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Posts posted by Tact

  1. There would be no percentages. Go learn something about how stock markets work(of which, again, the ge is a cheap ripoff, if there were no price restrictions, the ge would work as it's supposed to). You are only showing stupidity right now(like alot of others). A stock market is supposed to work with no price restrictions, adding restrictions is the reason for it not working properly.

    I can already see where this is going. Calling people stupid who disagree with you...


    So you'd bring back free trade like it used to be, along with the host of problems we had before. In reference to the OP's original question, I'd have to say no.

  2. also you (referring to Tact here) heavily implied that rwting does not exist in today's runescape



    Price manipulation and the rigid rares market do deserve some form of redress, along with the new versions of RWT and botting happening today.

    I never said there wasn't RWT. Merely that it's evolved.


    What's so difficult to understand about it? Right now we have three prices in the ge- market price, 0,95x market price and 1,05x market price as the price floors, allowing free trade we would have market price(or suggested price), min gp(most likely 1, but there can be other floors) and max price(2.147B), and the market price would just adjust according to the average price the item is sold(taking supply into account). This would make the GE work much better and would completely remove junk trading and price manipulation.

    That's not free trade. That's just our current system but with looser controls.


    Also, xpx only stated the new price floors and price ceilings. What would be the new min and max prices in the GE (as in, what's the percentage allowed in variation)?

  3. True, however:


    I think the reason that it is less visible is also because it has a much less broad effect than it has in the past. While common commodities such as logs were skewed out of their price range in the past, now it's mostly restricted to rares and items manipulated on the GE. I do believe that 95% of 'Scapers are better off today than they were before trade limits were imposed. Price manipulation and the rigid rares market do deserve some form of redress, along with the new versions of RWT and botting happening today. Still, I have not been presented with any good reason why reinstating free trade would specifically address these issues. You would be trading a lesser evil for a greater one.

  4. This type of thread annoys me. Is there one shred of evidence or one iota of possibility that Jagex would bring back free trade in any manner? I don't think so. They've shown in the past that they're not moving on this subject.


    In effect, there's absolutely no reason to be even discussing this anymore, considering that free trade was removed years ago. If you want to reminisce about how things were better back then, fine. But don't keep bringing it back like so many distortions of a What If? question.


    I think people need to mix some realism into their thinking.

  5. That's all valid reasons, but I hardly notice a difference between praying melee or praying magic except that you might get KOed easier with melee prayer. Still, maybe praying mage and then switching to melee if he targets you is best?


    And zamorak, you shouldn't be walking under corp.

  6. Try maging Dagannoth Rex. On your first trip there I'd suggest bringing a ROL and an experienced friend along to show you the safespots. However, it's easy to learn, and after you become more comfortable you should try soloing him. Rex drops some nice things like berserker rings, warrior rings, and dragon hatchets. You might also find his bones handy for some easy prayer xp. At your mage level, the best spell to use would be slayer dart with a SOL, which provides a balance between cost and effectiveness.


    Mage is rather weak when it comes to using it against boss monsters. The only other instance I can think of is using it for Barrows, or perhaps maging iron dragons with chaos gauntlets.

  7. I'm more leaning toward randomly generated puzzles, riddles, or coordinate clue-type things which require thought and reasoning to complete. Jagex has implemented some of these things in shorter quests; just not on a scale which is deserving of a true "grandmaster" quest.


    Edit: I feel like the different sides are like two ships passing in the night. You're not understanding, or perhaps refusing to acknowledge each other's points, so there's no verbal contact. In the end, there's really no grounds for a debate, at least not in the way you're proceeding.

