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  1. dang havent seen you around in a while :mrgreen: acc owns btw
  2. good luck but i must say dodgers are much better than giants :pray:
  3. viva el futbol :!: lol good luck id "ball u up" tho lol
  4. why dont you visit your local wal-mart to pick up a special cape only available to masters of the idiot skill
  5. complaint?? shouldnt u do appeal an offence/ban.... :-w
  6. oh ok lol ive been succesful everytime wat gear can i wear at one defence that gets me the best mage -
  7. sweet ill be there :mrgreen: and btw nice name mines K E Y lime lol
  8. i need to know the best place to cast curse where the monster or w/e ur fighting cant hit u anyone know good places>
  9. no it wasnt iv never dealt with jagex before this i just play the game lol :wall:
  10. 240k curse would take a while, i would high alc and btw grammer police say-its accept not except
  11. well the membership he paid for ended like 3 weeks ago and he has like 3 messages in the message center saying like insufficiant funds in your credit card :roll: anyway ok ill set up some membership now btw nice rank 26 constuction =D>
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