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Posts posted by Biabf

  1. I'm still going to be eating meat. :)




    What people should be saying about meat is to not to eat the fast food meat. Seriously, do you people know what goes into the McDonald's cheese burgers? They're like 1,000 calories or like half of your daily calories. Don't get me started on the baconator from Wendy's.




    I prefer a nice barbecued burger cooked on a grill, or a nice steak :). I'm not a health nut but I don't like eating piles of slop either.

    Hey you might wanna check your facts. There is no way the McDonald's cheese burger is 1000 calories as the Wendy's baconator is only 830 calories. I just googled it and the McDonald's cheeseburger is only 295 calories...




    OT: This video doesnt really put me off at all. I don't really eat any fastfood burgers very often...

  2. Stun guns that the police carry are supposed to give 5 seconds of what is said to be the probably the worst pain anyone can go through.
    The English police only use 50,000 volt stun guns and it doesn't hurt at all, it just paralyzes the criminal for as long as the energy runs. Some guy tested them by being shocked over 200 times... You wouldn't do that if it was really painful.
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manc ... 981558.stm




    An 18-year-old burglar who vandalised a children's campsite building was caught because he wrote his name on a wall at the scene, a court has heard.




    Peter Addison, of Heaton Mersey, Stockport, and his friend Mark Ridgeway of Poynton, Cheshire, smashed crockery and let off fire extinguishers.




    Addison received a conditional discharge. Ridgeway, 18, must carry out 60 hours unpaid work.




    Both pleaded guilty to burglary at Macclesfield Magistrates' Court.




    Addison was ordered to pay ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã725 compensation and ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20 costs. Ridgeway has to pay ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20 costs.






    There are some pretty stupid criminals around, but to leave your own name at the scene of the crime takes the biscuit


    Inspector Gareth Woods




    Apart from writing his own name in black marker pen at the Toc H centre in Adlington, Cheshire, Addison also left his gang's name on the wall - The Adlington Massiv!.




    The teenager vandalised a Garden Birds of Britain poster by adding "R Gay".




    He then left a final message to the campsite owners - "thanks for the stay".




    Police found him after entering his name in a computer system.




    Inspector Gareth Woods, of Cheshire Police, said: "This crime is up there with the dumbest of all in the criminal league table.




    "There are some pretty stupid criminals around, but to leave your own name at the scene of the crime takes the biscuit.




    "The daftness of this lad certainly made our job a lot easier."




    Seriously, are people just getting more stupid every day?

  4. Yeah not a good time for my pets recently




    2 weeks ago, my childhood dog was put down because of cancer




    Yesterday my parents woke up to find my cat unable to wake and in pain and stuff so hes in the vets for now so the vet can look after him and we've gotta decide if we wanna put him down or not.


    EDIT: Just got told the doctors think it could be a brain tumour. They are going to pump him with steriods (it's been done at least 4 times before when he was near death and he came back better than before) and hes eating now.

  5. i don't really consider myself a atheist because i believe something created us but i don't believe anything else Christianity or catholicism preaches. one flaw i usually like to point out is the wearing of a cross around your neck as a symbol you follow jesus and god, because if jesus someday returns i think the last thing he would want to see is a cross wouldn't you agree?


    I think Jesus would like to see some hot chicks because he didn't get to hit that booty at all the last time he was alive.

    Yeah lets all wear little models of naked hot chicks round our neck!!




    Btw, listen to this video, LOL, so funny.

  6. Rush Hour 3 - Awesome not matter what the critics say, can't beat Rush Hour comedy...




    Bourne Ultimatum - Good action and fight scene but pretty weird how he never gets hurt in the film although he gets in some major fights and car crashes.

  7. I think Dr. Kelso will die under Dr. Cox's care, leading him into a spiral of drinking till he dies from alcohol poisioning, whatsherface will miscarry the baby, and she will marry JD, and Elliot will get married to the dolphin trainer. Elliot and JD will run the hospital
    Have you seen series 4, 5 or 6 yet? The dolphin trainer and Elliot finished it at the end of 3.




    Huge Scrubs fan and I think Elliot will freak, not marry Keith. JD will stick with Kim because he wont wanna put his child through have seperated parents as stated in series 6.




    Pity it's only a 18 episode series :(




    I think Dr. Kelso will die under Dr. Cox's care
    Sounds interesting but I doubt it...
  8. Korskin:




    Even though I laughed, I think there might be something to it. Society today is going toward an even more liberal view of sexuality. Interspecies sex might be next.


    I think you're joking, but...you know, interspecies sex is really not possible. ok, possible, yes, but animals of different species dont produce the right pheremones for them to get funky, except the very closely related species like horses and donkeys to create a mule. Otherwise the forests would be chock full of mountain lion-bear hybrids... or bird-elk...




    Or some scary Man-Bear-Pigs?

    Maybe even some spiderpigs?
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