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Posts posted by Biabf

  1. I'm just curious, but did anybody make a thread when Boris Yeltsen died in, I believe, April? Somewhere around that time anyways. It was a Monday. If not, Yeltsin was more important than this guy, why doe she deserve a thread? especially if it hasn;t been confirmed?
    I guess it depends on which country you live in. Personally I've never heard of Boris Yeltsen but I have heard of Colin McRae. Even if you don't think someone doesn't 'deserve' a thread about their (possible) death at least be respectful?
  2. I was watching the news 10 mintus ago and they hadn't actually confirmed it. They found the helicopter that was registered to him but it doesn't mean he was in it at the time, it may have been doing something else?


    Regardless, condolences to the family of whoever died in the crash.

  3. Hey I'm thinking of getting an Xbox 360, I've heard from some peope but is there 100gb and change of colour really worth the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50 is costs?




    I've heard the only difference is colour, marketplace content and 100gb, should I pay the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50 extra or go for the normal 360?

  4. I used to swim frequently, was best at brestroke, close to best at butterfly. Then I got ill, and found out I was allergic to chlorine. Any time I am in water for longer than ten minutes I get really bad eczema and tonsilitis.




    I now do jogging a bit, I feel that swimming is better over time, jogging also helps get stamina up. I would do both as you said.




    Your allergic to chlorine eh? Some pools now put salts in.I know that your thinking, zermg teh salts burn mah eyez. Dont worry, they dont. I thought it was pretty cool. Maybe you can get back into swimming?

    Almost all the time I've been in a salt pool I've been really ill and I normally go in salt pools while I'm on holiday so it really sucks to be on holiday in good hotels and on safari.
  5. [hide]
    Ok, near our school there is a McDonalds, KFC and Burger King near our school. We aren't allowed to go to McD or KFC but we can go to BK. Why not all 3 wtf?




    We aren't allowed to go into Kendrews (Corner Shop) but we can go into Martins (Similar just by a different name) which is nearer.




    No physical contact. Someone got detention for poking someone. Lol.




    You aren't allowed to bring sweets into school premises. Yet there is a tuck shop which sells them for a lower price... :roll:




    You are not allowed on the AWTA (ALL WEATHER TRAINING AREA) when it is raining heavily or snowing.




    Now, the next 2 rules combined are my favourites.




    No Tennis Balls, Footballs over size 2, rugby balls.




    If you wish to go onto the AWTA (All weather training area) you must wear trainers whether it is retrieving a tennis ball or rugby ball (lol?) or actually playing on it.




    We're not allowed to go to the shops near our school but really..we've seen teachers in there ourselves and most people go a few days a week :-$




    But that rugby/football rule sounds stupid...most of my year is playing football or sometimes rugby at lunch on South Field (just a name) and no one tries to stop us. *thanks that doesn't go the RGS*

    They blocked off the shortcut through the old people's home, we now have to walk all the way round. You know there's a Whitgift Bar which some Sixth Formers go to to drink after school lol.




    Hehe we used that shortcut to get to the playing fields for a cricket match if I recall. ::'

    Yeah I used it as a shortcut to get to my bus stop but they blocked it off for some reason.




    Not too hard to get over :P We had to today after the rugby ball got kicked over

    Yeah I stopped getting that bus though, the train is so much quicker.




    Any good teachers this year?

  6. [hide]
    Ok, near our school there is a McDonalds, KFC and Burger King near our school. We aren't allowed to go to McD or KFC but we can go to BK. Why not all 3 wtf?




    We aren't allowed to go into Kendrews (Corner Shop) but we can go into Martins (Similar just by a different name) which is nearer.




    No physical contact. Someone got detention for poking someone. Lol.




    You aren't allowed to bring sweets into school premises. Yet there is a tuck shop which sells them for a lower price... :roll:




    You are not allowed on the AWTA (ALL WEATHER TRAINING AREA) when it is raining heavily or snowing.




    Now, the next 2 rules combined are my favourites.




    No Tennis Balls, Footballs over size 2, rugby balls.




    If you wish to go onto the AWTA (All weather training area) you must wear trainers whether it is retrieving a tennis ball or rugby ball (lol?) or actually playing on it.




    We're not allowed to go to the shops near our school but really..we've seen teachers in there ourselves and most people go a few days a week :-$




    But that rugby/football rule sounds stupid...most of my year is playing football or sometimes rugby at lunch on South Field (just a name) and no one tries to stop us. *thanks that doesn't go the RGS*

    They blocked off the shortcut through the old people's home, we now have to walk all the way round. You know there's a Whitgift Bar which some Sixth Formers go to to drink after school lol.




