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Status Updates posted by tripsis

  1. I knew you'd be there for me

  2. *hides behind Peter* He'll protect me!

  3. I'm glad I gave you a laugh! :D

  4. Peter halp!

  5. I'll killer you red?

  6. Hey now.. Peter is the only one allowed to sweet talk me!

  7. AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!!!

  8. This means war, Sentry. I will Avada Kedavra you.

  9. As if! Peter is obviously the father!

  10. Hahah thanks! XD

  11. Yeah get your thoughts off my man, Rainy. Angry face.

  12. I know where you sleep...

  13. I feel Peter deprived.

  14. Om nom nom nom nom nom nom.

  15. I'm thinking of you! :)

  16. Hai there! :D

  17. Good luck tomorrow! ♥ xoxoxox

  18. Thank you!! :D :D

  19. Thanks so much!! :D

  20. I be missing you.

  21. *pats on the head*

  22. Thank you so much! :)

  23. Thank you!!! :D

  24. A whole page of Ashley! Stalker points please

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