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Posts posted by Evrae

  1. Lets get away from the mistaken use of the word 'Arbalest' (after all, whats in a name?)








    This guy came up with a idea, and described it, then you go on about seige bows just because he got the name wrong.








    What hes referring to is the traditional medieval crossbow, with a foot stirrup for loading. The name is immaterial.








    On the subject of the weapon itself, i doubt you could make it realistic ( as you seem to want, from the fact that you suggested it!), and still have it work. It was intended as a static infantry weapon, not for going toe to toe with a giant








    *bolt hits giants chest*








    *giant staggers, then keeps on coming*








    *crossbowman rapidly puts foot in stirrup, winds back the string*








    *crossbowman takes aim, noticing the giant one foot away*
















    i dont see it :?








    But maybe in castle wars, where you have backup - thats where it would really belong :twisted:

  2. this is really spooky - on the way back from school this afternoon me and my brother were talking about this!








    And now I see it on the forums...wierd!








    It would be so funny - perhaps a square block of people in multi combat wildy








    Imagine how crowded lumby (or falador) would get afterwards!

  3. Lots of people have been complaining about 'noobs' begging off them when they go on free worlds, and the general immaturity of players.








    I have a solution. last night, me and my brother went on to a free world, and made 150 iron bars, then turned then into 10 sets of full iron including a scimitar. Our reasoning was that by giving them out to new players, those players would remember the free gift, and be nicer as a result in future.








    If everyone did that once in a while, runescape would be a much nicer place. People would pass their gift on later when they get much higher leveled, and the niceness thing would spread and spread.








    So, be nice to people

  4. theres not really much point banning n00b - people will just find alternatives. What does upset me is people using variations on the f word to get around the blocker.








    When i want to swear i use the time honoured %$&ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã but people don't know what i mean!! what is the world coming to......*sighs* sounding like an old man at 17 - that cant be good!

  5. there should be a random event that autromatically teleports you to a room, if you hit the right buttons (random) you get teleported back with some gold. It wouldn't be too annoying, but autoers would find it tricky.




    Lots of things autoers do is with stuff that has few random events. On one of the worlds there is a lvl 3 guy who spends all his time picking flax. Theres no flax random!

  6. if your friends don't know, does it matter? Interest philosophical point that one. Their opinion of you will be unchanged (they dont know you got it). You haven't harmed them in any way, since they don't know. So does it still actually matter?








    Being without many Runescape friends, and being a low level, i doubt the question will arise! Unfortunately




    EDIT: And yous just can't blame everything on MiniClip. Blame it on Jagex. They're the morons that pay to be advertised there to begin with (if they even pay). Not only that, but they spent a good bit of time promoting RS2. I remember seeing a review on IGN. And Real Arcade even has RS2 listed. So it isn't all just MiniClip. It maybe is the largest contributor by far though.








    Jagex are morons for advertising? People seem to be forgetting that Jagex are a company, trying to make money. The more customers they get the better (for them). Saying that Jagex shouldn't advertise on Miniclip is a bit silly, as that is where their best market is! Its a shame for us mature people, but thats the way of the world - its all about money :(








    As an aside, do you reckon there are forums full of immature kids going on about how lots of peopl (us) are too stuffy and can't take a joke. We are moaning about them, so its reasonable to expect them to moan about us!








    Anyway, i agree that there is too much abuse in Runescape. Its coming to represent wider society more and more, as computers get cheaper and cheaper. The real world is like this too. I started Runescape to get away from that - its easier to ignore people over the internet. Runescape is turning into something like the real world, as a community, and that will always include undesirable people.








    how about we try to find a standard response which is short, mature, and will shame those who give abuse? any suggestion?

  8. now they are some neat tricks :D








    I think i'll probably use the Shantay one myself in future








    i'll add them on the bottom of the guide as a quote from you so people can find them easily








    My biggest mistake with the guide?.....Being too lazy to put in any routes other than the ones i used :wink:

  9. I had an epiphany last night thinking about this thread, and wanted to share it.








    The appeal of smithing reflects not just the appeal of one skill, but rather the APPEAL OF THE WHOLE GAME!








    A few people said it perfectly; it was fun, or relaxing, or they enjoyed it. That's it. That's all that matters, I suppose. Whether you are leveling smithing, combat, whatever, you are trying to get to certain milestones, or chasing down goals that you set for yourself. When you reach that, you want a new skill.








    It doesn't matter if you are a low level, a mid level, or a high level. It doesn't matter if you're a killer or a skiller. The fun in this game lies in the milestones. It rests in the "Rate This" category, where people spew forth about the things that they have accomplished.








    Think about the feeling you get when you reach goals. I'll state some of my goals or achievements, and I'm a pretty crappy character, so bear with the mediocrity of these achievements:

    • [*:39c68gda]Reaching level 44 runecrafting, so I can craft nats[*:39c68gda]Reaching level 59/60 mining as an F2Per, opening up the mining guild to me.[*:39c68gda]Reaching 60 woodcutting, and the ability to hack away at yews.[*:39c68gda]Reaching 900 total levels (I know, it stinks) and seeing the progress I've made.[*:39c68gda]Wielding a full rune set.[*:39c68gda]Defeating the Demon tree and getting into the Lost City of Zanaris...








    These are the best memories of the game. These are the things I've worked for. My goals may differ from some other people here, as others are at different stages of the game, but it is that feeling of accomplishment that we seek. That actualization of meeting the hard-fought goal you set for yourself, and by doing so opening up other opportunities.








    So simple, but so indisputably true. I don't know how I overlooked it, to be honest, but it's clear to me now. Finances are a goal of some in the game, but a low priority to others... they are a means to reach most goals more quickly, but if they do not aid your goal, then they are useless.








    The game is about satisfaction. Those goals are the payoff.








    [/long-winded, stupid diatribe]








    I wholeheartedly agree. My stats are similar to yours, and i take the view that going much higher than these will take so much time it will not be enjoyable. So i don't. Getting any stat any higher than 60 takes too long and is too boring to be worthwhile. If its not fun, why are you doing it? For money? RS money has no real value. What are you going to do with your 10's of millions? Were they really worth the boredom? Its those realistic milestones that keep my interest in the game, and make it fun. When you break any skill down to its basic costs and components, the trade off of time against money, you lose the fun. I do not buy any individual components when trading - i make them myself. It gives me pride in my achievements, since they are all my own work, not a product of privilege and money!








    Of course, part of my reason for having that viewpoint is that i dont have the money to do otherwise - but i could have if i really wanted to.

  10. Quickest way to Yanille is the Watchtower Teleport. Requires 58 magic and the Watchtower Quest. Needs two earth runes and two law runes.








    I didn't put that in because....i didn't know that :oops: I can't use it, so i didn't think of it. I'll just Edit 'n' Credit








    dude i think the 7k crafting xp isnt right theres a pic of the reward with 9k craft xp. So u need glassed Very Happy or de crafting xp is based on ur crafting lvl








    Yep, your right! its only one small digit.... lol








    Edit 'n' Credit

  11. I was buying a load of bow strings. This guy was going to sell me 700 bow strings. I offered him about 100 each, thinking i'd make a nice profit. But instead of clicking on my money, i clicked on the 2000 strings i had already.








    I was so eager to complete the deal i didn't check it, and only noticed after i had confirmed.








    i bought 700 strings for 2000 strings. Boy was i dumb.








    The most potentially stupid was doing the dragon slayer quest at lvl 40 when the computer was lagging. I teleported out with 1 health - talk about close!

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