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    rs and cs
  1. You think they are lazy over there? The simple sentence "jagex has been too lazy" shows true ignorance. For god's sake, they just released two new minigames, a massive trade system and alternative to player owned shops, created a way for players to assist others with their own skill levels, and made a way to make millions of gp from nothing but a simple competition. In addition to offering players of all interests all kinds of fun, these updates put a stop to RWT's and macros alike. Runescape, f2p and p2p, is free of both of these heavy burdens. Maybe if the majority of players out there weren't so busy complaining about these updates, they could be shaken out of their selfish, diluted and ignorant worlds. Take some time to read every part of every update in the RS news section, and then you will have some real insight to give on the situation. Before you start ranting about how things should be changed back, you need to know what has already been done. In essence, all of the same actions you could previously preform have had nothing done to them except for being translated into new ways of performing them. Pkers can still pk, clans can still wage war, and without losing items. The only thing you cant do is RWT and auto. That is a good thing. So look at the advantages, everybody, because they outweigh the disadvantages by far. WHAT ADVANTAGES~!!!!!! Who gives a rats a$$ about RWT!!! THey dont affect you!!! THis is going to ruin the economy, there will be no mass selling of items, no merchants, no drop trading, no pking. THe wildy will be a free for all, theres nothing to lose, how dumb is that!!!!!!!
  2. OK, the other day I went to lumby and gave a bunch of noobs and people who had jsut died 10k each (Gave out 1mil) and I cant do this anymroe No more being nice No more pking No more drop parties No more merchanting No more runescape I used to bot, crack, cheat, scam in Runescape I admit, this update just makes everyone on the cheating forums more pissed of, making more people cheat. I can't even play runescape for fun anymore, I dont give a [cabbage] about cheating, I cant even lend my new friend full mith armour. Like, wtf is up with that.
  3. you can tell hes in barb village near the end
  4. ehhh...i us da new comas map al da tim. its sw3et. I bught if fo a c4bagh.
  5. This hasnt effected Santas that much. I have 2 of them and the price has stayed at at 4.4-5mil in the last 4 weeks. Some days its 5mil and then the next days its 4.5mil
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