before throwing the orb of light in her hand. ~ Aming stood over the battlefield, her robes covered in blood of both enemy and friend alike. Her head was bowed down as lines of wounded and dead passed by her. One soldier opened his mouth to speak with her, but Aming merely shook her head. "Go on now, Lieutenant. Your work here is done..." "Yes, Guardian." She summoned her sword and knelt down on the ground, holding the blade in her hands in an offering to the fallen, whispering a prayer. As she did, tears rolled down her cheeks and fell into her lap. "For the fallen... for the ones that came here... for the ones that shouldn't be here... I will fight for your sakes... and bring peace upon your souls..." ~ Rain was face down on the ground, covered in bloodied scratches, unmoving. Her staff lay broken besides her, the orb on it shattered. The Judge gasped and wheezed in pain as he staggered up from where he was sent flying away after the countless spells launched with each attack he brought onto her. Slowly he made his way towards Rain, bringing a heavy boot down on her lower back while pinning down her upper back with the end of his scythe. Rain gave a gasp of pain, struggling to get away as she looked up at the Judge, her face covered in blood and mud. "Your last words and motions were pathetic," the Judge hissed between clenched teeth. A dark spell was rapidly forming in his free hand. Rain closed her eyes, her head bowing down. She turned her head towards the ground. "Then get it over with," she said softly.
  9. Thread cleaned. Let's keep arguments out of this thread.
  10. And here I go again... :? EDIT: Grr.. typos ._. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rain stared up at Armaneth for a moment before she could respond properly. "I... don't know... I feel sore... And I can't move my legs..." she said softly, grimacing in pain as she tried to get up. Every part of her body seemed to scream in pain and she stopped trying. Still, she spoke. "Aleksander... Where is he... Zaros..." "Shh, don't talk. You should rest," Armaneth said, glancing around the area now to look for the blind archer. Despite his orders, Rain spoke once more. "He... was in the tree... there was a bear... don't know.." Rain closed her eyes, unable to say much more and feeling incredibly weak as her mind slowly drifted into darkness... ~ "You dreamt of peace. You ran away from home for peace after the wars that had ravaged through your home realm... And yet, you still didn't find it. Why keep running?" "I never chose to be..." "No, but something chose you, a power that no human or creature can even explain. You cannot keep running." "But I must..." "Must what? Abandon your duties and watch countless people die?" "No... that's not what I meant..." "Then what is the meaning of this, Aming?" Aming looked up at the four Elders that stared down sternly at her. She hesitated, then bowed down her head. "I seek for solace for survival. My thoughts are scattered as are the leaves in the late autumn, whithered and dying. My memories are scarred by the visions of battle after countless battle. My heart is clutched tightly by some invisible force that makes me weak and tremble. I cannot stay here... I have already given freedom to the people here, but what of me? Must I live on like this? Must I remain a 'prisoner' like those we have captured in the wars?" "You are selfish. You sound as though you wish to turn over the lives of others for yourself only." "If selfish means to throw away everything I had ever wished for--a normal childhood, a stable family, a home I can look forward to coming to without fear of being dragged away again for some battle, a father who I ended up killing--then I don't know what being selfless is. You're right, some power did put me in this position, and it forced me to give up those things. You may think it was fate, that I should be honored to hold such power, but the truth is I don't feel honored... I feel cursed. I have felt physical, mental, emotional pains in my life, many that can never be healed." "Pains that others have felt as well that you have saved them from. Shouldn't that relieve you of your pain too?" "No... It made it worse knowing I was the one healing everyone, but never someone to heal me..." Hours later, the Elders finally decided to let Aming roam, to seek her solace. But it was never to be. Each way she turned, she found herself in the midst of battle again. Once or twice she thought of becoming a nun to end it, but the price that she'd pay weighed very heavily in her mind should she simply ignore her duties. She couldn't do that, be the one responsible for so much pain... But why her? What did she have that others didn't that made her who she was now...? ~ Rain opened her eyes again when she heard the sound of a bear roar and Vandiel yelling something strange. She couldn't focus and weakly turned her head just to see what looked like the same bear that had tried to get Aleksander running towards them. In the bear's mouth were shreds of cloth speckled with blood. No.. It didn't... Her eyes looked around frantically and not too far away she saw the tree where Aleksander was... but he wasn't there... She watched as Armaneth got up, preparing to fend off the bear and hoping to drive it away. She struggled once more to get up, only to utter a cry of pain and falling back onto the ground. She hissed in pain as everything from the lower back down seemed to scream in agony. Everything there felt so numb... so cold... As the bear came closer, she raised a hand to recall a spell to help drive the bear away, but as she did, her mind reeled once more... So many changes... make it stop... make it stop... ~ Cold... just cold... Buried deep in the snow... She could only see white and sometimes blue where the sun caught the drifts at an angle. She was trapped and so cold... She couldn't breathe, couldn't feel... So cold... "Over here! She's over here!" Voices... she can hear voices... Someone above is digging her out... When she was finally pulled out of the snow, every part of her body seemed to cling onto the warm rays of the sun, although not warm enough to melt the snow yet. Someone wrapped a blanket over her while her mother ran up to her, scolding her for running out into the fields by herself and getting caught in the sudden blizzard. "Aming! Why didn't you listen?" she scolded softly. "You could've been killed..." "Mama... Cold..." Her mother's face softened a little as she held the little girl close to her. "I know... Mother's here to take you home and warm you up... Don't ever go outside without me or anyone, please..." "Cold..." ~ Cold... As she uttered the spell over and over in her hands, an omnimous rain cloud formed above the bear, occasional bolts of lightning dancing inside it with a low growl of thunder. The bear stopped and snarled when the clouds released the cold rain onto the bear, but that wasn't all... She hoped it was enough to help Armaneth as her mind slipped into darkness once more, her hand falling wearily too the ground as the bear shook off some of the excess water. As the bear began to charge towards them again, the rain cloud followed, continually pouring rain. Cold...
