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Posts posted by Dexek

  1. Master Smither - Your article hit home with me. It's the micro-transactions and lack of "new" content that have basically prevented me from effectively returning to Runescape over the past 10 months. I would usually take a 4-6 month break each year due to boredom and responsibilities, and come back to a Runescape that could keep me occupied for the next 4-6 months.. However in recent years my breaks have been getting larger and return time smaller.


    This year I didn't even see the point in re-subscribing to membership.. the fact that Jagex is milking all potential money with micro-transactions and updates that remove F2P content just pushes me away from Runescape. I enjoyed most of the time I played, but based the change in company direction, I would rather enjoy spending my time elsewhere.

  2. I have been re-reading the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R Martin, and am now re-reading the latest book in the series "A Dance With Dragons". These are definitely some of my favourite books.


    In regards to the above reading of 1984, I enjoyed that book. I read it while I was in highschool, so I wasn't exactly eager to spend my time reading, but once I got into it, I found the idea behind it to be very "outside the box".

  3. Alright, first post here, so hi.


    Anyway, I need some help/advice. I want a girlfriend/relationship so incredibly much that it just kills me sometimes. I don't show it on the outside, but on the inside I'm getting pretty damn desperate. I don't really have anyone specific in mind, nor do I have any girl friends for that matter either, except one. But she's like a sister to me, so that's off the table. I realize that's not much to build on, lol.


    Only been in one real relationship before, but she ended up cheating on me with my best friend even though I felt like I did everything right in that relationship. I've gotten pretty close with 2-3 other girls, but always just a bit too slow to finally make my move and I ended up in the friendzone.


    My friends aren't much help in this matter since they're all pretty nerd-ish or even less experienced than me in these matters, so that's why I decided to ask here. I'm very insecure in talking with strangers. But however, when I'm with my friends, I can do pretty much anything and say anything to everyone without even thinking about it. I want to be able to feel that confident when talking to strangers alone. I've been thinking about going up to random girls (with friends as moral support in the background), ask them their names, ask them some random-ish questions and finally ask them out/their numbers. I'm pretty sure in most cases I'd get rejected, but I want to try and see if I'd become more "comfortable" with rejections. Does that make sense or is that just stupid?


    TL;DR: Can't talk to strangers, want a girlfriend, need help.


    Any help, advice or input is appreciated.



    There is no problem with wanting a girlfriend, however there is a problem with obsessing. It's best just to remember with every girl you flirt with or meet; that even though you want a girlfriend, you're far better off keeping your options open before committing yourself to a specific person. I like to look at flirting with multiple girls as the test as to whether or not you'd like to be with that individual. I don't like to date a girl unless I'm quite positive she is the one for me. I see many people barely get to know someone and then start dating them. Reminds me of how it was to be 13, and randomly date a girl in the class, kiss and mess around, then it be over and be another girl. It's not a real relationship, and once you're no longer 13 it's a waste of time to date in such a manner.


    Regarding your past relationship, realize that even though you feel you did everything right, and were the kind of guy that other girls may only dream of having, not everyone is compatible. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you, or that there was anything wrong with her. Quite simply, some people feel that they are with someone they could not see themselves spending the rest of their lives with, and for that reason they don't see the relationship worth their investment of time. In many cases this is not a feeling felt by both individuals, but all it takes is one.


    Also, keep in mind that there is no problem in being in the "friendzone" with a number of girls. Many people will make it sound as though once you're in the friendzone with a girl, your chances are next to none. I have never had a problem with having sex/relations with a friend, but I can see the potential for things to become uneasy if the friend you have sex or a relationship with is not the type of person to avoid letting it ruin a friendship. I'm definitely not saying to try and have a relationship with the girls you know who are friends. The point I'm creeping towards is that there is nothing wrong with befriending a ton of girls. Most of the time I find that if a girl becomes friends with a guy, and the guy is a true person in her eyes, she'll have no trouble hooking her friends up with him. This is not something to rely solely on, but why not have all potential resources working in your favour?


