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Everything posted by Beloved

  1. i agree with most of the things thats already been said a thousand times, so im just gonna add one more thing: The lack of balance between skills and combat; there really is no need to train skills anymore, you used to be able to make money with them but those theres are far gone. The only reason to train them is to reach certain lvls to be able to use certain items or do certain quests. The skill itself holds no value anymore. This is the reason why most people (sadly me included) only train combat and leave skills be untill youve earned enough money to powertrain them to 99 and never bother with them again.
  2. [/hide] I would point out that ranged is very important for plenty of boss monsters, the most notable of which is obviously Kree'arra, but there's also Tormented Demons, Zilyana, TzTok-Jad, etc. But magic is still garbage in PvM. as your magic lvl counts as 70% of your magic resistance i would strongly have to disagree with that statement. It is however true that there is no boss, except rex, against which magic works efficiently. And i agree they should come up with some alternatives...
  3. just another day at sara ;) [hide=][/hide] and [hide=][/hide]
  4. they even said they were working on an overhaul of the summoning skill. but im not sure if thats gonna happen next week, it seems more to me like they are making a pet/summoning room for POH What would they change in the summoning skill? they didnt say: Quick find code: 15-16-573-59188308 /edit: i previusly said "overhaul" this might get misinterpreted, it wont be an overhaul like summoning 2 or even with new familiars, just an overhaul of the way summoning works (so probably faster attacking of fighting familiars (with the new button), that sort of things)
  5. Just log out and log back in, all but the demon that spawns there and the western trapped demon usually move. It happens all the time when I solo. [/hide] Logging out and back in maims your potted stats though. Eh, believe me, I've relogged countless times at TDs and at slayer and my stats stay the same Well your stats used to be reduced when logging out at TD's, but i believe this has been fixed tbh since i havent noticed it anymore lately (but lately i havent logged that much at TD's either, so im not 100% sure)
  6. they even said they were working on an overhaul of the summoning skill. but im not sure if thats gonna happen next week, it seems more to me like they are making a pet/summoning room for POH
  7. just went bandos for the fur n seek bone but got this nice lil surprise: :D [hide=][/hide] my first actual (on the ground) gwd drop, im well pleased :D
  8. Wrong, I've had Clue drops with other drops before, I think I might have a screened a Whip+Clue drop. [/hide]99% sure I'm right, unless someone has proof otherwise. Every clue dropping monster I've ever gotten a scroll from has always had a single drop which is the only drop clues come with. Other "bonus" drops do not work this way though, just clues. im 100% sure that it used to be like that, for example visage would only drop with blood runes, clue from iron/steel drags would only drop with rune darts (p). But seeing the posts and pics in this thread im pretty sure they have changed the dropsystem behind secondary drops
  9. No i dont consider it to be against the rules, its not a bug imo. However, i am very much against the actual use of this, it was NOT intended by jagex for people to be able to do this. So on that note; Jagex should fix this ASAP.
  10. yeah id like to see a reference to that aswell, sinc ei have never heard of this being true
  11. well tbh i wasnt talking about solving the whole problem, although i do think there are more then enough ways to do so (for example: always make lvl 1-3 creatures get hit by magic, despite mage attack bonus) i just like to annoy the afk'ers...
  12. You must understand the problem before finding solutions. There are really 2 problems- there are monsters that can not kill people(which can not be solved) and there are armor that permits you to fail every spell cast(also nearly impossible to solve). i understand this, and where does making lumby cellar multi-combat not solve this, hmm?
  13. Actually, quick chat wasn't meant to be used by "normal" players, it was intended mainly for Jagex to be able to allow children below the age of 13 to play aswell. As soon as you say you're below 13, when you create an account, you will be limited to the use of quick chat untill the day you turn 13. This way Jagex avoids any legal actions taken against them (which is a very good thing!). As a side effect it will also cater for muted players, but i think the above mentioned was the main reason for quickchat to be developed.
  14. instead of lowering the spiders' mage def (which many people suggest) i say make lumby cellar a multi-combat area so we can annoy teh hell out of them, gives us a good laugh aswell :)
  15. [hide=awesome chest if i may say so][/hide] Edited inappropriate message ~ jimmy_jim (Congratulations on drop \)
  16. [/hide] On a side note, the message is grammatically incorrect. There should be a semicolon or period instead of the comma. Hmm... That's true, good catch tbh
  17. [/hide] 6 Kill count and you havent gone into tunnel yet. Dont know if its been said yet, but yeah. tbh, i dont see whats so special, i get that all the time (i think this has to do with not completely killing a creature in the tunnels when you go back out)
  18. no it doesnt drop d chain, its rune wiki lol :P [hide=new drop list]100% drops Big bones Runes 3 Blood runes 38-47 Water runes 40 Air runes 4 Nature runes 3 Soul runes 3 Death runes Weapons and armours Amulet of ranging (Rare) Dragon Spear (Very Rare) Water battlestaff Air battlestaff Ranged Weapons 10 Rune darts 10 Adamant bolts 5 Rune bolts Seeds 1 Poison ivy seed 1 Irit seed 1 Snapdragon seed 1 Dwarf weed seed 1 Ranarr seed 1 Toadflax seed 1 Cactus seed 1 Belladonna seed 1 Lantadyme seed 1 Kwuarm seed Others 1-3 Raw lobster 1-2 Raw swordfish 1 Raw shark 1 Charm (Gold, Green, Crimson, Blue) 500-1000 coins Herbs (Grimy) 3-6 Seaweed (noted) 3 Snape grass Clue scroll (Level 3) Long bone[/hide]
  19. i can confirm that they drop snapdragon and kwuarm seeds sadly i havent logged any drops due to ks'ers (such as me tbh, i just kill whatever i can get my hands on atm), so i have to stay focused, once i get another i will post proof. ive killed around 220 now /edit: also drops: - water battlestaff - air battlestaff
  20. its long overdue but i finally got it: FINALLY! :D edit: [slayer] exp gains for Beloved nl in last 1day: 311,827 | 1wk: 1,152,333
  21. yes i think so, and Slayerbell, Lorica and Ellebreyals are all side account for his maxed main villandra. :P he got some other but i dont remember the acc name. Villandra is female. i have it on good authority that Girls donĀ“t exist in Runescape (LOL :lol:)
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