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Posts posted by Profins

  1. DDS: 42-47 CW Bracelet on flag.


    Dhally: 39-43 is best Ive seen, but Ive hit higher single ones, so I believe I can max it out at higher.


    Dmace: Highest Ive seen is 51, I know, its bad. ;(


    Dharoks: 88 on Abby ^_^


    Dark bow: 34-35 XD


    Msb: 18-15 o_O


    Range 86, Str 99 ~




    Edit: Oh yeah, and a 45 on Pet0r. XD He had dharoks on and oh please..with 3 hp left, he did 0s on me..:D


    Edit2: With d long...

  2. Not much of a point..All these rates etc are mainly only theories..Only ones who knows about drop rates etc are people who work at Jagex Towers.


    But I kinda agree, there are people who are lucky as hell, and there are people who are unlucky. Just unlucky.

  3. It IS bug abuse, you cant be attacked in form of monkey, which gives unfair advantage over other players. Any way of receiving unfair advantage over players is bug abuse..




    Anyhow, nice, but old bug. :P People have posted it before.

  4. Kites will drop, but not much, and probably not for too long - at one point people will understand both shields are VERY rare.




    But something else will drop alot - D legs, d meds, d skirts and possibly d bones/d hides. More or less everyone is killing metals for visage, all the worlds are crowded at metals.. I got d legs on 3rd iron myself, eventhough I was on task..but did task just because of visage. So yeah.


    Jagex > Economy.

  5. The shield is expensive. At moment at quite high price - 30m.


    But its worth it. BEST shield in game, BEST str bonus for shield in game, not to mention best looking one imo :D


    Gonna do metals for them. I guess.

  6. Hehe yay. A big part of my goal is done. I have a goal of 126 combat, 85 slayer and 99 pray. Well, I managed 85 slayer (yay for like 11 whips?!) and Im more than halfway to the 99 pray/126 combat.




    123 combat:






    Yup, Im more than halfway to the 99 prayer..Kinda..Because I have 26,7k dbones which should leave me at 95 prayer. Woohoo!:P






    [hide=dont laugh lol] Loaned Veracs from Shey. Went to kill a few KQs. Hehe. Guess who died? Chen!! :D But I managed to pick all the stuff but empty vial up and kill rest of the kq to avenge Chen. FTW :D[/hide]

  7. Sorry, but I will not join. Simple reasons which I told in mIRC already.




    No whips/dds specing - those are my only melee weapons in bank..I will not buy any new one to alch it right after this quest. And even if I do, those are only proper ones.




    No crystal bow - sorry, but ranged is way underpowered already, why make it even weaker?




    No ancients - what else then? Fire wave which rarely hits anything good? God magics that are (Pardon) pain in the rear end to cast?




    No barrows equipment - well, barrows currently is my only melee armour and I am not willing to buy dragon back as its price is dropping fast. And rune? To me, not an armour, sorry. :P




    Nothing against the event, just the rules that would be hard for me to fit in.

  8. From the beggining of release I had though of Al-Kharid/Desert part. I even discussed with Saidin what would there be..




    One reward would be no shanty pass needed.. Another would be no fee for carpets..Then another would stop you from burning..Another would give a discount at tanning..And many others..What to do? Starting from a dueling, mining, smelting, crafting, killing kq, entering sophanem and many other things and ending with Ali's merchanting and stuff like that.

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