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Posts posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. [hide=previous]
    [hide=previous material]
    I have yet to see any convincing evidence for ghosts, poltergeists, UFOs, bigfoot, etc.




    You would think that with the number of "paranormal investigators" we would've found something worthwhile by now.




    I always say something exists until proven false.




    A very good opinion to have ::'




    If by very good you mean.. y'know.. very bad.






    I believe that a death fairy exists who will give me $1,000,00 in cash for every person I shoot in the head. This fairy will also make it so nobody will ever know I shot anybody so I'll get away with it!






    Can you see how bad that opinion can be?




    Can you prove it false? If you can't, then how do you know are you so sure that won't happen?




    No, I can't prove it false. Can you prove false that we're all actually elaborate sock puppets manipulated by giant radioactive space hamsters? No? Then why don't you assume that it's true and base your actions upon that idea?




    How about acid will actually make you grow taller, regardless of what it does to other materials? No? Why not drink some acid, then?






    I mean, seriously? Am I in bizarro-world? Why the hell would you assume something is true unless proven false? Would you want to be put on trial that way?





    How do you know that we're not all "elaborate sock puppets manipulated by giant radioactive space hamsters?" What if we are? Doesn't make sense of course, since you're really not perspective, but who knows, it's a universe we don't understand, anything could be, humans are not the whole big brain of the universe. Doesn't matter if it sounds silly. What sounds silly is a box that projects images, kind of like another dimension in a box, doesn't it? It did back in the day. Now it's TV.




    How do I know? I don't know for absolute certain, obviously, but I can be reasonably sure. Especially since I've seen zero credible objective evidence which would lead me to believe we're puppets of any kind, let alone sock puppets controlled by space hamsters.


    And no, that doesn't sound silly at all. Because we know such a thing exists.




    Oooh, you italized the hell. Watchout your mommy doesn't see you swearing again, though.




    Oh, ok, so my argument is somehow invalid because I used an italicized word? Don't you have any better responses than that?


    I believe that a death fairy exists who will give me $1,000,00 in cash for every person I shoot in the head. This fairy will also make it so nobody will ever know I shot anybody so I'll get away with it!




    Can you see how bad that opinion can be?


    That's not bad because this angel is not proven false, it is bad because you will kill people for money. Believing that something is true until it's proven false means that you don't deny anything, not that you arrange your live as if it exists. My friend had an experience which is a perfect example of how his senses and his logic deceived him:




    As his vision is not too good, he wears glasses most of the time. These glasses have been approved by doctors and everything, and my friend believed that he saw the world as other people see it. One day, he got a new examination, and discovered that he had been wearing the wrong type of glasses his whole life. He got the right type of glasses, and suddenly, his vision was a lot clearer. He asked himself: "Whoa! Has the world always looked like this?"






    Perhaps I should clarify. I don't think we should assume things are false until proven true, because really you can't prove anything is 100% without a shadow of a doubt true. I do think though that we shouldn't assume things are true until we've been shown credible objective evidence for them.




    So all in all, you are not a good troll.








    Just because I disagree with you doesn't make me a troll. Cute picture though, it really helps your argument.

  3. Do you guys read? They're just testing the particle streams today. The collisions won't take place until mid-october. Anything that would "destroy the world" would happen then.

  4. Most of us believe in ghosts because of evidence. Though yes, there are some people who will blindly believe whatever some TV show told them.




    If you could point me to some I'd read it sometime, but it would be with the most skeptic of eyes. I know lots of people supposedly see ghosts, but it's can usually be explained in other ways.




    it can almost always be explained, yes. That's why I like Ghost Hunters, they don't say a place is haunted unless the really can't explain it. 2 of them are plumbers, so they have explained A LOT by looking at a house's waterworks. When they say somewhere is haunted, it definitely means something coming from them.




    (again, unlike Most Haunted -.- )




    As I said, 99% of their stuff is EVPs.

  5. Didn't happen to me but my cousin told me that when she was like 7 or 8 she was sleeping in Bosnia and she woke up for some reason and she told me that she felt like someone was moving her foot. So is it really possible for ghosts to have physical contact or was her imagination acting up? also I saw something on t.v about violent ghosts leaving scratch marks and bruises on people and if this is true has it happened to any of you?




    That was probably a lucid dream.


    If by very good you mean.. y'know.. very bad.






    I believe that a death fairy exists who will give me $1,000,00 in cash for every person I shoot in the head. This fairy will also make it so nobody will ever know I shot anybody so I'll get away with it!






    Can you see how bad that opinion can be?




    No, I don't see how that opinion is bad to have. What you're showing is a good sign of a mental problem. Get that checked out asap.




    I agree that the reductio ad absurdum was a bad route to go down, but there's no way you can actually agree that any claim should just be believed on faith until it's been proven false.




    Aw, but I love reductio ad absurdum..

  7. [hide=previous material]
    I have yet to see any convincing evidence for ghosts, poltergeists, UFOs, bigfoot, etc.




