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Posts posted by mrmyk

  1. It has been fairly tough to adjust from having a high agility level where my run would restore rapidly, to having a very slow restore rate for my energy. I'm sure we'll get used to it soon, but I've been usng the rest function 2-3 times per fight recently and it seems quite nice. Even in small fights, it's useful to do if you're away from the opposition because it's an easy way to boost your run up rapidly to keep you moving. If you keep it high, it's still possible to escape enemy piles and drag, although with less desirable results.

  2. It's impossible to create a scheme to fix a slump that will work in every clan. All clans are different and something that might inspire success in one clan will be met by comtempt in another.




    However, to beat a slump - a really big slump - the Leaders need to become proactive annd make sure they share the responsibilities among the ranks to show transparency. Cut the dead weight members so that your memberlist is more trimmed yet more active, and organise a large amount of high profile fights, first starting against weaker clans and building your way up. With a combination of consistent warring performances and effective recruiting, it is possible to escape a slump.




    My brief ideas.

  3. 1. Do you think clan members of today are more/less loyal as a few years ago? I think members are more loyal now. People are returning for 12+ hours, an amount not even thought possible 2 years ago. It's insane how loyal some members are, and the amount of time they're willing to devote for their clan.




    2. Do you think that people are prepared to do as much for their clan as a few years ago? Indeed. I answered this question already, in the question above!




    3. Do you think - in general - top clans of today are as good as some of the legendary clans like DS, ZF, ... I'm bias, but nope. I liked the old clan world. Returning for 12+ hours may show dedication, but I never said it was healthy nor beneficial to the clan world. Wars are where it's at, and PKRIs with a cap.

  4. Another question now is will the clan world expand now it's the summer time? The actively playing population of rs generally doubles over these months, and personally at least my clan is seeing a surge in recruits as we go into the summer.


    Gladz, traditionally, are strongest during the Summer. However, I don't think that will be the case - it certainly wasn't last year. We lose members for weeks at a time who go hiking, take their families on holiday, and are busy being occupied elsewhere. I'll be away for at least a month this Summer, potentially more, so it isn't going to be my most active time. :oops:

  5. Have you pked/warred with a clan in the old wilderness prior to the December Updates that removed the wilderness pvp?: Of course. I didn't like how there were so many worlds so people could hide easily but it was good fun.




    Do you expect this to be successful? Please explain.: No, I don't expect it to be successful. I haven't logged on yet to inspect it but according to our ex-MB'ers, it's just the same as PvP worlds, if not worse.




    Do you think they will/should add more BWs?: Even if BH is rubbish, I like having more worlds to choose from. Yes.




    What's your overall opinion of the BW?: I can't form an accurate opinion of them yet, sorry.

  6. As far as I know, people were in junior clans because of their low combat level, not because of a lack of PvP experience. Junior clans simply aren't required anymore because it is perceived that training combat is amazingly easy and that it's not really a challenge to meet a clan's requirements.




    In Gladz, we haven't declined anyone for a lack of PvP experience. On the contrary, although this may negatively effect us, a vast majority of our new members are those who haven't been in a large PvP clan before.

  7. Personally, I'd say the Clan Leader did act stupid and over-stepped the boundaries of his 'authority'. Most of that information that you listed, is known by people in my clan, but I chose to reveal that information myself over a period of ~6 months, and I wasn't forced to reveal any information. After realising that you didn't want to say much about your RL status, the Leader should have backed off immediately and respected your privacy.

  8. Lol CL vs DF. There'll be lots of issues here...I know vs Gladz last week they would NOT go any earlier than 8pm est. I honestly think CL has a damn good shot if they pull that same inflexible stuff.


    Even if it were at 12:00am est, Cl can pull 40 tops. DF could easily pull 60 in that timezone.




    CL pulled 60 to their war against Gladz in their timezone. Are you sure?


    Yeah, I wouldn't count them out. It will be prepped though so DF should be able to outpull CL and then, grab a win. I wasn't at the fight versus CL but they're strong so it would foolish to say they're going to get destroyed.

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