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Everything posted by sparklinfrog

  1. heres the pic of the silver sprit tree ..
  2. once again im not sure if this has been mentioned before or not and if it has im sorry .. walking through gnome stronghold up the north west side i cam across the rteains of a silver tree upon examination it said "the scorched reamains of a silver sprit tree" anyone know what is for and when it appered? id love to know :P
  3. i dunno if this has been posted yet or not on my way up to the mind altar i camne across a new princess, and a building that looks like a small tower not sure what thats about or wiether its to do with a quest we already have but there doesnt appear to be any doors.......
  4. ok so not really hidden pineapples but i found out today that the guy in the genral store in catherby can sell you 40 pineapples at 2gp each a day, i think this is great for farmers who use catherby and think it should be put on to the bottom of tips and trick for farming guide :)
  5. i dont think i have every been scammed, but i do tend to only trade with friends i know will give me bac stuff, i have some nice friends to one just gave me money cause he thought i was cool....i payed him bac with friendship and a couple of dragonstones a few weeks later even thou he said he didnt want anything, i think its tru friends are more imporatant than pixles but their is the remote few who dont think like that
  6. :-s can anyone explain what mechscape is i neva heard of it \ WOOT WOOT runescape for anotha 5 yrs!!! \
  7. this is just an idea i had while browsing through the varrock achivent diary it wood be so awsome if it had a checklist like the one for quests that way u could hide the ones u have already done it would make it so much easier to read and figure out which one u want to do next.... \ :thumbsup:
  8. in the tip it times u mentioned 3 types of quest thou i think u missed a higly vital one espically for most p2p and that is clue scrolls, they are tasks with reward a very important mini quest :P
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