    Hehe we used that shortcut to get to the playing fields for a cricket match if I recall. ::'

    Yeah I used it as a shortcut to get to my bus stop but they blocked it off for some reason.
  7. I don't see the point in splitting up a board whose first page spans two days. If it spanned a six hour period, then I think a split would be in order. Otherwise, if you're just trying to move topics that don't interest you, everyone has to deal with that on each of the boards. If the Staff created a subforum for each type of topic, the activity on that "board" (subforums included) would decrease.


    That's over doing it. He's only suggesting one topic gets its own sub-forum, Real Life help. That topic spans across so many things. He's not really splitting up that board only, there's tons of people who would love to post questions about Real Life, yet they don't because they will get flamed, or reported.

    Exactly, although it may appear some not that many people want RL help, many hod back because they know their post will get locked as "spam"
  8. Ok, near our school there is a McDonalds, KFC and Burger King near our school. We aren't allowed to go to McD or KFC but we can go to BK. Why not all 3 wtf?




    We aren't allowed to go into Kendrews (Corner Shop) but we can go into Martins (Similar just by a different name) which is nearer.




    No physical contact. Someone got detention for poking someone. Lol.




    You aren't allowed to bring sweets into school premises. Yet there is a tuck shop which sells them for a lower price... :roll:




    You are not allowed on the AWTA (ALL WEATHER TRAINING AREA) when it is raining heavily or snowing.




    Now, the next 2 rules combined are my favourites.




    No Tennis Balls, Footballs over size 2, rugby balls.




    If you wish to go onto the AWTA (All weather training area) you must wear trainers whether it is retrieving a tennis ball or rugby ball (lol?) or actually playing on it.




    We're not allowed to go to the shops near our school but really..we've seen teachers in there ourselves and most people go a few days a week :-$




    But that rugby/football rule sounds stupid...most of my year is playing football or sometimes rugby at lunch on South Field (just a name) and no one tries to stop us. *thanks that doesn't go the RGS*

    They blocked off the shortcut through the old people's home, we now have to walk all the way round. You know there's a Whitgift Bar which some Sixth Formers go to to drink after school lol.
  9. swimming uses your whole boddy were as jogging uses less but it would be easyer to jogg for longer and more often so on that grounds jogging but .... at the swimming pool there would be girls in nice little bikini's so ......... :D easy choise realy :P
    Actually I find I can swim for a lot longer than I can jog but I grew up with a swimming pool so I swam hours each day.
  10. I think it would be useful to have an Off Topic Help & Advice Subforum. There are some topics that would be counted as spam in the Off-Topic forum but not in the Help & Advice Subforum. Threads in OT are generally discussions about things but in Help & Advice people could ask for suggestions, ask for help with rl problems or get answers to questions they have been trying to find the answer to for a while without finding it.

  11. 1) Shutdown their laptop


    2) Start wierd topics of conversation (I mean, really wierd..i would say some that we have had but this is a g-rated forum:P)


    3) Place the noise on your phone which is supposed to be brown noise but is actually just a high pitched noise..really good hehe




    Many more I can think of but meh


    Haha yeah walk past their cable and pull it out like 'oops'

  12. You're not allowed to lie in court
    Because noone has ever lied in court before... =P~


    if you get found out lying in court, the charges for what you did can be increased.

    Can? They will be increased if it's a big case...


    Anyway I really doubt this will go to court unless she sues her ex-bf

  13. If I am her lawyer, I would say that it was the weather among with the global warming... And that she got a serious spyware problem on her laptop.
    You'd be a really bad lawyer then... You're not allowed to lie in court and you'd have to provide evidence of spyware.
  14. I'm still going to be eating meat. :)




    What people should be saying about meat is to not to eat the fast food meat. Seriously, do you people know what goes into the McDonald's cheese burgers? They're like 1,000 calories or like half of your daily calories. Don't get me started on the baconator from Wendy's.




    I prefer a nice barbecued burger cooked on a grill, or a nice steak :). I'm not a health nut but I don't like eating piles of slop either.

    Hey you might wanna check your facts. There is no way the McDonald's cheese burger is 1000 calories as the Wendy's baconator is only 830 calories. I just googled it and the McDonald's cheeseburger is only 295 calories...




    OT: This video doesnt really put me off at all. I don't really eat any fastfood burgers very often...




    Right so everybody who eats at Mcdonald's only has a single cheeseburger. I have seen people get 2 Big Macs and eat them both. The fries too.




    It's not all about the calories too, theres huge amounts of fat in them too.

    Very few people eat two Big Macs, I've never seen anyone eat two... I never said they were health either I was just saying check your facts.
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