  11. Weee.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rain stirred slightly as bandits around her rushed from place to place to prepare for coming attacks. One of them shouted to drag her and Aleksander away from the base as quickly as possible. Another grabbed her roughly by the arms, ordering her to get up. Weakly she tried to stand, but her legs hung uselessly as she was dragged up. "Come on, git up yoo lazy dog!" The bandit cracked a whip against her back, but she barely felt it, completely disoriented. Frustrated the bandit dragged her and threw her over the saddle of a horse with Aleksander thrown onto another horse in the same manner. Securing them both, the bandit quickly gave orders to another one and the horses immediately began to gallop at fast as it could to get away from the base. As they rode away from the encampment, Rain weakly looked up from where she was at Aleksander. She wasn't sure if she was seeing things, but thought she saw an apparation of Zaros just floating above Aleksander's back. The apparation soon turned to face her, but before she could say anything, it was gone. She felt some sort of presence of peace and for a moment thought she had died and was being led to Saradomin for sure. Her attention was suddenly pulled away as the bandit leading them away gave out a scream of surprise as a convoy of ghosts and skeletons came upon them. She struggled to get loose from her bonds, but movement seemed impossible as her eyes widened in terror. Skeletons and ghosts alike clawed at the horse, and the mighty steed gave out a terrible scream, breaking loose from the bandit that was desperately trying to regain control and began to crash through dead dead trees with the other horse carrying Aleksander. They reared up in panic when they came upon a bear and somehow managed to throw off their riders, leaving them hanging helplessly in the trees as they ran off again. Covered with bloodied scratches and now half-choking with a branch pressed against her neck, Rain tried to find where Aleksander was. He was lying not too far away, but the branch that was supporting hm was slowly giving away. The bear roared, sniffling up at his direction and anticipated for a meal ahead. Rain tried to distract the bear, but soon faded off into unconsciousness again, unable to focus.
  12. Yea, it's not really the exact following of what they say in the game, but sort of like an idea of what they could have been thinking as they fought. Thanks. :)
  13. Some of us may just have gone through what X and Zero went through... Hunter Versus Hunter Inspired by the Mega Man X series by Capcom Two reploids stand in the midst of a city ruined. Best friends, best enemies, a bitter reunion. Brown and blue lock onto each other For the battle of Hunter versus Hunter. That sad, pleading look he gives me... What does it mean? Is he right? Have I become some sort of monster? No... I was always Maverick... And tonight... Why won't he stop fighting? Why doesn't he see his wrongs? Have I become his enemy? No... I'm still his friend... But... He seems so reluctant to hurt. Pathetic attempt to strike... Why is he being so weak? "Fight me, damn it, fight!" I can't... I won't... I... I have to stop him before more die. Why does destiny have to be so cruel... "I'm sorry, Zero..." I began to cry. Tears: a sign of weakness. Wait... Why am I crying too? Stop it Zero, get a hold of yourself. Kill X, kill him now, that blue fool! Blast and slash, crash and crumble, The duel moves on in the still night. Hunter versus hunter amidst the city ruined. Far from ending is this fight... I'm not killing him, I'm saving him... "Zero! You're not Maverick!" No... I have to end it the hard way. I think I'm going to be sick. Almost... He's weakening. The end is near. "Good bye, X! I'll see you in Hell!" "You're gone my friend, I fear." I killed him... He's really dying... His auto repair system is dead... No... "Zero... Please, don't leave me..." "X... Just... go..." Anguish and sorrow in each one's eyes. Battered blue, broken red. A flash, screams of agony and surprise. "It's not over," Maverick virus read...