    I would suggest reading some of the material related to speaking with strangers that other posters have offered. I can't relate to this issue, so I can't really be of much help regarding it. I just know the more I travel and the more people I get to know, both sexually and purely in terms of friendship (even a random encounter), the more confident I feel. In my mind it would make the most sense to go out with your friends if it makes you feel more confident. Also, if they are less experienced than you, you're likely to stand out positively by comparison. It might sound crude, but many people do this without even realizing it. In terms of any encounters, I imagine springing a question for contact information will not lead to a desirable outcome. I've never been the kind of person to ask for a girls number. Generally I just continue to talk with them, and try to relate on whatever levels I can. Basically for me it is all about making her laugh (and not too many times at your own expense when first meeting, unless it's just you and her around - and only at her expense when you're sure how she'll react). Generally it's safest to make a joke about random strangers you see, or your friends - hers if she makes jokes at their expense as well.


    Regardless I wait until they ask for mine, or I mess around on my phone after flirting hard with them, and a vast majority of the time they steal my phone and enter their own number (usually entering their name as something comical or sexually related). I feel that this way a girl never feels overwhelmed that things are moving too fast. However, keep in mind that your technique should depend entirely on the type of girl you are attracted to. You know what you want better than I ever could.


    In a nutshell my advice is to get to know a number of girls in whatever way you deem most comfortable. Spend time with each of them, and choose which you can be friends with and which you want something more with. Most importantly take things slow. There is always time to find a girl and begin a relationship. In my mind it makes the most sense to choose wisely, and in turn spend your time wisely. Do what makes you happy, not what will break your heart in the end. Always keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with being single. The moment you get used to being single is when a prime relationship opportunity will present itself. Best of luck, and hope my rambling helps in some way.

  4. I've always taken cold showers. Basically I started it because of my Finnish roots, in which taking dips in frozen lakes is common practice for reasons similar to those you mentioned for cold showers. I do live by a lake, but I wasn't about to drive out to it everyday for a dip, so I started taking cold showers. I also take saunas for the same reason (Finnish roots). I prefer the saunas because of how good it makes me feel sexually. Cold showers, as mentioned move the blood to the core and basically negate sexual urges. Saunas give the opposite effect. :thumbup:

  5. Grinding in a single player game? Why.

    Honestly, you can't really "grind" smithing (if that is what you are talking about), since it's probably the fastest skill to level if you have a decent amount of cash. Unless they fixed it, smithing an iron dagger gets the same xp as making daedric plate armor, and takes a lot less resources. The other skills, well yea. Most are a grind ([bleep]ing alchemy!), while others are only trained by actually using the skill (weapon skills really).


    Yeah, smithing literally took minutes to get to 100 in. Enchanting is very similar, but I trained it after smithing, so I had a surplus of iron daggers to enchant, as well as a ton of empty petty soul gems. I then basically put soul trap on one of my Daedric (Legendary) bows, and went to work 1 hitting everything from a distance to fill the gems. All that followed was a simple trip to an Enchanting Table. I haven't touched Alchemy yet in the sense of training, but I do have an enormous stockpile of ingredients from both scavenging and buying (I seem to always have way more cash than I know what to do with).


    Also, I agree with previous comments that training to 100 smithing doesn't overpower or underpower the enemies. Everything has been somewhat challenging, which is how I like games to play out. I believe the difficulty can also be altered at any time if the current difficulty is not to a player's liking. :thumbup:

  6. So has anyone had to fight 3 dragons all at once yet? I was walking to a quest location when suddenly I heard a dragon above me, then I saw another and was like "Wow two dragons at once?!"... about 5 seconds later I noticed there was a third. A huge fight ensued and I managed to kill them all near one another by the crater one was revived from. It was definitely one of the cooler moments in Skyrim. :thumbsup:

  7. As per usual, I myself want nothing for Christmas. I still need to go shopping for everyone, and I am generally the kind of person who just wanders from shop to shop until I see something that I know would suit someone. However, here's an idea of what I'll buy for others:


    Mom - An item that best describes my love for her. This could vary from buying an item with a witty saying to simply writing a poem. It's always hard because I try to find the best thing for mom.

