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Posts posted by Profins

  1. Yeah, alot of stuff needs to be updated.. Would be better if you submitted info: What exactly needs to updated and exactly which parts.. In this situation, which fairy rings etc...




    Also, Nazgul already in IRC said that it can't be updated till that .pdf file is found. :|




    Also, there's all the fairy rings, except those that can't be found on surface map and the new ones. And even those can be found on the same page as the map. And the fairy ring youre talking about isn't the only useful one..In fact, I never/rarely use it. :S

  2. In the current guide there's showed Martin Thwait's Lost and Found shop, although it's out to date. Current one looks like this:




    ^ Thanks to Ajc for the great pic :)




    Here are the pictures and explanations of traps and obstacles [For some, as some are on the site]








    Floor Trap / Type #1




    Floor Trap / Type #2




    Floor Trap / Type #3






    Wall Trap / Type #1




    Wall Trap / Type #2














    Contortion Bars




    Floor Blade




    Ledge / Type #1




    Ledge / Type #2








    Spinning Blades / Type #1




    Spinning Blades / Type #2




    Wall Blade




    To avoid, simply click on the other side of the obstacle.


    Floor Trap (?)




    This seems to be an agility trap which works like pitfall. This needs to be confirmed though - I tried to make it 'trap' me many times, never worked. Possibly just something to distract you with, might not be a trap.






    Rogue Guards


    (There is info on the site)


    Flash Powder




    Rogue Guard




    Should you ever fail...(Got bored trying to figure out if the floortrap is a trap :P)








    Throughout the maze there are some doors and passageways. What are they?






    These are simply passageways - they don't take off any levels so feel free to use them whenever you see them.






    These doors will stop your game. Should you ever lose your jewel and wish to get out, you can go through these doors to get up on the gallery where they spawn. But be warned - there is no going back!








    These are one-way doors. They take off no levels and are often shortcuts. There is also a labyrinth where you have to find right grills to get through it. Here is the way how to beat it:






    Puzzle Doors


    (There's explanation already(on the puzzles), just giving new pictures)




    Should you ever come up to these doors, you should know - there will be a puzzle. There are 2 types of them in the maze, Mosaic and Knobs.






    And smaller version








    And smaller version




    ^ If need even smaller pictures, let me know!




    Thieving Chest




    In the chest you might even find this chest! You can find 10 coins in it and you will get 7.5 exp. and it can be looted every 5-7 seconds.




    The Jewel








    When you finally get to the end of this maze, you will find 8 Wall Safes.




    All you have to do now is - steal from it!




    You will either fail and get thrown out of the maze with nothing or you will receive some of the rogues gear!








    Also, if these pictures will be put on the site and my name gets put in the credits, may it be 'Profins' not 'Federalais2', please? Because that's how everyone knows me ;) Thanks already.

  3. Of course it has, and ALOT!




    1) Prices changed for basically all the items used in training.


    2) Basically everyone now have a goal which theire actively going for - a skillcape so they can show off. For example, before they would stop at 97 or 98 - it still would be enough to show off with if anyone checked highscores.. But now - if you don't have the skillcape yet, it's not enough to be 'cool'.




    And personally, it gives me more the reason to train..The day they got released I got my QuestCape, struggled with RatCatchers.. And bought stuff for 99 fletch which had been 97 for ages. :)

  4. So what? Ive had logs for 99 fm like 3 times, dbones for 99 pray, logs for 99 fletch 6 times (Only got it on like 7th time) and I still have axe for 99 wc and small net for 99 fish nevermind that Ive had weapons for max melee stats since Ive started to play. Having supplies doesnt mean that you have stats already..

  5. The waiting time in the barbarian assault after finishing a wave have been halved. It's 30 seconds now instead of 60.




    please dear god read the news posts on the rs page b4 posting here


    I hope I dont have to call him God too? Never mind Dear God?:(

  6. Where was I earlier when I searched for bandos guide..Never came to my mind to search for 'Godwars' lol. Friend got told by his other friend that Bandos uses magic as his attack, looks like mage anyway..Turns out range. Increased from 4 waves per trip (Yes, with mage pray on boss :D). Figured it out later anyway :D


    Anyway, thanks for the guide though! -might- use the armadyl and saradomin one.




    By the way, dont know if many knows this, I didnt till I checked at ages long Zamorak trip (Was like 28th wave when I found out), maybe add it to your guide:


    The altar CAN be used more than once per trip. I havent yet worked out how often though. It doesnt have trip limit, it doesnt have kill limit, it has time limit, I think like 5-8 minutes. Need to be tested, Ill check tomorrow:)

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