  14. *Twitch.* Still... over... powering... @.@ Longish post to help this move along... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They were everywhere. The bandits gave out shrill whistles as more arrows launched on the convoy that had begun to take some hits. Aming cast several binding spells to hold off some of the archers, but it wasn't enough as more arrows and even daggers came flying at the wagon. Aryl cast a few fire bolts to send the melee running, but still they came. Rain uttered a spell quietly and quickly to bring up a barrier around the warriors as Armaneth cast his spells of ice. Corwin struggled to keep the wagon going and quickly as Zonorhc rode ahead of them to put down the onslaught. Sim along with Vandiel and Sabin busily ran from one side of the wagon to the other to fend off the bandits that had managed to get their hands on the running wagon In the chaos that was ensuing, and as he was busily ranging alongside Lady Frost, Aleksander was starting to find himself feeling more ill at ease. He knew he had his targets in sight, but something in him seemed to make him feel almost reluctant to fire each arrow he drew from his quiver. With each nock of the arrow, his arms grew and more tense. The muttering of archaic words from Aming, Aryl, and Rain seemed to grow louder, although the three magesses were whispering. Slowly, as though awakening something inside him, Aleksander began to feel a strange rage burn inside him and was steadily growing. He tried to push it aside, thinking it was probably from the excitement of the battle, but it continued to build up. He groaned a little and fell onto the wagon floor, clutching at his chest, his head bowed down. Vandiel quickly ran to Aleksander's side, thinking the blind archer was wounded, only to cry out in surprise as he was knocked away by Aleksander. The blind archer stood up, a strange glow emanating from underneath the cloth that shrouded his eyes. A strange black aura surrounded his back side. Rain stopped chanting and gave out a cry in surprise when she found Aleksander taking aim at Aryl, who had her eyes closed and was chanting more spells. "Aleksander!" Rain yelled as she quickly leapt into the arrows path. She fell with a strangled cry of pain as the arrow came in contact and embedded itself in the fleshy part between her collar bone and shoulder. Aryl stopped chanting and gave out a cry of horror when she found Aleksander taking aim at Rain. But before she could react, there was a loud whicker and Corwin gave out a cry of warning as the wagon suddenly lurched. Horses screamed as the bandits roped their necks while others were trying to cut them free from the wagon. Corwin got up to try to stop them with his swords, only to be knocked away in surprise as a loud explosion suddenly erupted from underneath the wagon, sending all its contents flying into the air. Aryl and Aming were thrown in one direction, Sim, Sabin, and Lady Frost not too far from them, and Aleksander, Rain, and Vandiel off in another direction. There was a loud shout of victory from bandits as more swarmed in, the group now separated. Vandiel quickly got up to help Rain and Aleksander, only to be distracted as bandits swarmed over him, dragging him away from the still bodies of the two. He shouted in horror as the wagon was suddenly up in the air and crashed on top of them. "Rain! Aleksander!" He couldn't go back to save them as more pushed him further and further away. Zonorhc and Corwin had by now regained control of the horses and hurriedly got Sim on the other with Aryl. Aming was with Corwin and Lady Frost went with Zonorhc. "We need to head south! We can't stay her any longer!" Corwin shouted above the noise as he tried to get away from the marauding bandits. "But Rain and Aleksander! And Vandiel!" Armaneth yelled, as he fended off more bandits with ice spells. "I'm here!" Vandiel called, running up to Armaneth. "But Rain and Aleksander are tra-" "We'll have to save them later! GO!" Zonorhc ordered, pulling his horse towards the south. Sabin and Armaneth took one last look at the frenzied battle where Rain and Aleksander were laying somewhere in the field. Vandiel followed the retreat grimly, hoping the two left behind were all right. ~ Rain opened her eyes and felt a surge of pain rush from her lower back to her head. She struggled to look up and when she did, she found the lower half of her body underneath the broken remains of the wagon. Not too far away from her, Aleksander was face down on the ground, still breathing, but unconscious. Rain tried to pull herself out, only to realize in horror that she could barely move her legs without feeling extreme pain. It was hard not to scream as she fell back down wearily on the ground. Suddenly, two bandits came up to her, one wearing a gaping grin. "Weel, lawks like we gawt more dan we bargained fer," said the one with the holey grin. His companion, a woman dressed in a simple but ragged tunic nodded. "Tie up the ranger and lock him up, but don't hurt him. Otherwise Zaros will kill us all." "Right. Bot wot abot der girl?" "Do the same. Zaros might want her too." Zaros? Was this what this ambush was about? Rain thought as she glanced over where Aleksander lay, her eyes widening in understanding. It wasn't the mark of Zamorak that was on his back. It was Zaros'! But... She winced softly, unable to think more as the pain became too unbearable and she sank back into unconsciousness.