    Dad - Something that will be of use to him (knife, fishing equipment, something for the farm/shop)

    15 y/o brother - Something for his car or his truck, or guitar related (some really cool guitar picks would be great stocking stuffers)

    20 y/o sister - Xbox game, chocolates, some bath stuff

    Girlfriend - Dance slippers, sexy guitar picks, a string for her mittens, write her a poem, sing her Hurt - Johnny Cash/NIN

    Gf's sisters - DS games (or w/e their handhelds are), hockey apparel, something relating to horses

    Gf's mom - Something antique

    Gf's stepdad - No clue really. Hopefully something will come to mind.

    Gf's bro - Flask, something related to one of the many instruments he plays

    Gf's bro's gf - Something related to her instruments

    Gf's grandma - Something relating to sunflowers or angels



    That's the best I have thus far. I still need to make time to go to the city and do some shopping. If all else fails, I send everyone on vacation.

  8. Huh. Thanks for being frank, guys. I guess I'll just go after the other (admittably subpar) girls at my school, until she decides on if she was being truthful or not. I just want to stress, I really think she was being genuine, but it might just be my naïveté. The next time I post will probably be in a week or so, maybe less.


    In my experience it's easiest just to live life, and have fun. Generally this makes you a confident, fun individual, and girls just flock to that. Maybe it's just me, but I've never seen the point in pursuing women just for the sake of being someone with a girl they're working on. In my mind it's all about being friendly and having a good time with everyone. Do your best to make everyone feel great, men and women alike, and you'll find that women can't leave you alone.

  9. I had a big crush on a guy who was in school with me, but he had a girlfriend. And I've just recently hung out with him and found out that they broke up a couple weeks ago. My roommate says if I want any sort of serious relationship with the guy I should wait a couple of months before trying anything otherwise it'll just be a rebound for him. I talked to another guy and he said that's not true and that anything after a week or so wouldn't be a rebound. We hung out the other night and did some drinking and watched a movie and semi-cuddled on the couch. Which I would like to think is a good sign, right? I was planning on asking him if he wanted to do supper this weekend and I was going to cook it for him since he's really helped me out lately with trying to fix my car. So I was just wondering if you guys thought there were anything true about any of that rebound stuff, like should I wait a while before making any kind of move?


    It doesn't depend on how long you wait, it depends on the person. It will also depend on what kind of relationship he had with the girl, and how that ended. Based on the time you mentioned that you and him have spent so far, I see no problem with inviting him over for supper. You might want to say something along the lines of "because you helped me so much with my car, I only think making you supper is the right thing to do". It also is important to question whether you want a relationship with this guy, or something less long-term, as well as what you believe he would want. Your roommate is right in the sense that, if the relationship ended a certain way, the guy might be straight up looking for a rebound and not even considering another relationship, however just the same he could be the exact opposite kind of person. It's basically up to you to differentiate the two. Obviously hanging out with him and letting things get a bit physical is no problem, but if he pressures for sex right away, you have an idea of what his focus is. If he is willing to wait, it obviously paints him a different colour. In the end it'll come down to your own discretion. Best of luck!

  10. I began playing Runescape because I grew up on the shore of Lake Manitoba, on a rural farm which was only capable of receiving a dial up internet connection. I always enjoyed history and games that brought together community, so the option to play a medieval game cast in a MMORPG setting wasn't something I could pass up (especially since it ran like a dream for me on dial-up). I can definitely say I enjoyed the years I played Runescape. There were periods when I would quit for months at a time due to boredom within the game, or idiotic updates, However, I continued to come back time after time, not so much for the game, but for the friends I had made.


