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Posts posted by Intriguing

  1. you kinda remind me of a young william macy

    Haha, there's no way that's a compliment, but I'm going to pretend it is. :P

    You cut your hair! The glasses look nice though.

    So I did. It's freaking weird not having hair covering my ears. I can actually hear people now..

  2. I laugh at people why say Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi are geniuses when it came to music, but it really was the garbage of the Romantic era style. Vivaldi was much more classical anyways.

    Err.. Vivaldi was in no way a Romantic or Classical composer--he was a Baroque composer--and his compositions were hardly the garbage of his era. I don't particularly enjoy his music because Baroque has never interested me all that much, but Vivaldi was quite original for his time, even if his works do get somewhat repetitive in relation to one another. As for Tchaikovsky, I really have no idea where you could be coming from saying his music was the garbage of the Romantic period.


    I tend to enjoy Post-Romantic and early 20th-Century Art Music the most, though I tend to pay more attention to specific works rather than composers on the whole. Notably, I really enjoy the works of Karol Szymanowski, Dmitri Shostakovich, and Igor Stravinsky, though Arvo Pärt and Charles Ives are also fantastic.

  3. I've recently been listening to P.O.S. a lot as well, big fan of his stuff.

    Same. He's the main Hip-Hop artist I've been listening to recently. Unless you count Kanye West. He's underground, yeah?

  4. One thing I have learned is that you cannot force education onto an adult, they have to want to learn. For this reason all we can do is present the facts, arguments and resources then it is upto them to pick up that knowledge and learn on their own.


    This is pretty much why your suggestion wont do much good, Dusqi. If people want to learn they'll go find some good information on these subjects, but the problem with most creationists is that they just don't want to hear any evidence contrary to their beliefs.


    I know that posting what I have in this thread is largely useless; I just hope other people can get something out of it and I can clear things up for them.

    Well I can affirm that you have at least one reader learning from your posts. I know you've cleared up a few issues I've had with evolution in the past. (Not trying to suck-up, more trying to get across the point that people shouldn't stop posting about things that they know about even if it feels like no one pays attention.) It should also be noted that I was raised a Creationist.

  5. Shmexy acne... I know >.>

    So.. you added that bit in just so people would reply with "you don't have acne, I love your skin" and boost your confidence a bit? Cool..

    P.S. Can people pleaseeee stop saying 'schmexy'? :(

  6. Maybe provide a link to a news article, or something explaining what Septa is?

    And to anyone who replies to this with a "lmgtfy" I will find out where you live and punch you in the larynx. Just sayin'.

  7. Breast cancer, apparently. About a year ago my grandfather (who is dead now) got breast cancer. I didn't even know guys could get it. :shock:

    Other than that, nothing.

    Wait... what? O_O


    I didn't know men could get breast cancer either...

    It's like winning the lottery. Except not good. (How my friend described it.)

    I suppose it's just way more rare since they do have breast tissue to some extent. Girls just have more of it so, more chance of cancer.


    It's logical, but when you first think of it, it's like 'Wat? O_o'

    Well breast cancer (or at least the type he had) requires estrogen to grow and spread, so I suppose the fact that women have much more estrogen than men would make them more prone to that type of cancer. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though, I don't know very much about it.

  8. Personality research suggests that women are slightly more emotional (easily stressed, anxious, upset), but not that women are different when it comes to preferring competition vs. co-operation.


    Importantly, Louann Brizendine is an MD rather than a PhD, so although I'm sure she knows a lot about brains and physiology, it is not certain that she is qualified to talk about psychology.

    My mistake on her job title.


    All MDs should bow down to your credentials in their utter ignorance.

    Another reason why I don't like debating on these forums.

    "I quoted someone smarter than you so despite any research you've done, your opinion is invalid." Always classy.

  9. I'm by no means a great debater myself, but I tend to avoid debates on these forums. Though there are a few well-educated and skilled debaters here, most discussions end up in a "majority wins" situation, or a thread going for 100+ pages because one person doesn't know how to accept defeat. I'm not saying that problem is peculiar to forums, but at least in real life the debates I involve myself in generally consist of no more than four or so people, and it's easier to avoid engaging in debates with people who are particularly obstinate.


    It's a basic human (predominantly male) need.


    Here's an interesting bit on the whole gender side of it:

    Men often enjoy interpersonal conflict and competition;

    they even get a positive boost from it. In women, conflict is more

    likely to set in motion a cascade of negative chemical reactions, creating

    feelings of stress, upset, and fear. Just the thought that there might

    be a conflict will be read by the female brain as threatening the relationship,

    and bring with it the real concern that the next conversation

    she has with her friend will be their last.

    Really? I absolutely hate experiencing any form of conflict. Even debating, which I appreciate for the learning aspect, makes me incredibly nervous whenever I do it.. I'd have to say I think his conclusion is a bit of an overgeneralisation.

  10. I've never actually made a playlist. Until 3 or so years ago I just had all my music in the same playlist and put it on shuffle. Now I just tend to listen to full albums. If I really need to listen to a few songs by themselves then I'll do that though. :P

  11. It's pretty good. My impression is that Colors was a lot better, but I think I need to have a few more listens first. I'm pretty much over Between the Buried and Me, but it's still a decent album. I got scared when Tommy said something about it being influenced by, among other bands, Queen, but thankfully there's not too much of that.


    Could be wrong, but weren't they your favourite band at one point?


    Anyway, I heard a few songs and they sounded pretty good. Don't think I'll be buying the album, though.

    Yeah, they were my favourite band for probably 3 or 4 years. Then all of a sudden I stopped listening to them. Prog metal lost it's appeal, heh.

  12. Ok, well thanks for the advice Dan. I know you weren't trying to be hard, I suppose what I was looking for was to be told "Go for it! She'll say yes!", but that's probably not realistic. I disagree that it would ruin the friendship if she said no though. It might be awkward for a short time, but she would get over it.

    It could make her think that the only reason you were hanging out with her was because you were interested though. If you do happen to ask her and she does happen to say no, I'd make sure to let her know that you appreciate time spent with her regardless of whether or not there is the potential for anything else to happen.

  13. It's pretty good. My impression is that Colors was a lot better, but I think I need to have a few more listens first. I'm pretty much over Between the Buried and Me, but it's still a decent album. I got scared when Tommy said something about it being influenced by, among other bands, Queen, but thankfully there's not too much of that.

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