  15. Personally I think what determines fame is really down to personal opinion. :| Nice list there though. :)
  16. ;) Okay time for some C&C since you requested it hehe. The first picture reminds me a lot of the Odyssey where Odysseus is staring out to sea, wondering if he'll ever return home. Of course, the person in the picture is female... But it does capture a feeling of just staring out and being lonely. If you wanted to make a signature based on such a theme, that'd be the picture to use. :) The second one sort of reminds me of Mt. Fuji, where the sun and mountain meet. :D There's a good sense of balance between the landscape and the buildings surrounding it. Definately would use that image for a signature if were to do. The third and fourth ones: I LOVE the color the sunset (I'm assuming it's sunset lol) has made. If only there weren't any boats there. :P The fifth one, sadly, is the one I don't like as much as the others, mostly because the buildings just seem to kinda hang to the side and don't really seem to fit with the rest of the scene. :-? Great shots, Hanni! :D
  17. Announcement: Characters are needed! See first post of this thread for more details! And now finally... a post for the story lol. Short post, sorry. :( Writer's block. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After several moments of silence, Rain looked up a little from her knees at Armaneth. "Thank you... I wouldn't have known what to say..." The Guardian turned to look at her and nodded. "No problem... How's your head?" "Still a little sore, but otherwise okay. How far have we've traveled now?" "A good few miles now. We should be heading out of the Wilderness soon." "I hope so... traveling here has never made my day with the bandits and whatnot..." She spoke too soon. As soon as she finished, an arrow came whizzing through the air, striking the wood right next to Rain. She gave out a startled gasp, jerking away from it as a shower of arrows came down. "It's an ambush!" Zonorhc could be heard calling out to them. "I mark five rangers on the ledge to the southeast!" "Three more on the west!" Sabin added grimly. "Look out! Bandits!" Corwin cried as a roar suddenly errupted and a crowd of glinting-eyed, dirt-streak faced, raggedly-clothed bandits came running towards them, daggers and short swords raised.
  18. Sorry, some writer's block and whatnot.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rain was asleep while the wagon moved on, but it wasn't very rejuvinating. The bump on her head wasn't helping as she woke up to a spliting headache and a light rain. She curled her legs up close to her chest and wrapped her arms around it, resting her head on her knees. Although the wagon jolted now and again, she did not move. Her thoughts went back to the past. It had been so long, and she was reliving it, although there were so many alterations it was hard to say if she could depend on memories anymore to help prevent what disasters she could that could potentially change the future in a bad way. She looked over to Aming, who appeared to be asleep still. It's a wonder no one's matched us up yet... She thought too soon. "Rain?" Rain looked up and found Aryl staring her and Aming, frowning. Uh oh... "Rain... Tell me the truth: are you from the future? Are you Aming's future self?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short post sorry. x.x Writer's block
  19. Chapter 3: Noon ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅAh, here we are. Try it on.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  20. 'Tis fine, Lansal. :) I'll see if I can find some time to write. :)
  21. Chapter 2: Morning ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅYou blubbering idiots! You scoundrels! You murderers!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  22. Chapter 1: Dawn AestasÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ father, Aaron, stood up from his stoop over his daughter. His fangs dripped mercifully of blood, her blood that he drank to save her. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅHeaven forgive me for my ways and give my daughter life. This was the only way I could save her.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  23. Grr at writer's block! DIE! :shock: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aming stared out towards the direction of the ruins of the Black Knights Castle, fearing the worst for Kiran. She glanced back down at her bandaged ankle ruefully, wishing she wasn't stuck sitting in the wagon and out looking for Kiran. I shouldn't have listened... I should have gone and help him... And now... "Aming..." Aming turned to her right and found Rain looking sadly at her. "I know how you feel. But do not lose hope now. You've still much more ahead." "How much more...?" "I cannot say..." Rain shook her head. "One day you will understand just how fragile time is, and what can and cannot be said in order to ensure the glass does not shatter." She stood up shakily to change the bandage on her head just as the search party returned. Between Corwin and Zonorhc was a makeshift cot with a covered body on it. Oh no... They... Frost stepped up to rest of the group, face grim and tearstained. After several moments of silence, she spoke. "Corwin found Kiran under some rubble. He... He's passed on." Rain stared in