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    Music, Guitar
  1. All that spamming earned them nothing but mutes.
  2. I caught a big swordfish once. But I accidentally cooked it :(
  3. The New World This is a flash and pixel art based website. It just opened up a week ago and needs your input!
  4. That's something you wouldn't want to run around saying :P Trim my ahrims pl0x?
  5. I don't know exactly what the process is, but I do know it will burn if you attempt to cook it. I learned the hard way :(
  6. I walked into varrock saying "trimming onions" and some guy started calling me a scammer and all these other stuff. I guess he doesn't like his onions sweetened -.- Anyways, usually when I do joke around like that people laugh or make funny comments. I think the majority of Runescapians have good humour. I trim silver crowns too btw. :P
  7. Yeah, because that's where the main npc is.
  8. Start mourning's ends part one.
  9. To my knowledge there are no hoods for f2p. Some people just wander in the free world with member items.
  10. I took turns pickpocketing guards and thieving from the silk stall in East Ardounge.
  11. You want comedy? Check out the experiments!
  12. You can find your offences by clicking on the "appeal a ban" link. I don't think it lists how many black marks you have. But it will show your offences.
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