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    the mining guild

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  1. Yes, he uses Swiftswitch. It is not illegal anymore, after the many changes to it, and yes, Jagex had banned it at first, but they took it off, and it is not illegal anymore, and there is a picture to prove it on another fansite, runescapecommunity.com
  2. 111M share between 5 of us. 3rd Kill btw. Best drop ever lol.
  3. from what lies below. Oh, and JaGeX changed the look of bowls. And it wasn't with the other graphical updates, it just appeared with Grand Exchange Wow lol, ive been using the rings way before it was updated and i never even noticed it, LOL!!!
  4. not going to read the other posts, too lazy. But there are outlaws west of the exchange, south of the fariy ring beside edgeville. they are level 32
  5. yup .. also well get enchanted ruby necklaces .. if you try to enchant one now it says you have to wait for the museum
  6. All the emotes The rest are full cept for half ledhorsen and mime
  7. Lordy sounds really scary on TS.
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