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Everything posted by NeoCypherX

  1. noob: where did you get that mask from (zombie mask) me: gravekeeper random event noob: yes but where did you get it from me: (repeat) noob: whats a random event this noob being a level 41 :-s lol
  2. if u have just the head of an axe is it possible to buy the handle if so where im f2p
  3. hmm i think was real although i think some of the footage that was taken was fake such as numbers being visible on the moon rocks etc
  4. i just trained my combat from 50 to 60 i did that on hobgoblins
  5. How can someone who likes Pantera ( \ ) also like P Diddy :? soz mucked up the first post :oops: yea well as i said just my taste in music :)
  6. pantera to p diddy depends what mood im in
  7. i have had this happen to me before more than likely its lag
  8. bleach my favorite also like naruto, love hina
  9. i only to one concert and that was corosion of conformity which was good anyone seen them ?
  10. off topic: ok you may find it annoying but do i type like an idiot hmmm no so :-$ on topic: other guys thanks for your help im off to see what these games are like :D
  11. fair point not all that nick griffin says is true but when he talks about the majority of muggins in britain is by black youths this is a fact so why is it considered racist ?
  12. just wondered how many people here play other online games that are similar to runescape if so what are they i would like to play them note: not games that u use consoles for such as x box live
  13. i support the bnp but them ever getting in power that i doubt
  14. for a start there would be no pking being a single player game
  15. when i started my pure i had a person give me new weapon for the level i was at such as iron then black then mith
  16. :oops: sorry to be a pain but i have had a look about and cant seem to find info about world 16 air running could someone post a link please
  17. is karjarma the only place to harpoon tuna on f2p
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