  8. With acrimony in the 2010 elections approaching new heights, I think it's time to look at one of the lighter areas of the campaign- Political Advertisements. Here are a few of the real political ads that have appeared this election cycle:


    Carly Fiorina, Republican candidate for Senate from California, released this online ad earlier this year attacking one of her primary election rivals. So bad, you almost wish it wasn't a real ad:




    Dale Peterson, candidate for Alabama Agriculture Commissioner, accuses his "dummy" opponent of stealing yard signs:




    ...and the follow up ad, endorsing one of his former opponents after losing in the first round of voting (in which he shows he means business about those yard sign thefts):




    And finally, a clip that isn't an attack ad. Mike Weinstein, Florida state representative (District 19), has a campaign music video made by his son.



  9. I think the people saying that the OP just wants attention is missing his or her point entirely.


    He or she makes a very valid point about the attitudes most TIFers (and I assume RSers in general) have about certain "achievements". I find that many people become so absorbed into the game that they take these preconceptions too far and forget to have a little empathy for the person on the other side of the screen. Would it really be too much to ask that you consider what you're saying before you type it out?


    You don't have to post a Rate-Me thread about getting 99 fletching to be the target of these negative comments either. It's inevitable that people you talk to you on RS, whether in public chat or clan chat, want to know what skills you are training, what levels you are, and if you have any 99s. God forbid that you should mention your "noob" cape, or worse, be seen wearing it while playing.


    I don't personally consider 99 cooking or fletching to be that great of an achievement. However, I don't go out of my way to make the owner of one of those capes feel bad for what they've done like many people I've seen. In other words, like the OP said: keep your opinion to yourself if you don't have anything nice to say. Yes, I realize that the Internet and RS in particular isn't full of nice people- there are always trolls who get their enjoyment out of putting others down. However, that is by no means a justification for the rest of us to join in.

  10. Mobilising Armies should have been the end-all beat all for Runescapers that delays happen, and occasionally big delays happen. I mean, Mobilising Armies was terrible, but that's a discussion for another thread.

    The release of Mobilizing Armies was so disappointing to me; delayed so long that none of my ingame friends could even remember what it was supposed to be when I asked, and then finally dropped in with terrible gameplay after months of anticipation.


    Anyways, I don't see that Jagex has done anything wrong this time. They did not promise a specific day of the week that an update would be released. I seriously doubt that anyone has plumbed every depth of Runescape for all the gameplay possibilities. In fact, the more vocal of Jagex's critics also seem to have the narrowest definition of what makes a good update. Just because you want yet another addition to slayer, or new boss monsters, does not mean that Jagex has to cater to your demand. They've got plenty of other issues to consider, the least of which is your scruples about how updates need to be released on one or two particular days every single week.


    The mere fact that a J mod has to post "no update" threads on the RSOF every day shows how ludicrously far this obsession has gone.

  11. I don't like the negative reaction to all this, but what the hell are people expecting. Those with skills and items are likely to do better at individual aspects of RS.


    Any, what other mini-games/activities out there do you think can also get a competition/award going? Barrow brothers is obvious, but there might be others.


    PS: Anyone think that Jagex is going to WAY MORE than the 60 dollars it'll give away in the form of a year's membership? I can imagine more than twelve people purposely re-upping members just to try their hand at this competition.



    The problem has not been that it is in Castle wars, but the fact it is not based on aspects unique to castle wars. It is also being based on an activity which is almost guaranteed to be won by somebody with lots of money and high levels, opposed to something in which many people could try to do with a fair chance of winning. For example, they could do resources gained in TB, performance in BA, items gathered in SC, scores made in CW, but no, they choose kills in CW, which could easily been done in many different areas.

    So you have a problem with them focusing on the PKing aspect of CW. Jagex chose to focus on that aspect. People would whine if Jagex had a contest focusing on number of flags captured, which gives an obvious advantage to people with better connections.

    Your kill streak doesn't carry over between games. So your best streak is based solely on your best game.


    If Jagex had a scoring competition it would heavily favor people playing during off hours, when you don't have to avoid swarms of people while carrying the flag. Either way, it's never going to be completely fair.


    Also, the RSOF post says the competition runs only across 2 worlds...

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