complete and utter shock. Kiran... Dead...? He can't be... "No... Why... It's my fault he's dead," Aming whispered, tears brimming up in her eyes. "Oh why did I go without him!" Zonorhc knelt down in front of Aming and put a hand on her shoulder. "It's not your fault. Don't blame your-" "Yes it is! He told me to go on without him, but I should have stayed! I-" Zonorhc shook his head slightly. Aming knew there was no sense in arguing with him and broke down. Rain walked over to the cot and gently uncovered Kiran's face. She found a slight smile on his face, a smile of accomplishment. Before she could stop herself, she uttered barely audiable. "To die in the past, to die before creation... The thought pains me as I mourn..." "Rain, did you say something?" Zonorhc asked. "N-no... Nothing... I was just saying a prayer for him..." "He was a good warrior." "He was more than that... He was a good friend." Oh Zonorhc, here your grandson lies before you and you don't even know... If only I could tell you... But you have to live on not knowing... He was the one that probably saved us all... ~ Hours later, a funeral pyre burned in the late afternoon light. The drizzle continued to steadily drift across the landscape, leaving dew drops on the grass. As those of the past bowed in respect and uttered words of kindness, those of the future stood back. "What do we do now?" Aleksander asked. "We've lost one of our own in an attempt to help these people move back on track. How many more will we lose?" "Don't speak so," Armaneth said softly. "And don't let Rain hear you speak like that either. She's already in a bad enough state..." Rain stood furthest away from everyone, standing along at the edge of a cliff overlooking the valley below. She mourned silently, tearlessly. In her hands were Kiran's brooch and cloak, removed several minutes earlier. At the sound of footsteps, she looked over her shoulder and found Zonorhc looking at her. "We'll be leaving at dawn," he said, "and head north in the Wilderness." Rain nodded and began to head towards the pyre, her steps painstakingly slow. Armaneth held Kiran's rapier. "We'll use it as a marker." Rain sighed, handing the brooch over to Aleksander, then carefully folding the cloak, smoothing out any wrinkles. Armaneth stuck the rapier into the soft ground in front of the still-burning pyre. The sound seemed to slice the air, as though Kiran was giving one final thrust in battle before passing over. Rain gently placed the folded cloak in front of it and Aleksander placed the brooch on top of it. "Descendent of the captain of the Royal Misthalin Lancers, hero of this time..." Rain choked on a sob. "Farewell, good friend and ally. May your rest be everlastingly peaceful." Armaneth and Aleksander said a few words of their own, then silently the trio went back to the camp. Aleksander suddenly stopped and seemed to glance at the pyre, despite his blindness. "Wait." He ran ahead and picked up Kiran's crossbow and loaded it. He fired into the ground, then laid the crossbow besides the marker. Without another word, he began to heade towards the camp again, with Rain and Armaneth trailing behind. "These next few weeks will be rough... Bandits and mercenaries roam the northern lands," Rain said to Armaneth. "If we want to stay alive, we're going to have to make sure nothing goes wrong again." ~ In the pink light of dawn, the wagon was ready to move out again. Zonorhc got on his horse and took one final patrol around the area. As he did, he passed by the marker. His horse whinnied and reared up. "Whoa!" Zonorhc whispered, patting the horse on the neck softly. "Easy, it's okay." When his horse finally calmed down somewhat, he stared at the marker. That's odd... Why is my brooch here... He checked himself, but found his still pinned on his cloak. No... It's still with me... It's one of a kind... So how did this appear? Frowning, he dismounted and examined it more carefully, although he resisted the urge to pick it up to examine it better. It looks exactly like mine, yet shows a hint of age. It was then he noted the cloak as well. Before he could even comment on it, a voice broke his thoughts. "Zonorhc! We're ready to move out!" Saben called. "Right." Without another glance, Zonorhc got back on his horse and rode silently away from the site, not turning back to take a final glance, still not knowing the ashes were of his great-grandson.
  24. Aestas Sol Prologue It began to rain. For many months the tiny village of Yenway suffered a long, serious drought. Many of its people had already fled north to the Crest. Those that stayed barely managed to get by. Some had fallen ill and died due to liver damage; alcohol was the only thing left in the cellars to quench their thirst. Others were killed by desperate monsters in the barren fields in search for food. The few survivors remaining broke bread with each other and did what little they could for each other. By now, the village reeked of dust. The smell of rotting bodies hung in the air. It seemed the rain came too late. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅFatherÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ YouÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve finally come to save me.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
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