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Posts posted by Kill_Thomas9


    Anyone who says they're "scene" can go [bleep] off. Scene = emo with a few more colours.




    Apparently you don't understand "scene". Scene usually consists of people who wear skinny jeans + straightened/dyed black hair + screamo music. It has nothing to do with acting depressed/cutting yourself.




    As you stated yourself, as an emo, you were depressed/had a negative outlook on life. Emo then evolved from a way of life into a look. Scene = partial emo look - emotional crap.




    Scene in summary:





  2. Aside from the commonly mentioned medical benefits, there are so many others. For example, a week ago, one of my good friends broke up with his girlfriend. He was really depressed over this, and didn't know what to do. So instead of being upset and depressed the entire day, and wasting half the weekend, he smoked enough to get high and forgot all about how depressed he was. When the high wore off, he was still in a good mood, and was able to do his homework. If he hadn't smoked, I'm sure there is no way he would have finished his work. On top of that, weed will get rid of your stomach ache if you're sick and can get rid of your headache if you have one. And the best part is if there is nothing wrong, you can get high just for the hell of it and have a great time.




    Can somebody please link me a study done on how driving while high can be dangerous, or how an increase in motor vehicle fatalities is linked to driving while high? I can't seem to find any.

  3. The only way to avoid rogues is to increase your stealth detection (somehow) or always keep moving and facing opposite directions. Once you fear the rogue, put your DoTs on him and keep him feared until dead. The only way he can kill you is if he catches you while he is stealthed, or he kicks you while you're casting fear.

  4. I don't see why you think I'm exaggerating. I can list about 30 people off the top of my head who I know smoke. And those are only friends. I'm not even friends with the main marijuana smoking social group at my school. And this is only for my class. I'll list 30 for you right now. (And sure you can say I'm making up names. But I'm not.)




    Eric, Ricky, Niklas, Zion, Lucas, Kevin, Robby, Sean, Timothy, Aaron, other Aaron, Marcus, Marco, Arro, Collin, Ana, Sami, Sammy, Caroline, Kyle, Robert, Luis, other Sean, Jacob, Sam, Jon




    Ok, so thats only 27. But I only know about 80 people out of 600 in my class. So multiply 27 * 7 and you have around 160 people IN MY CLASS. Times four classes and you have over 600 people in my school.


    were you high when you posted this?




    No, I got halfway through the list, and had to leave for a few hours. Needless to say when I came back I went a bit off of my point.




    Anyway, the first half of post was explaining how I don't know anybody with mental problems caused by marijuana. When I came back I quickly finished my post talking about how I do actually know "hundreds" of people at my school who smoke.






    Back on the topic being discussed:


    Ok, so obviously there is a large number of people who have had mental problems which started at the time they started smoking weed. My only remaining problem with this whole arguement is this:




    The fact that marijuana is illegal obviously didn't stop you from smoking it. You would be hard pressed to find many people who are "straight edge" because of the fact that the drug is illegal. The majority of people who do not smoke (or have never smoked) do so because either


    a) they think it is bad for them (which is true to some extent, but so is television) and so don't use it




    B) they have some personal reason (promises made to others, family members becomming psycotic, became "addicted")




    Although I am sure there are people who don't smoke due to the legality factor, there isn't much reason to believe legalizing marijuana would lead to a significant increase in usage.

  5. I don't see why you think I'm exaggerating. I can list about 30 people off the top of my head who I know smoke. And those are only friends. I'm not even friends with the main marijuana smoking social group at my school. And this is only for my class. I'll list 30 for you right now. (And sure you can say I'm making up names. But I'm not.)




    Eric, Ricky, Niklas, Zion, Lucas, Kevin, Robby, Sean, Timothy, Aaron, other Aaron, Marcus, Marco, Arro, Collin, Ana, Sami, Sammy, Caroline, Kyle, Robert, Luis, other Sean, Jacob, Sam, Jon




    Ok, so thats only 27. But I only know about 80 people out of 600 in my class. So multiply 27 * 7 and you have around 160 people IN MY CLASS. Times four classes and you have over 600 people in my school.

  6. Well the main reason we wiped wasn't that he enraged. It was that he started hitting everbody before he enraged, which really pissed people off. Plus all the bosses were about 10 seconds off DBM. So with 20 seconds left on the timer, patchy starts hitting everybody, and then 10 seconds later he enrages, and then we wipe when he has 20k hp left.

  7. For the sake of argument, I would have to say that the amount of people that currently become addicted to harder drugs that are laced in their weed far outnumbers those who will become will become schizophrenic/paranoid. With legalized weed, there will be no more need to buy from dealers, therefore eliminating the chance that the buyer's weed is laced with any other hard drug.




    And for the record, I know hundreds of people who smoke week weekly/daily and not one has had any long term (or short term for that matter) mental problems due to it.

