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Everything posted by Beloved

  1. well i dont mind looking at the good rewards (whihc also includes the top hat imo :P) but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD can people stop posting the "lame" "gf jagex" rewards, weve all had them! im not posting every none dragon drop from tds either am i? :P
  2. no, its OVER NINETY-NINE THOUSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNND!!!!!! :lol: im lost... :P It's from a Dragonball Z quote where Vegeta , if i remeber rightly, says "it's over nine thousanddd!" towards gokus power level... from like 1994 or something.. lmao yeah i remember that, that you guys got that reference is extremely nice lol :D
  4. ~ this is just to proof a point ~ i hope this guy uses TIF, but i just met the biggest [wagon] in quite a while. i had spoken to him a couple of times before the last days and he wanted to know something very few people know, I SAID i was willing to teach him eventhough its kind of a secret, but he went and got 4 demons on me just to be a jerk! thats the lowest thing ive ever seen anyone do, and im completely blown away that he did that because he didnt get his way (or at least he thought he didnt!) anyway thats not the point the point is that i was being nice and he just [bleep]ed me over god damn hippies ;)
  5. This. I see that guy at least twice a week, which is more than most randoms for me. Can't remember last time I got a strange plant :shock: randoms are very location and skill dependent ontopic: 562nd kill :) [/hide] notice how shard is its leg, lump its head and slice its arm?, also, only the parts that still remain (since the fire consumed the others) are the only ones it drops, thing I don't get is how when you smith those you get a plate, I don't see the lump on plate anyways its cause it melts :P what i dont get is that rune plate = 99 and dragon plate = 92, but lets not discuss that :P
  6. [/hide] Every random is random, so there isn't really a rarity. Altough I haven't seen a lot of randoms while farming anyways. Randoms aren't always random. It seems that there is a higher chance of getting a random event doing a certain thing. Kind of like how when cooking you will get a ton of strange plant/frogs, while doing other things you wouldn't get them as much. 11W4-8e6UmA 8-)
  7. This. I see that guy at least twice a week, which is more than most randoms for me. Can't remember last time I got a strange plant :shock: randoms are very location and skill dependent ontopic: 562nd kill :)
  8. hahaha stef wtf! youre insane, i dont think ive even gotten that much slayer exp in one day :P
  9. you guys all seem to be proud of having blackmarks... i for one am proud i have 0 blackmarks and never gotten reported
  10. [/hide] glad I went! My first gwd drop!!! got a nice screenie for you ;) this was litterally 20 secs in between rofl :P
  11. o well it kills the 250 kill dry run i guess so cant complain :P killed another 150+ today (this was around 15 kills, and from a minion for crying out loud -.-) also got shard from minions but meh
  12. i hope to be able to stop somewhere in the future wont be for a long time afaics now though :P
  13. woohoo! after only 420 solo tormented demon kills and countless high lvl noobs that dont seem to know wtf theyre doing (and therefore getting me and others in serious danger) i finally got my first solo drop from them! :D
  14. I agree on that. Skill would be lame, minigame sounds great. Minigame sounds lame, skill sounds great. Seriously, i see great potential in a sailing/pirating skill, although i think it would be very complex to make. I give it a 30% possibillity atm
  15. And that's why I blocked kalphites. :thumbup: i actually ahvent gotten a single kalphite task in over 100 tasks now, bet ima get a lot now ive said this and jinxed it :P
  16. you get loops more often :P orlly? [hide=part of my droplist]Loop Half of a key - 73 Tooth Half of a Key - 81[/hide]
  17. i just wanted to give my support again, this is the most well thought out and best balaced skill suggestion ive ever seen. I support it 110%! awesome job
  18. [hide=] No minimap, surprised nobody saw that :P he already mentioned the pic being cropped, surprised you didnt see that I went to see there :P But the only thing I notice is I can't put my character on that spot... Does anyone else see a difference? :?: :-k [/hide] rofl *thats* the thing that was wrong with it ;)
  19. No minimap, surprised nobody saw that :P he already mentioned the pic being cropped, surprised you didnt see that
  20. could it bees? d bow on last kill :D (and why is everyone using those ugly filters :-/ )
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