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Posts posted by mrmyk

  1. 24azi3p.gif

    I approached LND earlier this week while searching for some fights. Thankfully, they accepted, and we organised a fight with the following rules:

    • Melee & Binds ONLY
    • PvP Matched Options
    • Higher pull attacks
    • Explorer's ring (3) allowed
    • Corrupt NOT allowed
    • Move to CWA if crashed
    • Tree-to-tree
    • 3 sniper cap


    Gladz: 69 (cut down to 60)

    LND: 60 (picture)






    Despite our first pile tanking us well, we soon got into a solid rhythm with strong binding and tanking. We capitalised on some slow reactions from LND members to KO a few members which gave us a decisive lead within the first few piles and with continued binding, we pulled off a solid victory with 45 options remaining.


    Thanks 'THE' for AC'ing - some unbiased AC'ing where both Gladz & LND 0-itemers were killed when returning.



    Gladz: 36 (some idiots re-joined our FI post-fight)

    LND: 0










    Thanks for a great fight, LND.

  2. Good luck.


    It's going to be an extremely difficult task. Your history would have to be unbiased (nearly impossible) and considering you thought VR were around in 2004 (they were formed in Aug-Sept 2006), I honestly think it's going to be a project that's too tough to tackle.


    Many people have tried over the years and even if they witnessed the events themselves, it's impossible to make an unbiased judgement on the entire clan world's history.

  3. Noticing how we were lacking in fights Gladz approached Downfall for a full out war this Sunday.



    • Full Out
    • Center Boundaries
    • Melee+Binds Only
    • Rings Allowed
    • No Corrupt
    • Higher pull attacks

    Gladz Starting: 52 (3 dc's)

    Downfall Starting: 51




    The fight started off pretty bad with both sides having some miscommunication. We managed to quickly kill Downfall's first pile while ours lasted a good bit longer. Soon after picked it up and managed to get a good string of transitions that ensured us the win. Despite a good bit of dc's during the fight we ended with a good number of people.


    Gladz Ending: 36

    Downfall Ending: 0




    Random Pics:





    Thanks a lot for the fight Downfall.

  4. How can the clan world advertise itself? The main clans with the most publicity do regular PKRIs and if we ask someone 'Want to voluntarily give up your Saturdays for the next few months?', it's obvious that they will say no. Recruits won't enter into the clan world unless it's profitable and fun. However, with the amounts of flaming and crashing, it's no surprise that new people are electing to stay clear of clans.

  5. Note: I am not clan staff. I do not moderate Clan Discussion and its affiliated forums.


    On Tuesday night, KO came to us looking for a fight, I quickly offered them an 8pm EST fight as we are looking to broaden our timezones. He said that would actually be perfect and accepted. We agreed upon the following rules:

    Melee/Binds Only

    Rings Allowed

    No corrupt

    North Spawn Attacks

    Middle Boundaries of the Classic Map.


    We pulled very good for such a short notice late fight, having to cut down from our original 28 members. We had one DC and KO was kind enough to cut to match us after that, it was not required of you or asked so much respect. After taking care of the DC and cutting people to make it even we started the fight off at 23 vs 23, it was pretty even for most of the fight, with a few more dc's from each clan. We kept up and had awesome tanking from everyone (Thanks to all Gladz who read this) and managed to finally pull ahead around the 13 person mark, they kept strong though, and never gave up. We got a ko or two more after that and managed to finally pull away for the win.


    Ending options were 7-0.


    Thanks for the fight KO, we hope to fight you again in the future. Much respect. :]







    Final Kill:





  6. Epic war. If you go to our public boards topic, you can see some of the speeches made beforehand. Lightning M1's George Bush impression will have you laughing for ages. ::'




    Anyway, we cared about this war, so we performed. It's a shame that large amounts of members can't cancel work every week but it was great fun.

  7. I love the report system on our current forum. The one on Gladz boards is disgusting. :wall:




    Anyway, apart from the report system, IPB is far easier to use. I don't think it will affect the clan world too much but it may tempt a few users away from RSC...but the effects will be minimal at best.

  8. I don't really know the clans that are confined purely to Tip.it, but I have a bit of knowledge on the clans that post on other fansites, too.




    1. CR - Stronger than the rest. Clear #1.


    2. KO - Have been pulling strongly and returning well in PKRIs.


    3. BK - Doing well from what I've heard, but KO have been improving very rapidly recently.

  9. Retireds allowed and long prep would be quality, against Gladz would be even better :pray:




    I would love to, but I don't think the people in Gladz that make the wars would agree.


    You weren't around for the history, lordhotshot, but let's just say...there's a lot of it. ;)

  10. Q1: Who was the founder and leader of the Sacred Templars?


    A: Flumbullen




    Q2: Not including the world wars, which RS2 allied war was the largest?


    A: RD vs LL




    Q3: Which dead clan had a name that translated to "Of noble kind"?


    A: Adelais




    Q4: Name the junior clan for the now deceased clan "Second to None"


    A: Second to one




    Q5: Finish the phrase: "The true warrior is as an e..."


    A: echo of silence




    Q6: What is SE's longest streak of wins in wars, miniwars and PKRIs?


    A: 38 (?)




    Q7: Which clan has the following statement about them in urban dictionary? (NOTE: This is NOT intended as a flame. The statement below is clearly false and immature)


    "Some of these people have been abused mentally or physically and need to vent their frustration on others with extreme tunnel vision or by being severely biased."


    A: Divine Forces




    Q8: Which clan made this war banner: http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/5421/warbannern.png


    A: KO




    Q9: Which clan invented the Snowball Fight? (WARNING: The answer cannot be proven. The proof is lost in time)


    A: 'THE'




    Q10: There is one very old school clan dedicated to collecting cabbages. (They have currently collected 4.4M cabbages). Name them.


    A: OoC (Order of Cabbage)




    Q11: This image ( http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/416/spartansqo2.png ) shows which clan in action?


    A: Wilderness Guardians




    Q12: The now famous # emote was invented by which clan?


    A: Dark Slayers




    Q13: Who won the 2009 JaGeX clan COMBAT cup, and with how many remaining members?


    A: The Titans - 51




    Q14: Which clan has extended outside Runescape to Counter Strike source?


    A: Corruption (?) - Gladz have, too




    Q15: Who is consistently nominated greatest clan leader by RSC?


    A: Ghjjf




    Q16: The old alliance called DEOS involved EOS and which other clan?


    A: Demonic Empire




    Q17: Briefly describe the Spider Hill glitch that a few clans used in early 2009 on PVP worlds.


    A: When you died, you kept your items




    Q18: Which top clan was disqualified from the JaGeX cup for use of corrupt items in a clan cup war?


    A: Violent Resolution




    Q19: Which of these clans was NEVER in THE alliance: The Gladiatorz, The Jaguars, 'THE', The Mighty Red Dragons, The BlacKnights


    A: Trick question - all were




    Q20: Before leading Awaken, General Shop led which old school clan?


    A: Don't have a clue.

  11. I wouldn't say that, Gamerr. There's less respect, but there's also less disrespect. Without large rivalries consuming the clan world, no one has an opportunity to fight each other enough for any respect (and also disrespect) to emerge.




    In the case of Gladz, we're a lot more respectful than we previously were. :wall:

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