  8. no.. you don't know my server. Although it isn't as bad as it used to be, most people on my server are awful. Back in BC I don't think anybody even attempted sunwell. And most pugs are done with Naxx now anyway.




    And yeah, I think blizz should just make a 20 hour boss fight that drops a level 300 item. Only the best guilds can clear it, and all the guild currently out of content to play will have something to try and kill for hours and hours to no avail.

  9. Wow, great news about ArP. Can't wait for 3.1. Hunter buffs galore.




    Yeah, one of my friends has an enh shaman fully geared in tier 7.5 and a holy priest (actually he respeced to disc yesterday) fully geared in T7.5. Needless to say pre 3.1 there was an extreme lack of content for more hardcore players. He went on the PTR yesterday and cleared Ulduar (or what is available for testing atm). Said it was hardly harder than Naxx. Hes now leveling a hunter. Level 30 so far. But I'm fine with the current raid progression. I was a bit slow starting off, so I'm a bit behind the curve, even for casual players. My guild is just had our first 25man clear of the Spider Quarter last friday \' :thumbsup:




    Guild isn't too well geared yet needles to say. With our crappier 10 man teams we can't even down patchwerk. And I really hate crappy players. I'm sitting at about 2900 dps on patchy, and this other hunter with nearly identical gear is doing 1100 dps. And then we get some epic dagger off of a trash mob and I get outrolled by the other hunter. [cabbage]. Both the tanks were above her in damage and dps. And we know we're in trouble when I'm doing 29% of the damage and 25% of the dps out of 5 dps and 2 tanks. A third of the damage out of seven damage-doers. I hate crappy players




    And yes, we take three healers.

  10. I feel specail now






    Several cities in California and around the nation have adopted laws making marijuana the lowest law enforcement priority, including Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Denver and Seattle.




    My town :)






    Anyway, I know like 2 people in my school who have ever been caught with marijuana. The schools are fairly strict on it (there have to be at least a dozen "random" searches a week. Nobody ever gets caught unless they're stupid. I agree it would be a better idea to have it be legalized and harder for teens to get a hold of. I know of two specific people who are failing at least two classes now because of weed simply because they never go.

  11. Wake up > Shower > Breakfast > School > Exam > Bus > Homework > Guitar > Homework > Computer (presently) > Dinner > Bed




    WOO FUN!! Thats thursday for you.






    Oh, and my fourth period is awesome. I can just play Diablo or Starcraft the entire time on his computer, and once he upgrades it I'm installing WoW on that and playing all period. Woo!

  12. Really, how huge is a tauren on a mammoth with a firewater elixer and one of those growth potion? I always wanted to try that. Trolls = coolest race by far




    The reason I like night elves is because all armor looks badass on them. But I don't see why they're hated so much.




    Oh yeah, and I'm a dwarf. Don't roll a dwarf. They're short and armor doesn't look nearly as cool on them. The only reason to be a dwarf is if you're a rogue and plan to pvp. Then you can use your Stoneform ability and cleanse that annoying serpent sting off you and stealth. On the other hand as a night elf rogue, you have three stealth abilities: Stealth, Vanish, and Shadowmeld. So dwarfs are useless aside from the +1% crit chance with guns for hunters. And night elves get +1% crit chance with bows, so it evens out.

  13. Class wise, I would chose a Night Elf if alliance, just because of their shadowmeld ability. Basically, if you get too many things attacking you, and you're going to die, you can shadowmeld, and they'll stop attacking you so you can escape. Not to mention most armor looks badass on Night Elves. Horde side, I personally like the look of trolls, so I would go with one of them, but that is just a personal preference. Tauren are cool horde side because they're so huge, and humans aren't bad alliance side either. Just make sure the race you want can play the class you want before getting your heart set on a certain race. Also, the only alliance that can be a shaman is a Draenei (need TBC expansion) and the only horde that can be a paladin is a Blood Elf (also need TBC expansion). Anyway, it all comes down to what you want to look at. I know a few people who made female character instead of a male, just because they would rather look as a female [wagon] than a male [wagon] all the time.

  14. You can play WoW with a 56k internet connecting if you want. But to download the 5gigs of game + 2 gigs of patches will take about 150,000 seconds, which is 2500 minutes, which is 41 hours, or just under 2 days (1 and two thirds). So it is more than possible. It would just take a while to get started. Also, your account is free for 10 days. Free trial link.


    In any case I'm considering WoW once i get a decent connection.




    What would be a good class to start out as.




    First of all there are three types of players. Healers, tanks, and dps. Heals do what you think they would, which is stand back and heal people in their group. They usually die quickly if hit compared to the tank (this is a group situation we're talking about). Dps are the damage dealers. They often as "squishy" as healers, meaning they too die easily if hit (again, this is in a group situation). A tank's job is to take most of the damage. They try to hold aggro (who the target is attacking) so that the dps and healers don't get hit. Tanks can generally be very hard to kill, but don't do as much damage.