    You would think that with the number of "paranormal investigators" we would've found something worthwhile by now.




    I always say something exists until proven false.




    A very good opinion to have ::'




    If by very good you mean.. y'know.. very bad.






    I believe that a death fairy exists who will give me $1,000,00 in cash for every person I shoot in the head. This fairy will also make it so nobody will ever know I shot anybody so I'll get away with it!






    Can you see how bad that opinion can be?





    Can you prove it false? If you can't, then how do you know are you so sure that won't happen?




    No, I can't prove it false. Can you prove false that we're all actually elaborate sock puppets manipulated by giant radioactive space hamsters? No? Then why don't you assume that it's true and base your actions upon that idea?




    How about acid will actually make you grow taller, regardless of what it does to other materials? No? Why not drink some acid, then?






    I mean, seriously? Am I in bizarro-world? Why the hell would you assume something is true unless proven false? Would you want to be put on trial that way?

  8. Wow. I didn't expect a flame war from all of this.






    Firstly, I don't have a graphics tablet, and you'll be seeing more hand-drawn items from me once I can rack up 100$ to buy one (:




    Secondly, I never knew brushes were such a crime. As some of you older forum'rs may know, I've been a very dedicated pixel artist, which means I've done hundred of signatures from paint; also from scratch. I'll be honest, I was just amazed at the versatility of photoshop with the brush set I found :x




    Thirdly, it's my first one, I promise you then with my pinky figer (or bet my monkey), I'll improve on the various comments you posted. All your CC is relevant and thanks for it, I'd like to hear more :P




    I don't mean to be a jerk about the brushes or whatever. I just hate it when people use them instead of their own work, instead of using them as a tool to enhance their own work.

  9. Thing of it this way for all you doomsayers:




    On one hand, theres a chance, a small one, that our favorite mascot, Fluffy the Upstate Bulldogs air particle, will get devoured.




    On the other foot, there's the chance of discovering Higgens Bosson or what it's called, giving us the potential to create things such as gravity guns, gravity discs, hover craft, and other such super awesome things.


    Ok, don't go that far yet. Let's discover the God particle first before we get inventing ways to use it.




    Bah; stop calling it the "god particle". It doesn't even make any sense.

  10. [hide=previous material]
    Which parts did you actually do in it?


    I doubt that you did the trees, somehow. And are the people supposed to be ghosts or something? :# Otherwise, even if you don't want them to attract attention, they are too pale.




    I'm pretty sure the foliage is brushes. That's usually fine, but in this case it really doesn't seem like you did a lot, and what you did could be a lot better in my opinion.




    Why are brushes usually fine? It's like renders, the only difference between using brushes/renders and outright stealing somebody elses work is that it's not (usually) illiegal.




    People need to just do their own work.





    Oh sure, and you can't use these forums either; you aren't the founder and creator of the software after all. And you can't use Photoshop/Gimp, they're not your applications. Same with your computer, the internet or almost everything else for that matter.




    People need to just do their own work.




    There's a very large difference between, for instance, using someone's camera, and using someone's pictures.




    Photoshop doesn't do the work for you, it's a tool that allows you to do the work. Most people use brushes not as a tool, but as a stamp. Why draw trees when you have a tree brush? Why draw/model a sword when you can use a sword render?




    [hide=Jopie Ownage]
    Which parts did you actually do in it?


    I doubt that you did the trees, somehow. And are the people supposed to be ghosts or something? :# Otherwise, even if you don't want them to attract attention, they are too pale.




    I'm pretty sure the foliage is brushes. That's usually fine, but in this case it really doesn't seem like you did a lot, and what you did could be a lot better in my opinion.




    Why are brushes usually fine? It's like renders, the only difference between using brushes/renders and outright stealing somebody elses work is that it's not (usually) illiegal.




    People need to just do their own work.




    Oh sure, and you can't use these forums either; you aren't the founder and creator of the software after all. And you can't use Photoshop/Gimp, they're not your applications. Same with your computer, the internet or almost everything else for that matter.




    People need to just do their own work.





    Hah Wow jopie you quite literally rinsed that guy :P




    Oh yeah, he sure showed me!




    ... . . . . . .

  11. Which parts did you actually do in it?


    I doubt that you did the trees, somehow. And are the people supposed to be ghosts or something? :# Otherwise, even if you don't want them to attract attention, they are too pale.




    I'm pretty sure the foliage is brushes. That's usually fine, but in this case it really doesn't seem like you did a lot, and what you did could be a lot better in my opinion.




    Why are brushes usually fine? It's like renders, the only difference between using brushes/renders and outright stealing somebody elses work is that it's not (usually) illiegal.




    People need to just do their own work.

  12. I have yet to see any convincing evidence for ghosts, poltergeists, UFOs, bigfoot, etc.




    You would think that with the number of "paranormal investigators" we would've found something worthwhile by now.




    I always say something exists until proven false.




    A very good opinion to have ::'




    If by very good you mean.. y'know.. very bad.