    It wasn't until 2009/2010 that I truly no longer had any interest in Runescape whatsoever. More than anything it was the manner in which Jagex created updates (some of which there was no reason to update), and their increasing attitude to quiet those who had an opinion on Jagex's direction with their game. Updates of late that I have seen and have continued to beat the dead horse, that is my interest in the game. Examples of recent updates that I found especially annoying are the loyalty program, and the increasing amount of limited edition items they are trying to convince players to obtain (buy a 90 day membership card for an item). Seeing that Jagex is now looking to butcher the F2P highscores and make F2P less appealing, I can only tell myself I made the right decision.


    I have been logging on since I've bought Elder Scrolls: Skyrim for the first time in a very long time, just so I can chat with some friends who have also purchased the game. I can most definitely say that all of Jagex's updates have not been bad, and they have made some positive steps for the community, however there have been so many steps backwards by them, that I do not feel I can go forward with Runescape.

  11. No, Jagex should not implement their planned highscores. Yes, F2P players should be included within highscores. It is extremely idiotic of Jagex to remove F2P players from highscores. If they want to make F2P players jealous of members, and convince them to buy membership, they can simply create some content that would better entice F2P players. It is possible in life to get people to do what you want by taking things away from them, however, that is generally how rebellions start. Rewards work in a much better manner. Also, yes, inactive players should be removed from highscores (only requiring a 1xp gain to be re-introduced to them) The inactive player removal would also have to be accounts that have been inactive for years, and of low ranking.

  12. I couldn`t find a topic on Movember for 2011, so I figured I`d get one started.


    On Movember 1st, guys register at Movember.com with a clean-shaven face. For the rest of the month, these selfless and generous men, known as Mo Bros, groom, trim and wax their way into the annals of fine moustachery. Supported by the women in their lives, Mo Sistas, Movember Mo Bros raise funds by seeking out sponsorship for their Mo-growing efforts.


    The Movember Effect: Awareness & Education, Survivorship, Research

    The funds raised in Canada support the number one male cancer, prostate cancer.

    The funds raised are directed to programs run directly by Movember and our mens health partner, Prostate Cancer Canada. Together, the two channels work together to ensure that Movember funds are supporting a broad range of innovative, world-class programs in line with our strategic goals in the areas of awareness and education, survivorship and research.


    Movember - a global movement

    Since its humble beginnings in Melbourne Australia, Movember has grown to become a truly global movement inspiring more than 1.1 Million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to participate, with formal campaigns in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, the UK, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, South Africa and Ireland. In addition, Movember is aware of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas supporting the campaign and mens health cause across the globe, from Russia to Dubai, Hong Kong to Antarctica, Rio de Janeiro to Mumbai, and everywhere in between.


    Basically, if you`ve taken part or want to take part, feel free to do so. It doesn`t have to be registering with the Official Movember site, but rather just a personal movement. Many of us in Manitoba don`t particularly grow moustaches only, but also consider `no-shave` to be part of the prostate cancer awareness initiative.


    So, post your pictures, comment, and spread the word in your community!

  13. So, i'm interested in a new girl. Been hanging around with her and her friend a lot more, even took some portraits for her. Been talking a lot to her on Facebook chat recently - she's even told me "woah, Sam, you're really hot". Met up with her this morning and chilled for a while - should be seeing eachother at carnival tonight too. Wondering what the next move should be. I want to take it slow, but at the same time, I want to let her know i'm interested.


    If you want to let her know you're interested, simply plan some events where it's just you and her going out. I don't mean wining and dining her right off the bat; just something casual. This shows her that you want to spend time with her, but at the same time can be simple enough that she doesn't feel it's forcing her into a relationship. If you feel it went well, and she expresses some feelings back (more than you're hot), you know it's definitely within reason to be spending more one on one time with her, and in a more intimate manner (doesn't always mean physical). If she turns down your attempts, you know it can't really be due to a lack of interest in you (since she already plainly expressed some), but is likely rather something personal such as her not being ready for a relationship, or her feeling that she has short-comings. Regardless, I believe it's best to always let a girl/boy know how you feel, and that honesty is the best policy. The trick is explaining your feelings in an appropriate manner, allowing them to be accepted in the most positive way. Hope things turn out great for you.

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