    Basically in a group, the opponent attacks the tank, while the the dps kill the target and the healer heals the tank (or other group members).




    Also, armor, in order of how much protection if gives is plate > mail > leather > cloth.




    Now with that out of the way, let me give you a brief overview of the classes:




    Hunter: High ranged damage but somewhat "squishy" (can't take much damage). Uses a pet to tank (take most of the damage for the hunter). Basically you stand at a distance and shoot stuff while it attacks your pet. Uses mana to cast abilities. Hunters wear mail.




    Shaman: Can be a healer or a dps (damage) depending on what talent tree you go into. You can be a melee shaman (which still uses some spells to the best of my understanding), a ranged-ish spell shaman where you cast spells at the opponent, or a healing (restoration) shaman, where you stand back and heal people. Uses mana to cast abilities. Shaman wear mail.




    Warrior: Up close tank or dps class (depending on talent tree). If playing a warrior you only use melee abilities. Uses a rage system (you gain rage by doing damage) to cast abilities. Warriors wear plate.




    Paladin: Paladins can be tanks, dps, or healers, depending on talent spec. If playing a paladin, you use melee attacks along with seals, hammers and other spells. You rely heavily on the buffs you place on yourself (and other friendly players) and the debuffs you place on your enemies. Paladin tanks (protection spec) are often considered very good tanks (even best in game), especially in multi-target tanking. Dps paladins (retribution spec) are very hard to kill for a dps class and do good damage. Healing paladins (holy spec) in my experience are very good healers if properly played. Not much else to say aside from the fact that they cast spells more than the other two specs. Paladins use mana, but have many mana regen abilities. Paladins wear plate.




    Rogue: Rogues are a very fast-paced class. They use a energy system for casting abilities (mostly instant cast). They rely heavily on stealth, and their main advantage is being able to sneak up on opponents while stealthed, kill them quickly, and re-stealth. Although easy to kill, rogues do good damage and don't have to worry about running out of mana. Rogues wear leather.




    Warlock: DoT (damage over time) class. Warlocks can specialize in "fearing" (causing the enemy to run around out of his control) placing DoT spells on opponents. This way the opponent is dead from spells before they can attack you. At earlier levels (and even later depending on your spec) warlocks can use their summoned pets (different from hunter pets) to tank their enemy while they kill him. Warlocks use mana and wear cloth.




    Priest: Priests can be healers or dps. Healing (holy spec) priests excel in single target healing. Good healers and always welcomed into a group. Dps priests (shadow or discipline spec), although fairly easily killed, can do very good dps if played correctly. Priests get a very useful ability called Power Word: Shield which shields them from an amount of damage for a period of time. This can be very useful. Priests also use mana and wear cloth.




    Mage: Mages do pretty much what you would expect of them. They cast spells at their opponent from a distance. Fire specced mages specialize in doing massive damage to their opponent before they can reach them, thus preventing any harm. Frost specced mages slow down their opponent so they can die before reaching them. Frost is considered to be more survivable than fire (although slightly less damage). Mages, although very easy to kill, can do massive damage very well. Just as long as you aren't hit. Mages use mana and wear cloth.




    Druid: Druids, in my opinion, are the most unique and versatile class in the game. They can be healers, tanks and dps through the use of their shapeshifting abilities. Without shapeshifting, druids are sort of a "caster class" and use mana. Most druids, however, chose to specialize in shapeshifting. The first form you learn as a druid is bear form. In bear form you use rage (much the same as a warrior) and your armor value is increased by 180%, and stamina (or health) is increased by 25%. Bear form is a tanking form. At level 20 you get cat form (dps). Cat form uses energy, like a rogue, and can stealth, again like a rogue. Cat form also has increased damage, and decreased threat (less likely to pull the enemy from the tank, which is a good thing). Moonkin form (available at level 40 from a talent) is also a "caster class" (dps), and looks like an owlkin (sort of owl thing). At level 50, you can learn Tree of Life form, through a talent. Tree of Life is a very capable healing class (often considered one of the best healers) and is very efficient at mana usage. Druids also get travel form (40% increased speed), flight form (flies in the form of a bird), and swift flight form (faster flying in a different bird shape). Druids are very good at whatever they spec in and can switch to whatever form fits the current need whenever they want (given the form doesn't require a talent point). Due to this ability, I find druids very fun to play. Druids wear leather, however in tanking form their abilities emulate the armor of other tanks their level.




    Once you decide what class to play, I recommend you read up on that class here. Very useful information.






    It is also worth noting that hunters and shaman use leather until level 40, when they learn the ability to equip mail. Likewise, paladins and warriors use mail until level 40 at which time they get to wear plate. Druids learn Dire Bear form at 40 which emulates plate instead of mail.

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