    I believe that a death fairy exists who will give me $1,000,00 in cash for every person I shoot in the head. This fairy will also make it so nobody will ever know I shot anybody so I'll get away with it!






    Can you see how bad that opinion can be?

  13. I really think this is such a bad idea... People playing God, something is going to go wrong at some time. Nuclear bombs, mustard gas, tanks, space ships, medicine... Don't we already know enough about science? As far I'm concerned this is a total waste of money which should be spent on humankind, not the games of a few scientists.




    I know this could be seen as narrow-minded, but really, who is this going to benefit? Sure it is incredibly interesting and such, but what else could we have done with that 4 billion? We need to sort out our own problems beyond trying to unravel the world.




    It's not a bad idea, and it's hard to play something that doesn't exist. ;)




    No, we don't "know enough about science". The search for truth is one of the noblest ideals, and science, as far as we know, is the best way to pursue truth about our universe.




    Who is going to benefit? Who knows? The ramifications in terms of technology for the average person probably won't be felt for a very long time, but even if it never brings anything useful, who cares? Like I said, it will give us a better understanding of the universe, and that knowledge alone is worth the money.






    Ok I know that you're in the right. I've been arguing with my dad about this for a few days and I know I'm in the wrong, and yet I still think it's just a bad idea... Couldn't we have spent 4 billion on something that would benefit the world for certain, rather than hanging hopes on this?




    It will benefit the world for certain, because at the very least, we'll know that collisions on this magnitude don't produce or do produce certain effects.

  14. I really think this is such a bad idea... People playing God, something is going to go wrong at some time. Nuclear bombs, mustard gas, tanks, space ships, medicine... Don't we already know enough about science? As far I'm concerned this is a total waste of money which should be spent on humankind, not the games of a few scientists.




    I know this could be seen as narrow-minded, but really, who is this going to benefit? Sure it is incredibly interesting and such, but what else could we have done with that 4 billion? We need to sort out our own problems beyond trying to unravel the world.




    It's not a bad idea, and it's hard to play something that doesn't exist. ;)




    No, we don't "know enough about science". The search for truth is one of the noblest ideals, and science, as far as we know, is the best way to pursue truth about our universe.




    Who is going to benefit? Who knows? The ramifications in terms of technology for the average person probably won't be felt for a very long time, but even if it never brings anything useful, who cares? Like I said, it will give us a better understanding of the universe, and that knowledge alone is worth the money.

  15. I know barely anything about smuding so don't take my word for it, just call it as i see it.




    What the hell? What's to know? That's like saying you know barely aothing about walking. You put one foot in front of the other and you move forward. That's all there is to it.










    Sorry, didn't mean to come off as a jerk. It's just very odd to me to hear "smudging" talked about like it's some whole seperate technique.

  16. I don't and never will, and also there are others than theists who don't believe in evolution, I have several friends who niether believe in a God, nor evolution. I have found it to be flawed in many ways, one example is this species of insect (can't seem to find it's name) shoots some firey substance (may be an acid substance) from its abdomen. The weird thing about this is not that it can do that, but if it fired it in a fully automatic way, it would kill the insect too, yet if shoots it in bursts, leaving itself unharmed. Now for this animal to have evolved it would have had to have developed this substance (highly unlikely), have the insides immune to the substance (even more unlikely) then learn how to aim it correctly (would take too long to calculate the possibilty of it happening) then, be able to shoot it in bursts so as not to kill themselves, they would have to learn before using it (calculate that possibilty, using your logic)




    Irreducible complexity has been thoroughly debunked many times.. Just because something is bizarrely complex doesn't mean it couldn't have evolved through completely natural and gradual means.

  17. Catholicism is overwhelmingly the most adhered christian sect, the only one coming even nearly close is protestantism, which is a sect usually followed in very secular countries such as in northern Europe/England...




    Not that personally the word of the Pope/Vatican means much to me either, but what basis do sects mostly invented in the 1700-1800's have to call heretic something that has existed for so much longer?




    Doesn't make much sense, but it's true.

  18. The Vatican and former pope John Paul also supported the scientific method of thinking, even less of a reason for the ultra conservatives to keep claiming "evolution and science are hoaxes"...





    Link to article




    VATICAN CITY (AP) - A Vatican cardinal said Thursday the faithful should listen to what secular modern science has to offer, warning that religion risks turning into "fundamentalism" if it ignores scientific reason.




    The Vatican project was inspired by Pope John Paul II's 1992 declaration that the church's 17th-century denunciation of Galileo was an error resulting from "tragic mutual incomprehension." Galileo was condemned for supporting Nicolaus Copernicus' discovery that the Earth revolved around the sun; church teaching at the time placed Earth at the center of the universe.




    "The faithful have the obligation to listen to that which secular modern science has to offer, just as we ask that knowledge of the faith be taken in consideration as an expert voice in humanity."




    Most of the people who disagree with evolution think that Catholics are heretics, so, that doesn't really help.

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