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Everything posted by Munpie

  1. Now that i think about it, Runescape does have sort of a type of government. I would suppose it's an oligarchy?
  2. I didn't mean to stereotype runescape as being all old fashioned.. But i do believe it would go with the majority theme the game presents of 'medieval days'. I do love the non medieval items though like the ruber chicken :D
  3. Wow that's awesome, 10/10. Theres something about the head that bugs me though... I just can't put my finger on it. 'Tis great, none the less :wink: Edit: Oh yea, now I know what it is. He kinda looks like he has his mouth full of gumballs or something. But i still like it :D
  4. I don't think there would be enough water to hold all these boats seeing as how some are cheap enough for more than half a world to get. So would this include an increase the amount of water in the game? Possibly a bit more beautifying too. And also I don't think they had metal made ships back in the day... so possibly change the boats materials to logs and get rid of the metal boats. For instance have willow, maple, yew, etc... boats instead of bronze, iron steel, etc.?
  5. I think he already agreed his idea was flawed... no need to point it out any further...
  6. Interesting, but what is the saftey for? Is it the hitpoints of the ship or does it mean chance of tipping over? Or possibly something else?
  7. Intriguing idea. But maybe you could retrieve the item by means of a net or some other fishing equipment? Just have say a fishing spot appear with floating logs or somthing of the sort?
  8. Heh, kinda reminds me of a samurai/gladiator. I like the veins of red on the armor and sword
  9. Brings to mind neopets... But it is an adorable piece of work
  10. ingenious :D. though the sudden turn to agression with the impaling suprised me :?
  11. Uh not quite sure what that is.. supposing its a gun.. The zits found an overshield to defend from "BFG"
  12. You know you've played runescape too long if you can understand why these are funny :lol:
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